
Rebirth of A heartless empress

When everyone she loves is taken from her, her only will to survive is revenge but she can't even have that. Mocked and ridiculed by the man she once loved and a woman she thought was her sister. She paid for it with her heart, her life. But life isn't over yet and she lives a second life in the modern world. She is happy and has a real family that loves her and doesn't see her as a tool but she dies again. Now, she's back to where it all started, six months into her marriage and empress, she vows to destroy anyone who is a threat to her life or anyone she loves, starting with her husband. Watch Nectar as she defiantly tramples her enemies while living a double life as a beautiful drunkard. She doesn't believe in love that makes her vulnerable, so she loves but refuses to be loved, but when Luscious comes into the picture, he could break that resolve. See as she solves the mystery behind her death in the first life, makes money while eating and drinking with friends and protecting those she cares about all while not trying to fall in love with a persistent shameless king while somehow fighting a war between men and gods. DISCLAIMER : Original photo not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Though edit done by me. ( UPDATES on SUNDAYS, TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS )

Kik1_Yijaa · Fantasy
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201 Chs

Chapter 51 : I call this bad luck.

Nectar didn't go to her palace but instead rushed to the main hall. Liam would stay with Jewlica and open all their shopping.

Nectar walked briskly, sorting the papers in her hands. She needed this to go well and had even booked an appointment in advance. Yes she was empress, but sometimes only in name.

She'd decided to use mana stones as souvenirs for the alliance celebration. If things went the way she planned, she'd be millions richer.

Though it seemed unnecessary since she was the empress, she felt a lot better spending her money...when necessary and she wouldn't be empress for much longer.

Nectar was counting on them wanting to see her fail, she could easily get what she wanted without giving an explanation. Walking steadily into the huge building with its high vaulted ceilings and many large oak doors, she greeted the guards.

Nectar looked around, and frowned [ Don't tell me he left already ] when she heard a voice coming from the room at the end of the hall.

The door was slightly open to allow someone peep through and she used her weight to push it even more allowing her to come in. Holding her files to her chest, she tried to even her breathing " I'm so sorry Minister Sirod, I didn't mean to keep you waiting ".

When no one responded, she looked up and saw the room was empty and sighed " I can't believe I ran all the way here for nothing ". She needed workers and tools to mine and a permit all which the Minister of Labour was in charge of.

She was a bit surprised when a small side door opened and Eros walked out. He had on blue suit pants and a white silk dress shirt on. He'd rolled the sleeves half way, revealing his beautiful hands.

Nectar smiled nervously and bowed " Greetings to the emperor, first star in the dragon's domain " Eros silently acknowledged her greeting and she moved towards the door.

[ Sweet sweet freedom ] but Eros' voice stopped her as she reached for the handle [ Urgh...spoke to soon ] " What're you doing here "? Nectar rolled her eyes then turned around " Forgive my intrusion, I'll leave you be now ".

Then the door suddenly closed before she could escape. Smiling politely at Eros, she forced herself not to yell " Is there a problem your highness "? Eros shrugged, walking closer towards her making her gulp " I wanted to ask how you were doing after the ordeal earlier ".

Nectar blinked several times [ Liam was right, I need to lie down. I'm imagining things ] " Excuse me "!? Eros rubbed the back of his neck, leaning on the end of the long table and directly facing her " Well, it seems you're alright then ".

Nectar nodded slightly " Many thanks for my emperor's concern ". Eros looked her up and down, frowning slightly at the torn part of her dress " You didn't answer my first question, What are you doing here "?

Nectar laughed nervously, trying to pull the heavy door open [ Please open, I'll never kick another door open again, please ] But Eros suddenly slammed the door, trapping her between him and the door.

Nectar gulped, holding her papers tighter. Eros suddenly lifted her chin making her look up at him " You appear in front of me twice in one day, is that supposed to be a coincidence "?

Nectar frowned slightly " You're misunderstanding me your highness " [ Its just bad luck, very bad luck ] Eros smiled at her and it made her skin crawl " It's a shameless but effective method ".

Nectar felt like she was going to pop a vein and nearly didn't notice his face getting closer to hers, there was no where else to run to and she began to panic.

With one hand she face palmed him, trying to push his ever handsome face away from hers, " I repeat, you're misunderstanding me your highness. I actually came..."

Nectar didn't get to finish that sentence as Eros pulled her closer, other hand on her waist " Isn't this the result you wanted "? Nectar was dazed for a minute but she couldn't drop her papers.

She'd need to pick them up before she left and would drastically reduce escape time. Eros held her other hand securely against his chest as he pulled her closer [ I can't kill him, I don't want to die with him ]

His breath was already so close she wasn't sure which was hers and which was his. When her body reacted on its own and kneed him in the groin.

They stared at each other for five seconds before Eros fell over holding his crutch. Nectar gave herself a mental high five as she went on her knees beside him " I'm so sorry your majesty ".

Eros looked like he was in serious pain and Nectar hesitated slightly [ I almost feel sorry for you....almost ] and got back up, speaking in the most worried voice she could muster " I'll go get some help ".

Pulling the door open, she ran out leaving Eros on the floor [ Serves you right, how dare you touch me ] She saw Dodwen and Minister Sirod step into the main hall and felt her mouth twitch [ Why couldn't you be here sooner? ]

They met in the middle and Nectar spoke casually to Dodwen, pointing at the death trap she'd just escaped " His majesty said he needed you, immediately ".

Dodwen nodded and walked towards the room. She blocked Minister Sirod's path and smiled " We've got our own matters to attend to minister ". [ Eros sacrifice can't go in vain ]

Meanwhile, Dodwen was surprised when he saw Eros. He was barely standing as he leaned on the table. Dodwen's brows lifted in concern as he rushed to his side " What happened in here? I don't think it was assassins...was it "?

Eros spoke through clenched fists " Just fix it ". Dodwen nodded seriously and made a green fire - also known as Wastrum's light, it had healing properties believed to have been created by the sun goddess herself - and allowed it to move all over Eros till the pain subsided.

Dodwen continued his questioning as he looked around the hall for any sort of intrusion " What happened Eros "? Eros shrugged " I'd rather not say ". Dodwen then picked a piece of off white paper left behind by Nectar by mistake.

" Does it have anything to do with the empress "? Eros looked up at Dodwen " How did you know "? Dodwen pointed at the snowflake shaped seal at the end of the paper " It has her seal ".

Eros sighed " I'd still rather not talk about it ". Dodwen nodded " If you say so ". Eros raked his hand through his hair " I was just wondering what she was doing here and teased her a little ".

Dodwen nodded playfully " And then got your ass handed to you ". Eros glared at him and he instantly shut up.

Not too long after, he spoke again " She had an appointment with Minister Sirod but the man left in anger. Since I got here first, I managed to convince him to come back ".

Eros sighed as he got up, no longer in pain " Meeting her once in a day is enough, anything more than that is bad luck ". Dodwen didn't understand the comment but left with Eros all the same.

We've all being late for something one time or the other...some more than others but we all react differently.

Would you

A. Panic and not even go at all

B. Cry and blunder a bunch of excuses

C. Just be too cool to bother

D. You're never late so you don't understand our pain.

Let me know in the comment section.

Kik1_Yijaacreators' thoughts