
20 * Bonus Chapter *

Alex was ready to take a stand, expecting them to rush in any second. He didn't have a weapon; however, he would be able to use magic to help. Although he didn't have many spells, even after a minute, no one rushed them. Alex wasn't going to question it and motioned for the guard to open the door. Once the door was open, Alex quickly went to the middle of the hallway and chanted his spell, "Stop." He had paused all the mana in the hallway, effectively cutting the connection to the item suppressing everyone. Alex then shouted,

"If you can hear me, break out of your bindings! I've disrupted the connection to the thing suppressing you! I don't know how long it will last, so make every second count!"

A silence then formed for a couple of seconds until the sounds of chains breaking and cheers echoed through the corridors. Alex smiled; they would finally be able to leave this place.

People were rushing out of their cells, breaking down walls, and destroying everything in their sight. That's when a middle-aged man walked up to him and smiled. He put out his hand and said,

"I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Demin, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Hello, I'm Lucifer. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Alex and Demin shook hands and then focused their attention on their surroundings. They saw that while some places were completely destroyed, like the walls, the floor and roof were completely fine. Alex looked at the guard and asked,

"How do we get out of here?"

"There's a hatch we use to leave, however, it can only be unlocked from the outside."

"Hmm, does anyone have a skill to get us out of here?"

"I don't."

"Me neither."

"What type of lock is it?"

"We're told it's a physical lock that needs a mana signature from authorized people."

"I can deal with the physical part of it, however, I can't do anything about the mana signature."

"I could try something, however, I don't know if it will work."

"You got something, Lucifer?"

"Yeah, I'll use the same spell I used to cut the connection of mana to the suppression device."

"Oh, that's was you, young man? I must thank you then."

"Yes, thanks."

"Thank you, child."

The prisoners were thanking Alex. If anyone saw this scene, they would be shocked. People from macho men, petite women, elderly men, and people in the prime of their lives. They were all thanking the youngest and weakest person there. He simply smiled at them and nodded. He looked at the person who had a skill to help them in this situation.

"Guard, take us to the hatch."

"Alright, it's this way."

The group of people walked down the corridor, and at the end was a little staircase that led to the hatch. Alex and the person from before went to the hatch and began the unlocking process. The other person started unlocking the physical portion of the lock. After 30 minutes, he was done. Alex walked up and chanted his spell "Stop," hoping it would override the supply of mana, making the mana signature obsolete. He was right, as a few seconds later, the hatch unlocked and they were able to escape.

Behind the hatch was the first floor of the library. The library was hidden inside the overseer's office. The library always had someone there to make sure nothing was stolen or destroyed. This person was called the overseer; of course, he was inside his office. Unfortunately for the prisoners, they were unable to do anything to him. The reason no one was coming to retain them was that they were busy with something else.

"Halt! Who are you people! Where did you come from!?"

"Wait! We're not with them!"

At that moment, people in white clothes with golden linings were arresting the people inside the office. This was going on in multiple locations, including the palace. To understand what had happened, we would need to back up a little bit. An hour before Alex had started his jailbreaking plan, Blossom had already turned in the journal to the Church of Light.

Blossom had received a system message after she gave the journal to the Church of Light.


Difficulty: Uncommon

You have been asked to find something important. Now you have to make a decision: Do you comply with that person's request and give the journal to the Church of Light? Or do you betray that person and give the journal to the Crown?

Rewards: Depends on the choice]

[ You have completed the Quest on the Church of Light route ]

[ You've received 3 gold coins, 200 reputation points with the Church of Light, received Title: Friend of the Church of Light. ]

[ Friend of the Church of Light

Rank: Iron

Effects: Allows the user to shop inside the Church of Light's shop without the needed reputation requirements. Also gives the user a 5% discount. ]

Blossom looked in shock at the notification; she got all this just from an uncommon quest. She also only got this quest because of Alex, and she was expecting another 20 gold coins from him. Blossom smiled; she would be gaining a lot from this little deal she made. All she had to do was wait for the 20 gold coins from Alex. Now that was done, she could go and continue clearing dungeons.

Now back to Alex, they were being handcuffed and taken with the people in black clothes to the Church of Light. The other people with Alex were pissed; they had just escaped a prison, and now they were going to another prison. Alex wasn't too worried, as he could always ask Blossom to vouch for them. That's when a system notification appeared in front of Alex.

[Time dilation for User Lucifer has been returned to 1:2]

They were all taken to a large room where they were asked about their information about what they had found out about the Crown. Some had talked about their dealings with a Devil, some talked about their relationship with cults and illegal organizations. While the worst one was the last one told. It was told by a blind woman; she had gray hair and a black blindfold on. She was smiling, even after all that had happened. That's when she began to talk with a soft voice,

"I'm Sabrana. I know their darkest secret they have kept hidden."

"Wait!? Sabrana!? As in like the Saint Sabrana!?"

"That is correct, young paladin. As I was saying, I stumbled upon their dark plans with the Devil Andras. They plan on sowing discord with the following nations and causing a continental war. While I don't know if more Devils are involved, I heard they had plans on killing a deity. That was all I was able to uncover before I was taken."

"They plan on killing a deity!? Are they mad!? Do they not know the consequences!?"

"I'm not sure; however, I need you to stop them. Immediately."

"I understand, Saint."

The paladins immediately left the room. They were just given a mission by their Saint. At the moment the other people inside looked at the blind woman in shock. Someone with that high of a status had been near them for this long, and yet they never knew. Sabrana smiled and looked at Alex. She then talked to him softly,

"Thank you, child, for your help. If you need the Church of Light's help, just ask. We owe you at least this much."

Alex smiled and knelt. Kneeling when talking to someone of such a high position was basic etiquette.

"I'm honored, Saint."

"Hehe, Sabrana is just fine, child. Also, you don't have to kneel in front of me, stand up tall and proud of your accomplishments."

Sabrana had put her hand onto his head, brushing it, like how a mother would to her child. The other people inside the room were mesmerized by the scene in front of them. That's when a faint golden glow enveloped both Sabrana and Alex, perfecting this scene even more. That's when Alex had received a few system notifications.

[The Crown's Secret

Difficulty: Legendary

Intentional or not, you've stumbled upon a secret so large it could affect the entire kingdom. It could even affect the surrounding kingdoms, depending on what you uncover. Either join in protecting the secrets of the Crown or join in exposing them.

Rewards: ???

Penalty: Loss of all levels, permanent 50% attribute loss, loss of all reputation, and loss of all titles.

Time Limit: 72 days]

[You have cleared the hidden condition: Church Involvement]

[You have cleared the extra condition: Survivors]

[You have cleared the hidden condition: Full Exposure]

[Rewards have been dramatically increased.]





Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter as I work tirelessly to repay my debt.

Also I won't be able to upload on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday because of work.

That's all from me, have a good rest of your day or night!

If you like this book so far you should check out my other work, A Last Wish!