
Rebirth : Naruto's World With Helper System

Xazch who feel rejected by world feeling dejected because no one want to be near him, all of them seeing him with disgust or fear since they know all unfortunate event will happened to everyone who's close to him. He didn't know about the real reason why all people did that to him since he didn't remember much his memories when he's child until he's teen. So after thinking his life is really unlucky and dull, he's walking around the park, when he's standing beside the tree while seeing people with envy. There's bunch of children which doing some seal with their hand while shouting something like bla...bla... Jutsu. Then with his curiousity winning over his indifference feeling to life, he ask them from afar while telling them to answer from there since he didn't want their parent scolding them because being close to him. After their answer given, he know there's existence like anime with video format which unlike pleasure video which he currently have within laptop. With that he is going to home with rush, then turning his laptop on just to find Naruto Anime. After that he's downloading all video which available then he watch the finished downloaded video while waiting for the rest of video downloaded. While he just watch Naruto animation for research’s sake, he finds it's good to spend his time but the world say otherwise. After he's killed by meteor which Earth guardian sent to erase his existence since his pendant which always steal the world energy around him. He's reborn into the world which he know since the anime he watch is about that current world which he born to. With restless mind knowing this world is in chaos for a month, then suddenly *Ding soul binding has been finished! *Ding initializing the Helper system! *Processing data! 0%.... 10% ..... 50% ... 80% ..... 100%! *Installing Helper's feature, applying data & saving data. ========================= Author's Note : • Since Webnovel APK has writing novel feature added, I can update whenever from phone. ========================= Update Schedule : • 3 Chapter Weekly - Maximum ========================= The chapter will vary from 1000 – 1500 word. ========================= Disclaimer : All character except those that didn't appear on author work is not mine. No infringement of these copyrights is intended, and is not authorized by the copyright holder. All original characters are the property of Masashi Kishimoto the Author of Naruto's series and manga.

Morvian · Others
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49 Chs

Arc II - Chapter 03 : Yonezawa Sen's Revenge!

I'm Yonezawa Sen, Currently I'm on my way to exterminate the one who's responsible for my clan's massacre.

Thanks to my master, now I'm currently strong enough to do my duty as a child which is revenge.

If not for the hatred, maybe I already died before my master arrive in bandit's den but thankfully I'm not.

The location of my target is halfway into Kumo Village, I heard Raikage is strong man but I doubt he could beat my master if he use his full strength.

Although I know it's impossible to check since my master seem to be unambitious person, I don't know why he's like that but since he's my master so I didn't think too much about it.

Now I'm here at the border of Raizel Kingdom, my memories is full of sweet moment but its ended with bitter since here's also the place where's my clan massacred.

Suddenly I felt my cheek is wet, here's I thought my tears is dry already but it seem the sweet memories here still fresh in my mind.

Since I'm not that crazy, I'll only kill the culprit with his clan without including other which is innocent unless they beg to die.


Using my phantom doppelganger, I've investigated my target and his clan position.

Specially for tonight I'm borrowing many special tool especially which has function to detect similar bloodline for blood of target which I use to track, with it I'm sure no one will be left alive within his clan.

I don't care if they call me slaughterer or not, since I'm only 8 year this year so it's not strange for me to kill every children there.

Although it's like that, my master telling me to use his other tool to capture children and any baby which should be innocent so he will choose what to do with them.

Even though I think it's better to kill them, but since my master told to me to do that then there's nothing I can do.


Within Doruma Clan in Raizel Kingdom.

In Clan Head bedroom, there's sound of moaning from pleasure while sometimes there's wet sounds.



While there's activity within some of room which has similar sound, there's no one who realize there's someone in the roof of building of the most center within the clan.

"There's strange sounds, really this clan is really strange huh? even the sound of their sleep is strange, maybe even in hell they will bring this uniqueness? well whatever, I only need to kill them with my own hands but before that I should use this trap card which my master give me" He tilt his head with puzzled expression after hearing the strange sound while murmuring something about it.

Then he closed his fist which hold the card, without hesitation he crushed it since it was the activating method.

*Crunch (Clenching the card to destroy it)

[Activate Trap Card - Target Raizel Kingdom]

[Commencing Activation - Trap Card Type]

[Silent Barrier]

[Trap Card Successfully Activated! From now on nothing can escape from inside]

[Sounds from the trapped area will be silenced, Countdown starting]

[29 : 58]

[29 : 57]


"Alright with this my preparation is finished, now I'm going to unleash my full Phantom army" He form the seal with his hand which is the basic key of his ability.

(Since there's more advanced way like no seal hand)


{Author Note : for the scene you could imagine when Shikamaru using his seal hand to summon shadow like this image http://www.micromania.fr/statuette-tsume-shikamaru-xtra-66009.html only the difference is the shadow is formed into humanoid form}

{Sen image which I think its close to his face is https://www.deviantart.com/duskoy/art/Tomoya-Okazaki-167893804 }

{But his eyes color is deep black while his hair mixed black and gray colored since the stress from his hatred is influencing the hair to be like that, His expression always cold stiff and serious}











Almost 100 Phantom humanoid he's summoned at once while his face changed into unhealthy pale, but since he didn't need to control them manually its not influencing the Phantom army's existence.

"One of you take this Pink Pagoda to capture every woman into it, since the time limit is too little I will capture them for now before killing them slowly later!" Said Sen to his Phantom army, then one of them nodded his head before taking pink colored pagoda which in Sen's hand before going to do his task.

"One of you take this Black Pagoda to capture every man into it, then another one take this Blue Pagoda to capture every children into it and lastly the rest of you use this storage ring to take their wealth wether from its warehouse within this area or their shop within capital but do it silently since I don't want to lost my master ring" Sen giving the series of order without nonstop to his Phantom Army.

Before they go to do their task, Sen suddenly saying something like he's remembering something "Ah by the way, you all should dismantle the building too! maybe my master will be pleased with it, or we can use it in our headquarter, yeah do that! hehe I'm genius!" after that all of his Phantom Army hurrying to do their task without delay while leaving Sen laughing eerily alone there.

"Hehehehehehe.... Hehehehehehe... cough..cough... Dark Nimbus!!" realizing no one listening his laughing, he remember his current body is weak so he's summoned Dark thing which has form of cloud.

"This thing is really suit me best, master give me this thing when he heard me going to here! from now on I'll do everything for him even though my death is the price for it" Smiling with warmth expression while caressing the dark cloud in front of him, he's murmured with determination in his eyes.


In Clan Head bedroom, there's still sound of moaning from pleasure while sometimes there's wet sounds which Sen call strange sound.



Suddenly behind the man which is the Head of Doruma Clan there's Phantom appeared without him noticing, before the man turn his head around he's gone from there since his body transformed into light which is absorbed by Pagoda which Phantom hold.

Seeing her partner is gone like that, the woman which is currently naked with her leg on M position going to scream while closing her leg but before she do that her body also changed into light then absorbed by Phantom which appeared behind her silently.

Everywhere within Doruma Clan, this scene is repeated within every room and any hidden room which exist within Doruma Clan.

While everyone within the clan gone after another, the strange sight happened to their building which is shrinking with fast speed and the content within the building also gone without trace.

Before the countdown finished, the Clan which is vast and have so many grand and huge building changed into barren land which has hole everywhere that marked there's hidden room in underground which also gone.

The same scene happened within Raizel Kingdom, every shop which Doruma Clan posses silently disappeared without trace and tonight is fated that Raizel Kingdom become restless for a long time ahead.

Meanwhile above the Raizel Kingdom, there's a boy sitting on Dark Cloud relaxing while waiting for his Phantom finished their job.

After long time before the countdown, all Phantom which he released is back in his location.

Seeing their task has been finished, he form some seal with his hand to absorb them and their holding before dashing out from the Raizel Kindom before its too late.


{Author Note : So finally Little Sen's grudge is finished? Well, yeah that was Dark Flying Nimbus from DBZ! I think its suite with his ability which is Darkness Element!~}

{Author Note 2 : As for his ability he got from Tower / Pagoda within Paradise Realm is something like Dark Knight but its into more summoning, since the tower will give the people which entering the ability which is suited to the ability owner.}

Sen is kind of reckless and blinded with revenge, so the tower give him something which he didn't need to fight in frontline, but of course he can fight in frontline if he want since his summon is there to help him.

All phantom skill he got based on something I have within my imagination, example like Phantom Step and Phantom Doppelganger.


Kind of sorry about no exciting scene, since it would make me dizzy to write about 20 or more doppelganger battle scene =_=


1/3 this week

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