
Rebirth: Martial Hero

God Level player Lin Yi was transported into a game. There are many familiar sects ——– Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, QuanZhen, Mount Hua, Mount Song, Mount Heng, Mount Heng, Mount Tai, Peach Blossom Island, Sun Moon Polytheism, QingCheng…. There are many Legendary Martial Art ——– Nine Yang manual, Nine Yin manual, The Passage of Time, Six Meridian Divine Sword, Riding the waves with small steps, Taiji, Subduing Dragon 18 Palms, Yi Jin Jing, Tendon-Altering Sutra, BeiMing Manual, Eight wild Six fit i alone honour, DuGu Nine Sword, SunFlower Manual…. At a time when the court is weak, Martial World in disorder In order to protect own cherished thing — Lin Yi entered the stage 游戏具现:我的仙帝身份被曝光了 This is gradual growth of juvenile in disorderly Martial world, in the end become generations of giants, Martial arts don’t die, rise from the ashes!

Snoring_RedPanda · Action
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12 Chs

I am coming to the rivers and lakes

"Yi Er, you told the uncle, when did you practice martial arts? Why didn't I find out?" The two men walked out of the black wind village, behind the black wind village in a raging fire, Lin Zhihu looked curious.

"I didn't practice martial arts!" Lin Yi's tone was dull.

"Without practicing martial arts, how can you escape? And almost killed everyone in the Black Wind Village?" Lin Zhihu looked unbelievable.

"Do you have to practice martial arts when killing people?"

Under the light of the fire, the young boy's eyes were sharp and his words were full of chill.


Listening to the words of the young man, Lin Zhihu squinted at his eyes, and he was speechless. He said that he was more like a river and lake than his own.

Lin Yi-face went home without expression, Lin Zhihu quickly kept up, and both of them had their own minds, and there was nothing to say.


"Oh, you are finally back, you want to die for your mother!"

In the middle of the night, Lin's house, a crying cry in the main hall, was shocked by the entire house.

The dog bark, the people rushing to run, so that the Lin family house in the middle of the night seems to be vivid.

Although he was awakened to work in the middle of the night, there was no dissatisfaction on the faces of the people, but he was full of joy.

Because the young master who was kidnapped by the bandits came back!

The sound of the heartbreaking voice just now, although somewhat tragic, revealed a joy. This is the voice of the big lady, is this great lady, is it happy?

People think in their hearts, and they are more active in their work. The big lady is happy. When they see that they are so diligent, they will definitely have a reward.

In the main hall, the lights are bright, and everyone's face is illuminated under the candlelight. All people's faces reveal a happy color.

A woman in her thirties is full of mature women's taste. At this moment, she is full of faces, and her pears are raining. She holds the juvenile in her arms and can't wait for the teenager to never leave her arms.

This woman is the mother of Lin Jiada, Lin Yi's mother.

The young boy who was being held was Lin Yi who had just returned from Lin Zhihu from the Black Wind Village.

At this moment, his heart is full of embarrassment, and even some are at a loss.

Although this woman is his mother in the memory of the teenager, Lin Yi is passing through, and there are some contradictions in her heart.

"Oh, after this time, don't leave your mother. You don't know, these days when you are kidnapped, the mother can't eat, can't sleep!" The mother released Lin Yi, hands on the shoulders of the teenager, wiped Tears on the face.

"Yes, Yi Er! Your mother said yes, learn this lesson, don't run around in the future. Now this world is not stable!" Father Lin Zhilong nodded in agreement.

Turning his head to look at Lin Zhihu: "Second brother, this time thanks to you, will save the child back! The family does not say two words, the second brother you run out all the year round, the cost is very large, how much money you lack Although I am looking for a big brother!"

"Big Brother!" Lin Zhihu was a little red-faced, waving his hand to explain: "Yi is his own..."

I haven't finished talking yet, but I saw Lin Yi trying to wink his eyes and shake his head. Lin Zhihu quickly closed his mouth and would have to speak out and swallow it.

"Second brother, you don't want to quit. Without you, my family can come back from the armpit?" Lin Zhilong patted Lin Zhihu's shoulder and looked a face: "Just say it, tomorrow morning, I Just ask the account to take three thousand and two silver for you to use!"

Lin Zhihu's complexion is red, and he can't swear, nodding his head.

Lin Zhilong was in a good mood and reached out and pulled Linmu over. He said, "Okay, it's not too late. Yi Er and the second brother are tired. If there is anything, you will talk to Yi Er tomorrow, give them breakfast soon. Going to rest, the second brother left the e-branch for the sake of Yi Er, and rushed in. Tomorrow, catch up early, but also rush to the Escort!"

Lin Mu nodded silently and was reluctant.

It is about to be scattered.

"Hey, mother! The baby has something to say!"

Lin Yi suddenly called Lin Zhilong and his wife, and said with a positive look: "Through this kidnapping, I deeply understand the importance of martial arts. I am going to martial arts!"

This decision, Lin Yi left the black wind village back to the Lin family house on the road to think about it, the era of rivers and lakes chaos is about to come, time is very urgent, he must enter the martial art as soon as possible, get a higher level of practice, improve The strength, in the era of the war of rivers and lakes, has the power of self-protection.

"Xiwu? You want to practice martial arts. This is good. I will go to find a few martial artists to teach you tomorrow!" Lin Zhilong nodded and agreed.

Lin Yi shook his head: "Hey, you will be wrong with me. I have to leave home and go to the door to send martial arts!"

"What? You have to leave home? No, you can't go!" Lin mother screamed and screamed and stopped.

"Noisy!" Lin Zhilong's face was a bit angry, "Is it so easy to practice Wu? You have been spoiled from childhood, how can you suffer that?"

"Hey, mother! I have completely prepared for the hardships. I believe that I can eat hard!" Lin Yi's attitude is very firm: "And this world, ordinary people without martial arts, have no self-protection. If you are not pleasing to the eye, you will be killed by a passing river and lake. All the bandits will come to the door! I am martial, not only for myself, but also for our Lin family! Only martial arts, no one dares to find us. The troubles of the family will not happen to the bandits kidnapping for blackmail! Otherwise, those thieves will repel a wave and will have another wave!"

"Xiwu is to make it happen once and for all, so that everyone can not offend my forest home!"

The words of the youngsters were powerful and full of appeal, and the two Linzhilong couples were full of resonance.

I have just experienced an incident of bandit kidnapping. With his family's wealth, I can't think of any countermeasures! If there is not the second brother Lin Zhihu, the Jianghu people will come out, I am afraid that they will be slaughtered by those bandits!

And can the bandits be fed? Once I come, I will come to the second time. Once this mouth is opened, the Lin family will never have a day, and the family will be destroyed!

"What do you think of the second brother?" Lin Zhilong is not familiar with the things of Jianghu people. He can only ask Lin Zhihu, the opinion of the Jianghu people.

"I quite agree with Yi Er to find a big school martial arts, Yi children talent is smart, is a good material for practicing martial arts, if you practice martial arts, there will be great achievements in the future!" Lin Zhihu paused: "And, now this world, I am older than Big Brother. You know more. I have been running darts all the year round. Nowadays, many places outside are not too flat. The thieves are so crowded that they are as big as a cow, and the government can't control it. Ordinary people simply have no days to live!"

"And in the eyes of the people in the rivers and lakes, ordinary people are like grass and mustard, and they are arbitrarily killed. I have seen many people fighting in the rivers and lakes, taking the ordinary people to anger! The family members who were killed simply could not find a local complaint!"

Lin Zhilong nodded and silenced for a moment and asked: "When you see, where should Yi Shi go to practice Wu?"

Lin Zhihu thought for a moment and replied: "That goes to Huashan! Huashan is my Shaanxi big school, and it is also one of the Wuyue swords. It has a great reputation on the rivers and lakes. Huashan's martial arts are profound and profound, and its swordsmanship is even more Ming Zhenjiang Lake! Yi Er to Huashan will definitely be able to learn a good job! Moreover, the Dragon Gate Escort I am in is behind the Huashan School, and the Longmen Escort business is much bigger. Do you know this big brother?"

"Of course I know the Dragon Gate Escort! One of the best darts in the world, the first big dart in Shaanxi, the power is strong!" Lin Zhilong said.

"And the Longmen Escort is just a branch of the Huashan School. Under the Huashan School, there are dozens of branches like the Dragon Gate Escort. The other smaller branches are even more numerous! The strength of Huashan is strong, you Do you know? As long as Yi Er can enter Huashan and become a disciple of Huashan, my Lin family will definitely rise, and then it will not shrink in this small place in Yucheng, but also have greater development!" Lin Zhihu painted a A big cake attracted Lin Zhihu's decision.

I don't know why, when I think of that one person and one arrow, I will almost kill all the bandits in the Black Wind Village. Afterwards, I will say a little: killing people does not need martial arts.

Lin Zhihu has a kind of hunch in his heart. This boy is born in the rivers and lakes, his world is the rivers and lakes! He even hopes that this teenager can take a step.

So much so that he did not say how difficult it is to enter Huashan, and how hard it is to become a true Huashan disciple!

"That said, sending Yi to go to Huashan martial arts, not only is he a promising future, but after learning, is there a future for my Lin family?" Lin Zhilong has a little heart, Lin's development in Yucheng almost reached the bottleneck, He is very much expecting that Lin family can walk out of Yucheng and have a place in the rivers and lakes.

"This is for sure!" Lin Zhihu smiled, his face showing a hint of envy, sighed: "Huashan disciple, how dazzling identity!"

"Okay, it is so decided, send Yi Er to Huashan Xiwu!" Lin Zhilong decided decisively.

"Yes, the Huashan School will hold a new disciple after seven days. As early as tomorrow, Yi Er will start with me!" Lin Zhihu also nodded very simply, and even ignored the matter of the Escort.

Finally agreed to martial arts, Lin Yi is also very happy, in this case, he does not have to make an extreme decision to run away from home. Although there are not many feelings with the Lin Zhilong couple, they do not want to make them sad.

Decided to start early tomorrow, Lin Yi and Lin Zhihu quickly left the main hall and went to sleep in the room. Both of them were tired today.

"When I am a master, do we really want to go to Huashan Xiwu?"

When the two left, Lin Mu pulled the hand of La Lin Zhilong and looked worried.

"Of course!" Lin Zhilong nodded.

"But I am not willing to give up, martial arts is so bitter, I am afraid that Yier will suffer, in Huashan, he is full, sleep warm? Sick, injured..." Lin mother tears in I wandered in my eyes and choked.

"Don't make trouble, the children are big, they will always leave us!" Lin Zhilong replied, but the old eyes were brewing with turbid tears.

He also can't bear his children, this is his only child!


Lin Mu gave up the rebellion, and Lin Zhilong decided that she could not stop it and could only cry and express her attitude.

The second day of the morning.

Lin Yi and Lin Zhihu both carried big parcels, each holding a horse and bidding farewell to Lin Zhilong and his wife.

"Yi, you have to go to martial arts, just go, don't stop you for the mother. If you can't stand the kind of suffering in Huashan, you will come back, and the mother will wait for you at home!" Lin Mu tried to keep herself from crying. But the tears still swirled in the eyes, and they did not live up to expectations.

"Mother, you can rest assured! I am martial arts for us to live better in the future!" Looking at the feelings of Lin Muzhen, Lin Yi's heart was touched, gentle comfort. In my heart, I silently added: "Better living..."

"Go, big brother, you can rest assured, I will take care of Yi Er on the road!" Lin Zhihu rode on the horse, beckoning.

Lin Yi stepped on the stables, skillfully got on the horse, and a pair of horse-riding veterans.

system hint:

Riding: Mastery

Riding on the familiar horse back, feeling the familiar feeling, Lin Yi's chest is burning, boiling.

Fresh clothes raging horses and rivers!

Rivers and lakes, I am coming!


Two big horses rushed out of Linzhuang, galloping on the avenue, rushing to the horse, the sun shining on the back of the boy, the golden light!

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