

In the kingdom, Yan Zhen had an unrequited love for Gu Zhichuan, celebrated as the hero of the realm. To make her unreciprocated love seem true, she spread rumors of their love, which led to her being kidnapped. Gu Zhichuan, preoccupied with his duty to the kingdom, refused to rescue her. yet in the amist of the scene the one who came to rescue was none other than the villain of the kingdom who was known as a "Devil" then the Kidnappers used this opportunity to force "the devil- Shin-Se-Gi" to kill himself in exchange for her release she saw him slowly dying in front of her where his limbs where broken by the kidnappers and then a last blow to his head as he died slowly while his eyes were open and her reflection was the last thing in his eyes and then she was stabbed in the back and she crawled near him held him and then lit herself and while being burnt alive she shouted that she would never leave them and will come back for revenge now that she is reborn what will she choose to do for her loved one .

Rinky_laya · History
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9 Chs

ch-1 "when hero choses the world and villain chooses you."

At the outskirts of pyeonghwa kingdom lay a foreboding place where prisoners were held, a location that struck fear into the hearts of all who knew of it .It was a notorious site that earned the chilling moniker of the name as "Death palace". within these grim confines, it was common knowledge that once one set foot inside, the chances of ever returning were exceedingly slim. In the shadowy corners of this dreadful place, a woman knelt on the ground where her hands and legs were tied with a heavy metal chain as they don't even want to give her a single hope that she could escape from here alive .she then understood that she was surrounded by a group with their laughter and casual conversations filled the air, punctuated by the ominous presence of the gloomy surroundings. The woman found herself in an unnerving situation, where she could distinctly hear the muffled voices of the people surrounding her. Their conversation revolved around her as an easy target, discussing their scheme to use her as a bait to draw her boyfriend into their sinister plan for revenge. The words weighed heavily on her as she listened, and a growing sense of dread slowly tightened its grip on her .

Her heart raced, beating a frantic rythm as she sensed the imminent danger that now enveloped her .While the intricate details of their vengeful plot remained somewhat elusive to her, she made the conscious choice to remain silent and observant. Then, in a sudden and ominous turn of events, one of the men reached out and lifted her face mask, exposing her features. her face was a portrait of tension, with sweat glistening on her skin. Her once meticulously arranged hair was now a disheveled mess, presenting a pitiful and distressing sight for all to witness.

She awoke to a harsh reality, her eyelids slowly parting to reveal a world she had been removed from for what felt like an eternity. The intense, blinding light that greeted her made her instinctively squeeze her eyes shut once more, as they had grown accustomed to the comforting darkness. With a deep breath, she attempted to adjust to the searing brightness that flooded her senses, the initial discomfort gradually giving way to a clearer view of her surroundings.

In front of her stood a man, his presence ominous as he had been the one to remove the mask that had shrouded her identity. His appearance spoke of authority, but also of intrigue.

As her eyes roved further, she took in a peculiar sight. At a distance of approximately five meters, another man was seated in a chair. He was of shorter stature and carried some extra weight around his midsection, displaying a rotund belly. Around his neck hung three glimmering gold chains, and he was occupied with chewing on a paan , lending a distinct character to his demeanor.

What truly struck her, however, was the gathering behind him. At least ten other individuals loomed in the background, their features mostly obscured by the harsh light, adding to the unsettling atmosphere of the place. These figures appeared to be a part of the man's entourage, and their presence only deepened the sense of foreboding.

But there was more. A separate group of individuals was busily sharpening an array of menacing weapons, their faces determined, and their preparations unmistakably menacing. Among their arsenal were knives, axes, and various rods, each with a wicked purpose in mind.

With a sense of growing apprehension, she turned her attention back to the man who was sitting before her, her expression etched with a bewildered confusion. This was her first encounter with him, and she had no inkling of his identity or his intentions. She watched as the man before her slowly parted his lips, and his voice, laced with a sense of authority, filled the air. "We've called your boyfriend here," he declared. "We want to witness whether he'll come to your rescue. We've heard the rumors that the two of you are deeply in love."

Yet, in the depths of her heart, she alone knew the bitter truth. Their love had always been one-sided, a cruel mirage she had clung to with unwavering devotion. If this sinister trap had been set in hopes of drawing him in, the conspirators were gravely mistaken. For he, the object of her unrequited affection, was a man who had long since turned his back on her, unmoved by her suffering. Even in the face of her potential demise, he would remain indifferent, as cold and distant as the unfeeling stars above.

In a tense and suspense-laden moment, the door to the dimly lit chamber swung open, and a disheveled man burst in, his sweat-drenched face reflecting both exhaustion and panic. With an air of urgency, he swiftly approached the leader who stood at the center of the room. His breaths came in ragged gasps, and his words, when they finally emerged, trembled with apprehension.

"Sir, we have a problem," he began, his voice quavering. "We're surrounded, and it's none other than Shin-Se-Gi leading the encirclement."

The leader's face contorted in a mixture of disbelief and fear. Shin-Se-Gi, the notorious devil of the Death Palace, was a name that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who had ever crossed paths with him. This unexpected turn of events had thrown the leader into a state of disarray, for he had never anticipated that their actions would have led to such a dire confrontation.

Shin-Se-Gi, the enigmatic figure known for his ruthlessness, had an infamous reputation that resonated far and wide, extending beyond the boundaries of the Death Palace itself. Whispers of his cruelty and merciless tactics had circulated throughout the criminal underworld, serving as a dark omen for those who dared to cross him. The mere mention of his name was enough to strike terror into the hearts of even the bravest souls. As the leader grappled with the horrifying reality of the situation, beads of perspiration formed on his furrowed brow, glistening with the weight of impending doom. He had no knowledge of the transgression that had aroused Shin-Se-Gi's attention and fury, and that knowledge gap only intensified his sense of unease. In the midst of his growing anxiety, the leader was forced to confront the harsh truth that they now faced a formidable adversary in the form of a man who had transcended notoriety and had become a living legend within the criminal underworld. The balance of power had shifted dramatically, and the outcome remained uncertain as they stood on the precipice of an ominous and perilous encounter with the feared devil of the Death Palace.

Dear Readers!

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you .it brings me immense joy to know that you're here,reading my work with the world's i have created with my imagination.

Everything you find within these pages is a product of my imagination,my dreams,and my hopes .My greatest wish Is for my words to resonate with you,to inspire you,and to bring a touch of wonder into your lives.

In these stories,I've weaved threads of love, connection,and cherished moments.I hope they serve as a remainder that the people we hold dear are the true treasures in our lives.let's embrace the beauty of those connections, celebrate them,and nurture the bonds with the ones we love.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.Your presence and support mean the world to me.Together ,we'll continue to explore the realms of imagination and depths of the human heart.

With heartfelt appreciation,


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