
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: Exploring the Immortal Realm

After the echoes of their successful mediation efforts had settled, the Li family, invigorated by a sense of accomplishment and curiosity, gathered their gear for a new adventure deep within the immortal realm. Under the early morning sky, tinged with the soft hues of dawn, they mapped out their expedition to uncover their mystical surroundings' hidden wonders and ancient lore.

Li Mei, with a map in front of her, pointed to the uncharted areas they planned to explore. "There's so much of this realm we haven't yet seen. Each valley, each forest might hold the keys to understanding the true spirit of this place," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Beside her, her younger brother Li Enle bounced eagerly on his toes. "Do you think we'll meet any creatures like the Skywhales you told us about?" he asked, his imagination already running wild with the possibilities.

"Quite possibly," came a new voice, deep and resonant. The family turned to see an elderly being, his robes shimmering with a light that seemed woven from the very essence of the realm. "I am Cheng Bai, keeper of the realm's lore. I will be your guide through these territories."

Li Jietang, always cautious, nodded respectfully. "We appreciate your guidance, Cheng Bai. We hope to learn and share this knowledge with our people."

Cheng Bai smiled a gesture that seemed to light up his ancient face. "And I hope to learn from you as well. The exchange of knowledge is a pathway that goes both ways."

With introductions and preparations out of the way, the Li family, guided by Cheng Bai, stepped forward into the lush wilderness of the immortal realm, ready to delve into its secrets and discover its ancient stories. Each step was a move towards a more profound understanding of the land and the bonds that held them together as a family and as explorers of the unknown.

The Li family, accompanied by Cheng Bai, the lore keeper, ventured into the Valley of Echoes, a mystical region where every whisper and sound magnified and returned with uncanny clarity. As they entered, the usual chatter and footfalls created a symphony of echoes, enveloping them in a cascade of repeated sounds that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

Li Mei paused, fascinated by the acoustic wonders. "It's like the valley itself is alive with voices of the past," she remarked, her voice bouncing off the valley walls, returning to them layered and complex.

Cheng Bai nodded sagely. "This valley is not just a natural wonder but a keeper of secrets. Listen carefully; you may learn much about the realm's history."

Intrigued, Li Enle clapped his hands, laughing as the sound echoed back in a rapid, rhythmic pattern. "It's like playing catch with sound!" he exclaimed.

As they ventured deeper, Li Jin, whose keen eyes often spotted details others missed, noticed carvings on the rocks. "Look here," he called out, gesturing for the others. The carvings were ancient inscriptions, their meanings obscured by time.

By examining the inscriptions, Cheng Bai began to chant the words in the old tongue of the realm. The echoes returned as sound and seemed to carry whispers of meaning, revealing tales of ancient battles, peace treaties, and the rise and fall of dynasties once ruling the realm.

Li Wei, always curious about the practical applications of their discoveries, asked, "Could these inscriptions be used to teach us more about the realm's governance and laws?"

"Indeed," Cheng Bai replied. "These are not mere stories; they are lessons in governance, philosophy, and the cyclic nature of time and power in this realm."

Li Mei took notes, her mind racing with the implications of their discoveries. "These teachings could be invaluable. Not just to us, but perhaps one day, to share with our world," she pondered aloud.

As the family moved through the valley, they continued to explore and listen, the echoes guiding them deeper into the lore and history of the immortal realm. Each echoed inscription they deciphered knit the fabric of the realm's past more tightly with their present, deepening their understanding and appreciation of the land that had become their temporary home.

Guided by Cheng Bai, the Li family ventured deeper into the immortal realm, where the path led them to the Forest of Illumination. As they stepped into the forest, they were greeted by an ethereal glow from the flora and fauna. The underbrush sparkled with bioluminescent fungi, and overhead, the leaves of towering trees shimmered with a soft, pulsating light.

Li Mei paused to marvel at the spectacle. "It's like walking through a dream," she murmured, her eyes wide with wonder.

Cheng Bai chuckled softly. "This forest is more than just a place of beauty; it's a crucial part of the realm's life force. Every light and pulse is a breath of the forest itself."

Li Enle, unable to resist the playful environment, darted between glowing plants, his laughter mingling with the light. "I bet we don't need night lights here," he quipped, touching a brightly glowing leaf only to see it brighten.

As they ventured further, they encountered one of the forest's guardians, whose skin seemed woven from the same luminescent material as the surrounding vegetation. "Welcome, travellers," the guardian greeted, their voice echoing the tranquil murmur of a gentle stream. "This forest teaches us the principles of existence—balance, harmony, and coexistence."

Li Jietang, always keen to understand deeper truths, asked, "How do you maintain such balance?"

The guardian led them to a clearing where the light from various plants blended together in a harmonious glow. "Each species here plays a role. Some cleanse the air, others nourish the soil, and some exist purely to beautify. We protect this balance by understanding and respecting each role, much like the harmony within a family."

Li Wei, intrigued by the practical aspects, noted, "So, managing this ecosystem requires constant vigilance and care?"

"Indeed," replied the guardian. Just as your family supports each other, we nurture and support our environment. A misbalance in one part can impact the whole."

Quietly observing the interactions, Li Jin reflected on the guardian's words. "It's like a dance of lights, where every step, every twirl counts," he commented thoughtfully.

Wei Chu, touched by the beauty and the metaphor for their own family, added, "It reminds us that every action, no matter how small, contributes to the health of the whole."

Cheng Bai nodded in agreement. "Learning from this forest can help us understand how to live in harmony, not just here, but perhaps even in your own world."

As they left the Forest of Illumination, the Li family felt enlightened by the radiant beauty and the profound environmental philosophies that governed such a magical place. The lessons of balance and interdependence resonated deeply, mirroring their family's unity and support.

As the Li family, led by Cheng Bai, approached the City of Spires, they were struck by its breathtaking architecture. Towering spires pierced the sky, each sculpted from gleaming materials that seemed to capture and reflect the realm's ever-changing light. These spires, Cheng Bai explained, were not just architectural feats but also repositories of knowledge, each dedicated to different aspects of immortal culture and wisdom.

Li Mei gazed up in awe. "It's like each spire tells a story," she remarked, her eyes reflecting the city's radiance.

"Indeed," Cheng Bai replied, leading them through the bustling streets. "Here, architects and scholars work together to ensure that these structures stand tall and serve as centres of learning and discovery."

The family's first stop was at a spire dedicated to the magical sciences. They met an artisan who demonstrated how the realm harnessed natural energies to power the city. The artisan, a spritely figure with eyes twinkling with intelligence, showed them intricate models of energy flows and magical constructs. "Each building, each street is alive with an energy that harmonizes with nature," the artisan explained.

Li Jin, fascinated, leaned closer. "So, your science blurs with magic?"

"Exactly," the artisan laughed. "Here, what you call magic, we call science. And both are simply aspects of the same truth."

Next, they visited a spire that housed ancient manuscripts and artefacts. Li Wei, always curious about martial prowess, was drawn to displays of historical weaponry and the strategies used in ancient conflicts. "These tools tell tales of battles long past, yet the lessons they teach about courage and strategy are timeless," a scholar noted, observing Li Wei's interest.

However, Li Mei found her most profound connection in the spire of philosophy. There, she engaged in a deep discussion with a renowned philosopher, an elder whose presence seemed as timeless as the city itself. They discussed governance and the principles of peace that the city strived to embody.

"True peace," the philosopher mused, "is not merely the absence of war. It is the presence of justice and the flourishing of all beings."

Li Mei absorbed every word, loving the philosopher's ideals. "In our world, we struggle with these concepts. Your insight gives me hope that balance is achievable."

The philosopher smiled, pleased. "Ideas know no boundaries. May the seeds from our spires bloom in your lands as well."

As the day turned to evening, the family gathered in the city's central plaza, feeling enlightened and inspired. The City of Spires had expanded their knowledge and deepened their understanding of how culture, science, and philosophy could create a society that thrived in peace and innovation. They left the city with new ideas and a renewed sense of purpose, each spire's lesson a beacon guiding their continued journey in the immortal realm.

Continuing their journey through the immortal realm, the Li family arrived at the Lakes of Reflection. As described by Cheng Bai, these were not ordinary bodies of water. Nestled within a serene valley surrounded by lush foliage, the lakes were renowned for their mirror-like surfaces, which reflected one's physical appearance and revealed glimpses of one's innermost thoughts and desires.

As they approached the first lake, the family was struck by the clarity of the water, which mirrored the sky above and seemed to pull the surrounding tranquillity into its depths. Cheng Bai advised, "Be open to what you see and feel here. The lakes mirror what lies within your heart."

One by one, the family members approached the water's edge. Li Mei, with a sense of solemnity, peered into the lake. The reflection she saw was not just her own image but a montage of her past achievements and the many challenges she had faced. Mixed with these were visions of potential future paths, each branching out in different directions, filled with responsibilities and possibilities.

Standing beside her, Li Jietang noticed her contemplation and gently asked, "What do you see, Mei?"

Li Mei sighed, her reflection rippling with the breeze. "I see so many paths I could take. It's overwhelming to think about the weight of each choice."

Li Jietang nodded understandingly, "But remember, no path is set in stone. You carve it as you go."

Li Enle, always eager to lighten the mood, dipped his hand in the water, watching as his playful disturbance caused ripples across the surface. "Looks like I can stir up the future, too," he joked, making everyone chuckle.

After her reflection, Wei Chu reflected on her role as the family's nurturer: "These waters show us who we are and who we can become. It's a reminder that growth is an ongoing journey."

As each family member interacted with the lakes, they experienced profound introspection. The Lakes of Reflection offered them a chance to confront their deepest fears and aspirations, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and strengthening their bonds with each other. They carried a renewed sense of clarity about their personal and collective paths forward as they left the lakes.

The next leg of their journey through the immortal realm brought the Li family to the Caves of Time, a mystical network of caverns where the fabric of time thinned and the past and future could be glimpsed. Guided by Cheng Bai, they entered the dimly lit caves, the air around them charged with a palpable, electric energy that tingled against their skin.

"As we walk these paths," Cheng Bai explained, "be mindful of the visions you may see. The caves show not just any future or past but possibilities shaped by actions and intentions."

The family proceeded cautiously, their torches casting long shadows on the ancient walls. Soon, they began to experience fleeting visions. Li Mei saw a vibrant gathering of realms, a convergence that hinted at a future where her leadership skills would be crucial in forging inter-realm alliances. The vision was both exhilarating and daunting, filling her with a sense of destiny and responsibility.

Li Jietang witnessed a different kind of vision that replayed a significant battle from the realm's history, highlighting the cyclical struggles for power and peace. It was a stark reminder of the enduring nature of conflict and the continuous need for vigilance and wisdom.

Wei Chu's vision was more introspective. It reflected scenes of familial joy and unity through the ages, emphasizing the timeless value of kinship and love, which transcended the ages and remained a constant force.

Often competitive, Li Jin and Li Wei saw a future where their strengths were combined to lead a critical defence of the realm, underscoring that their brotherhood was not just a familial bond but a potent alliance.

Lastly, Li Enle, the youngest, experienced a playful but profound vision of various ages of the realm, where his adaptability and light-hearted spirit played a crucial role in bringing levity and perspective during times of heavy decision-making.

Emerging from the Caves of Time, the family gathered to discuss their visions, each person thoughtful and somewhat transformed by the experience. Li Mei summed up their encounter, "These visions, though bound by time, remind us that our actions have long-reaching effects. We're part of a larger cycle, and what we do now can influence the realm for ages."

This profound understanding of time's cyclical nature and its role deepened their commitment to their mission in the immortal realm. They reinforced their bond, making them more united and focused on the path ahead.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the immortal realm, the Li family gathered around a small campfire, the light flickering across their thoughtful faces. It was a moment of quiet reflection after days filled with adventure and discovery.

Li Mei, looking around at her family, began the conversation. "This journey has taught us so much," she said, her voice soft but clear. "Not just about this realm and its history, but about ourselves and how we grow together."

Li Jietang nodded, adding, "We've seen the importance of understanding and respecting other cultures. It has shown us how interconnected everything is and how our actions resonate far beyond our immediate surroundings."

Wei Chu smiled warmly at her children. "And our family bond has only grown stronger through these experiences. Each challenge we faced, we faced together, making us more united than ever."

Li Jin grinned, "Plus, we've got some pretty incredible stories to tell now!"

Li Enle, ever the enthusiast, exclaimed, "And tons of new ideas to try at home!"

Li Mei summarized their sentiments as they laughed: "These lessons will guide us in whatever comes next. They've prepared us for future challenges and deepened our commitment to making a positive impact, both here and in our own world."

The family sat in companionable silence, watching the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky. Each member felt grateful for the journey and for each other. This was more than just an exploration; it was a pivotal chapter in their lives that would influence many future chapters.