
Rebirth: New Me

Yulia was the Empress of the Xing kingdom. She did everything within her power to help her husband the Emperor succeed in ruling his kingdom. However, he betrayed her! Both her and her son died from this betrayal. While she died, her soul was transported into another world and she was finally reborn again. With this new Life, she will live it to the fullest and gain the freedom she never enjoyed. She will put behind her past life and learn from her mistakes while creating a new path for herself. ---------------------------- Disclaimer- not my photo Hey everyone, this is the author and thanks for reading!! This is my first time writing a wuxia novel. Your comments and reviews are greatly appreciated. Sorry for any grammar errors. I usually review the chapters before posting them but mistakes can happen. I will be writing and posting whenever I have time. Chapters may not be uploaded weekly as I work and have school.

vangb123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

A Familiar Person

After Yulin finished her food and wine she paid and exited the restaurant.

It had been a long day for her. She needed to get back home and get some rest. She was also going to brush up on some books if she was going to do that mission.

She needed practice in the arts of healing and if she gets paid for it too then it's definitely great.

This would be a great skill to have.

As Yulin walked out of the restaurant she bumped into a man standing a few steps away from the restaurant.

Of course she didn't even notice he was there as she was in her own thoughts thinking about future plans.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there."

She quickly replied and walked on. She didn't even spare a moment to look at whom she bumped into.

As she was about to walk away, the person grabbed onto her arm.

She was surprised and looked back. "Sir, I said I'm sorry. You don't have to pull on my arm."

As she said that, she looked at the person and saw that his face was covered with a mask.

'Geez. Such luck I have. To meet someone with their face covered like me. Could it be that they're as handsome on the inside? Hehe. Or maybe not since his face is covered. But he does have a nice aura.'

'This person also seems familiar. Hmm.'

As this thought went through her mind, she looked at his eyes.


Of course, this was the same person that was staring at her when she was stargazing up in the restaurant. But he had put on a mask because his servant kept reminding him to not attract any attention.

He had wanted to confirm his suspicions. As this person with the veil reminded him of a certain someone that invaded his space and even dared touch him while he was inside the forest.

After hearing her talk, he confirmed those suspicions. A smile appeared under his mask.

"Release my arm. I'm quite a nice person so I won't charge you for touching me. I also have already apologized for bumping into you."

He was certainly irritated at her words! 'Charge me for touching you? Then should I charge you for touching me as well?'

This left him at loss for words. That was his first time hearing someone talk like this. But there was an air about her that made her words less annoying to him.

More so, he found her interesting.

While this was going on, a certain servant was staring off at a distance. 'Hmm. Such intimacy master would have with a person he doesn't even know. Master is probably interested in her.'

"Since that's the case, should I make you pay me for bumping into me?" He responded.

Clears throat***

"Well I did apologize, let's not make this more difficult than it is alright? How about this? I'll treat you to a meal next time?" Yulin was perplexed.

'How could this person even think of using my words against me? Such an unreasonable person.'

If he was to hear her thoughts, he would definitely rebuke!

"I am not such an unreasonable person. So let's do this, hold onto this item for me until we see each other next time."

He quickly put something onto the palm of her hand and before she could say no, he turned and walked away.

After she came to her senses he had walked a distance away from her already and she didn't want to be chasing after him.

She stared as he walked off and under the night sky. However, she saw that something was off. There was some kind of black air seeping out of his left arm.

She didn't notice it earlier because she was too busy and in her own thoughts. Now looking at that person walking away she could tell he is probably stronger than her but he seems like he was poisoned by something.

With what she had read, only a certain poison would do that and that poison eats away at the person that comes into contact with it.

'Well next time, I'll help look at it out of courtesy for him. That poison also seems to be contained, which means it would not spread out.'

She put away the item inside her space without looking at it and walked away. It was getting a little late because of that incident.

She probably shouldn't stay out any later.


As Yulin got back to the residence, she entered her room and asked her maid to let her parents know that she's back. Also, that she will be turning in for the night and not to bother her.

It had been a long day and Yulin needed some rest.

However, she was going to do something before she goes to bed.

'Let me plant the herbs first before I forget.'

She went inside the space and immediately planted all the herbs she had bought at the shop. She was going to need these herbs for later when she makes elixirs so she had to plant them by tonight before she forgets.

After planting all the herbs she checked up on Phi Phi and saw that he was still in a meditative state so she left him alone and left the space.


'Finally get some good night rest.'

Yulin climbed onto bed and fell asleep.