
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: The Farmer's Daughter

In the gentle embrace of dawn, as the village of Qinxi stirred to life, Li Mei reflected on the whirlwind of change that had swept through her life. Once a stranger to this ancient world, she had found a new home among fields of green and a family that had welcomed her with open arms. The Li family, once incomplete, now flourished with her presence, weaving her into the fabric of their everyday struggles and joys.


"Remember when you couldn't tell a hoe from a shovel?" Li Jin teased as they prepared for the day's work, a light-hearted jab that drew a laugh from Li Mei.


"I still managed to outplant you," she retorted with a playful smile. The banter was a testament to the deepening bonds of sibling camaraderie.


Yet, beneath the surface of their newfound happiness, the undercurrents of village politics and the disdain of families like the Zhangs threatened their tranquillity. Though handled with grace, the recent confrontations at the market underscored their precarious position within the social tapestry of Qinxi.


But Li Mei was undeterred. Her resolve to fortify her family's standing with every sunrise grew stronger. "We'll show them," she mused, her determination mirrored in the steeliness of her gaze as she looked out over the fields that represented both their livelihood and battleground. "Not just as farmers, but as a family that stands tall against the winds of challenge."


Her father, overhearing her, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "With your spirit and the unity of our family, there's nothing we can't face," Li Jietang affirmed, his words blending prophecy and promise.


This was their life now, a blend of hard work, laughter, and the unyielding determination to rise above the trials that beset them. In Qinxi, among the rows of crops and the warmth of her family, Li Mei had found not just a place but a purpose.


As the sun began its ascent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Li Mei and her siblings ventured into the fields, their silhouettes etched against the dawn light. The day promised the warmth of the mid-summer sun, a constant companion in their toils.


"Alright, team, let's make today count," Li Wei, the second eldest, declared with a grin, adjusting the straw hat on his head to shield his eyes from the growing light.


Armed with a hoe, Li Mei followed her brothers' lead, the soil beneath her feet cool and yielding. She marvelled at how something as simple as tending to the earth could be fulfilling. "There's a rhythm to this, isn't there?" she observed, breaking the ground for the new seeds. "Like the earth is dancing with us."


Li Jin chuckled, wiping sweat from his brow. "If by dancing you mean making us work for every step, then yes," he joked. Yet, his eyes held respect for the land that provided for them.


Li Enle, the youngest, worked diligently beside Li Mei, trying to mimic her movements. "I'm helping too," he piped up proudly, his tiny hands gripping a miniature hoe.


"You're the best helper," Li Mei encouraged, her heart swelling with affection for her spirited younger brother. This was more than just labour; it was a lesson in resilience, patience, and the deep, unspoken bond they shared with the land.


As they moved through the rows, planting seeds that would soon sprout into life, Li Mei felt a profound connection to the earth, her family, and her new life. "This land tells a story," she thought, "and now, we're part of it."


Together, they worked until the fields were a testament to their dedication, the land ready to give back in abundance. This unity, this shared purpose, was the true strength of the Li family, binding them to each other and to the endless cycle of growth and renewal.


Market day in Qinxi was a bustling affair, the village square alive with colour and chatter. Li Mei accompanied her father, Li Jietang, their cart laden with the fruits of their labour. As they set up their stall, Li Mei surveyed the scene with keen eyes, her mind racing with ideas.


"Father, why don't we arrange the vegetables by colour? It'll catch the eye more," she suggested, remembering a marketing tactic from her past life.


Li Jietang raised an eyebrow, amused. "Color coding our cabbages? That's a new one. But let's try it. You have a knack for these things."


As they rearranged the produce, Li Mei couldn't help but add, "And let's put up a sign for the 'Deal of the Day.' It'll draw in more customers!"


Her father chuckled, "Deal of the Day? You're full of surprises. Alright, let's see if your strategy works."


To their delight, the vibrant display and enticing offers quickly attracted a crowd. Customers were drawn to the colourful array of vegetables, and the "Deal of the Day" was a hit.


"Look at that, Father, it's working!" Li Mei beamed, her heart swelling with pride as she watched their stall become the centre of attention.


Li Jietang, observing the bustling activity around their produce, turned to Li Mei with a smile. "You were right, Li Mei. Maybe tomorrow, we'll try 'Buy one, get one free.'"


Li Mei laughed, her spirits lifted by their success and her father's embrace of her ideas. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she joked, but inside, she felt a surge of hope. Today had been a good day, a testament to their hard work and her innovative ideas—a combination that promised a brighter future for her family in Qinxi.


As the market buzzed with activity, Li Mei's successful innovations at their stall did not go unnoticed. During this high moment, the Zhang family, led by the stern-faced Zhang Wei, made their way through the crowd, their eyes on the Li family's vibrant setup.


"Seems like the Lis are trying new tricks," Zhang Wei commented loudly, his voice laced with mockery as he picked up a perfectly ripe tomato. "What's next? Singing vegetables?"


Li Mei felt a familiar surge of annoyance but quelled it with a breath, choosing her words carefully. "If singing could make them grow as beautifully as these have, I might just teach them a song or two," she responded with a lightness she didn't feel, earning a few chuckles from the nearby shoppers.


Zhang Wei's expression tightened, unamused. "Don't get too comfortable, Li Mei. Fancy signs and colours can't hide mediocrity."


"Fortunately, there's nothing mediocre here to hide," Li Mei replied, her confidence bolstered by the day's success and the support of the surrounding villagers. But thank you for your concern, Zhang Wei. You are always looking out for us."


The subtle jab, wrapped in politeness, took Zhang Wei off guard, eliciting murmurs of approval from the onlookers. He placed the tomato back with a huff, signalling his relatives to move on.


As they left, Li Mei shared a victorious glance with her father. "Sometimes, the best fertilizer is just a bit of cheek," she joked softly, her diplomatic handling of the situation not just diffusing potential conflict but also cementing her role as a capable and confident member of the Li family.


The family gathered around their modest dinner table as twilight descended upon Qinxi, casting a serene glow over the Li homestead. The warmth of shared company softened the day's fatigue. The air was filled with the comforting aroma of steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables, a simple feast that spoke of their hard work and unity.


"Today was a good day at the market," Li Jietang began, his voice tinged with pride. "Li Mei's ideas... they really made a difference."


Li Mei blushed slightly at the praise, her heart swelling with a sense of achievement and belonging. "It was nothing. Just a bit of colour and some friendly banter," she demurred, passing a bowl of vegetables to Li Enle, who had been eyeing it eagerly.


Li Wei leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I say we let Li Mei do all the selling next market day. She's got the magic touch!"


The table erupted into laughter, even as Li Mei protested, "Oh, no, you're not getting out of it that easily!"


As the laughter died down, the conversation turned to future plans and dreams, each family member sharing their hopes and concerns. Li Mei listened, her heart full. At this moment, she was more than just a member of the Li family; she was a vital thread woven into their lives, her sense of belonging and purpose stronger than ever.


Under the soft glow of the oil lamp, the Li family gathered, a sense of anticipation in the air as Li Mei prepared to share her vision, inspired by the vivid dreams that had visited her since her arrival in Qinxi. "I've been thinking," she started, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach, "about how we can build on our success in the market. It may be time to try new strategies in the fields and with our selling techniques.


Her family exchanged uncertain glances. Li Jietang, ever the pragmatist, was the first to voice his concerns. "New strategies? We've followed the same methods for generations. They've served us well enough."


"But think about the 'Deal of the Day,'" Li Mei countered, her enthusiasm undimmed. "It was a small change, but it brought us more customers. Imagine what more we could do with a few more adjustments."


Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Li Jin added, "She has a point. The market is changing. Perhaps it's not such a bad idea to adapt."


Li Mei's heart leaped at the opening. "Exactly! And about the fields—we could experiment with crop rotation and companion planting. It might improve our yields."


Li Enle piped up, his young voice full of excitement. "And we could make our stall even more colourful! Maybe even have themes for different market days!"


The initial scepticism began to fade, replaced by cautious optimism. Li Wei, always one to find humour in any situation, joked, "Well, if we're taking suggestions from dreams now, maybe I should start dreaming about gold coins."


Laughter filled the room, easing the tension. Li Jietang finally nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Alright, Li Mei. Let's try some of your ideas. We'll start small and see how it goes."


Encouraged by her family's willingness to embrace her initiatives, Li Mei felt a surge of gratitude and determination. Together, they would navigate the challenges ahead, armed with the legacy of the past and the promise of innovation for the future.


With the dawn of a new planting season, the Li family embarked on a transformation journey, weaving Li Mei's innovative strategies into the fabric of their traditional farming practices. Under her guidance, they experimented with crop rotation to enrich the soil and companion planting to naturally deter pests, each step taken with a blend of hope and apprehension.


"Look at this," Li Jin exclaimed weeks later, holding up a robust stalk of corn, its leaves vibrant and green. "I've never seen them this healthy so early in the season!"


Li Mei, sparkling excited and relieved, replied, "The companion plants must be working. It's all about balance."


Their efforts extended beyond the fields. The market stall transformed, becoming an ever-changing display of creativity and colour that drew crowds. "Our 'Theme Thursdays' is a hit," Li Wei boasted, his voice loud enough to draw even more curious villagers. "Who knew radishes could be so interesting?"


The buzz around the Li family's stall and their flourishing fields did not go unnoticed. While many in the village expressed admiration and even sought their advice, others looked on with envy, their whispers like thorns among the blossoms of the Li family's success.


Yet, amidst the whirlwind of change and the murmur of village politics, Li Mei found a moment of quiet reflection. "We're doing it," she thought, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. "Together, we're turning dreams into reality."


This unity, fuelled by innovation and hard work, not only bolstered their yields and market success but also reinforced the bonds within the family and with the land they cherished. In the face of admiration and envy alike, the Lis stood resilient, a beacon of progress in the heart of Qinxi.


As the Li family's success blossomed under Li Mei's innovative strategies, whispers of their prosperity spread like wildfire through Qinxi. The admiration of many was shadowed by the scepticism of a few, particularly the village elders, guardians of tradition who viewed the Li family's newfound methods with suspicion.


One evening, under the watchful eyes of the village, Elder Zhang, a respected figure among the conservative elements, approached the Li homestead. "Your methods have brought you wealth," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a challenge. "But do they honour the traditions that have sustained us for generations?"


Li Jietang, standing tall beside Li Mei, replied, "We respect our traditions, Elder Zhang. But we also believe in adapting to ensure our family's and village's future."


Elder Zhang nodded slowly. "Then prove it. At the next village meeting, show us that your innovations can stand alongside our traditions. Let the village decide."


The challenge was clear, and the stakes were high. It was more than a test of their agricultural methods; it challenged their place within the community.


Li Mei met her family's gazes, each filled with determination. "We'll face this together," she said, her voice steady. "Our unity and our hard work have brought us this far. We won't back down now."


As Elder Zhang departed, the family's resolve solidified. This new challenge would test their unity and the viability of their innovations. Still, together, they were ready to face whatever came their way, determined to bridge the gap between tradition and progress.