
Rebirth of A heartless empress

When everyone she loves is taken from her, her only will to survive is revenge but she can't even have that. Mocked and ridiculed by the man she once loved and a woman she thought was her sister. She paid for it with her heart, her life. But life isn't over yet and she lives a second life in the modern world. She is happy and has a real family that loves her and doesn't see her as a tool but she dies again. Now, she's back to where it all started, six months into her marriage and empress, she vows to destroy anyone who is a threat to her life or anyone she loves, starting with her husband. Watch Nectar as she defiantly tramples her enemies while living a double life as a beautiful drunkard. She doesn't believe in love that makes her vulnerable, so she loves but refuses to be loved, but when Luscious comes into the picture, he could break that resolve. See as she solves the mystery behind her death in the first life, makes money while eating and drinking with friends and protecting those she cares about all while not trying to fall in love with a persistent shameless king while somehow fighting a war between men and gods. DISCLAIMER : Original photo not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Though edit done by me. ( UPDATES on SUNDAYS, TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS )

Kik1_Yijaa · Fantasy
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201 Chs

Chapter 157 : Fight for my lovely lotus.

Liam thought he saw Archie running around the room with the others but shook it off as he entered the master bedroom. He was surprised when he saw Bonsi and Axis and gave a slight bow, " Your lordship, your ladyship ".

Bonsi smiled, " No need for the formalities General Soul. We didn't mean to intrude though but Nectar seems very busy right now ". Liam sighed as he looked at her, " She gets like this in new places. That's why I never let her travel ".

Axis glanced at Nectar who was giving out another round of instructions, [ Definitely for the best ] Liam gave another slight bow, " Excuse me a moment ". Axis and Bonsi saw a big blue chest following behind him.

" You see the flying chest too "? Bonsi nodded, " And again, we're not insane ". Nectar didn't even let Liam speak as she touched it, " Finally, I almost thought we forgot this ".

Liam sighed as he took a step back. Fauna and Tera were dragging servants out of the way while they watched on, " What do you think they're doing "? Liam and Nectar closed their eyes as they held hands while snapping their fingers at the same time.

Bonsi tilted her head to the side, " Dancing "? But the chest exploded into a massive six by seven feet chest and Nectar immediately jumped on it, breaking the seal on it and it opened.

She laughed as she looked at Liam, " Now we can have some fun. I should ask the kids how they want their room to look though ". That was when Nectar saw the two and immediately jumped off, " Liam, why didn't you tell me I had guests "?

Liam clicked his tongue as he went on to do something else and she went their way, " Forgive the intrusion ". Nectar nodded, holding Bonsi's hands " No problem, I should be apologizing for letting you see that ".

She looked at Axis but he honestly felt like she was glaring at him for some reason when she pointed at him, " I have a bone to pick with you ". Axis found himself smiling, " Really? What could I have done to upset you "?

She put her hands on her hips, " You made my lovely lotus cry ". Bonsi suddenly turned slightly red as she covered Nectar's mouth from behind, " You were serious "!? Axis scratched his head lightly, " Who is the lovely lotus "?

Bonsi shook her head as she tried to drag Nectar away, " No one. Don't you have work to do Nectar "? She pulled down Bonsi's hand, " This adorable dummy of course ". Bonsi frowned slightly as she poked Nectar's cheek, letting her go " Your the dummy, definitely not me ".

Nectar took a step closer, scolding him " I don't know what's going on between you two but fix it. I'm not picking sides but I did say I was gonna teach you a lesson ". Axis raised an eyebrow, " And how exactly are you gonna do that "?

She kissed her knuckles and suddenly punched him in the gut. Though Axis could have easily blocked it, she'd caught him unaware and it did hurt. He saw her hand was frozen over like she was wearing a gauntlet.

" I thought you were gonna explode with lava or something so I covered my hand in ice ", she raised the hand and laughed, " False alarm I guess ". Axis laughed bitterly as he touched his stomach, " Nearly brought me to my knees ".

Nectar smiled innocently and turned to Bonsi, " You should make sure he's okay, I'll be right back ". Bonsi dragged a chair over and made him sit. She held his head in her hands and turned it left and right, " You're not in unbearable pain, are you "?

He shook his head and she she suddenly squatted, touching his stomach " Does that hurt? It looks like it did ". Axis shook his head and she jumped up again, leaning closer to his face " But your so red. Are you sure you're okay "? Axis blinked a few times and saw Nectar drawing imaginary hearts from the corner of his eye, [ Damn you ]

Nectar did a good job punching Axis.

We all have protective friends...or we could be those protective friends. If someone made your friends cry, how would you handle the situation? Let me know in the comment section.

Kik1_Yijaacreators' thoughts