
Rebirth: Love me Again

I once believed I was the heroine of a modern fairytale, blessed with beauty, wealth, intelligence, and a powerful legacy. Men adored me, women envied me, and I was engaged to the most desirable man, Cole Fay. My life seemed perfect, a dream where I held the starring role. But on my eighteenth birthday, that illusion crumbled. The truth hit me hard: I wasn't the protagonist, nor even the villain or a side character. I was just cannon fodder, a disposable part of someone else's story. But when fate recognized the cruel joke of my life, I was granted a second chance. This time, I'll write my own story, living for myself. And this time . . . I will never love you again.

MiuNovels · Urban
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44 Chs

Shattered Facades      

Sophie's face flushed with panic, her voice trembling as she spoke. "I-I mean, it's the most important part of the event. You can't just cancel it! Lady Sophia would never allow it."


Her desperation was palpable. It wasn't about tradition or etiquette; it was about her own dreams.


Sophie had been waiting for this moment, anticipating the chance to stand in the spotlight with Cole Fay — the most handsome, eligible bachelor in the entire world.


She wanted this dance, this perfect fairy tale, more than anything.


But me? I couldn't care less about that dream anymore.


That life—that person—was gone.






I'd texted Michael Blair earlier, asking him to call me, saying that it was an urgent matter, and now, as my phone buzzed in my hand, I couldn't have been more relieved.