
Rebirth In Unknown Lands.

[WPC 280 - Gold prize.] Eric was not the luckiest of guys around... He lived most of his life strapped to machines; in constant peril. A shining ray of hope graced him and his family in the form of an operation... Even that didn't work. On his deathbed, Eric closed his weary eyes, holding on to his most two important persons: his parents. Alas, it seems fate had other plans for ol' Eric. He opened his eyes to a new body— to a new world. A world of swords and magic. A world where magic beasts ran rampant. But is that it? Or is there more to this world than what meets the eye? --------- -If you want to chat with me or share your ideas with other readers, you can hit up this discord server: https://discord.gg/NgbvfZp9Hk -Cover is not mine. If you are the artist, or want me to take it down. You can contact me and I'll do it.

MunirSM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Eldric looked around him in wonder.

The main hall of the Armsworth estate couldn't look more different from the usual. There were now multiple candle stands and decorations on the edges. There were also numerous tables, fitted each with four plates along with the appropriate silverware, with the familiar red silky cloth covering each table as well. The chairs were rather simple, except for the golden lines and accessories that ran through their wooden stands.

Multiple lights were on the marble pillars that went held down the high ceiling from collapsing.

Yes. It seems that the Armsworths are hosting a party to celebrate, their head, James' arrival. A jolly festive mood encompassed the hall.

In the middle of the hall was the same bear-like monster head that Eldric saw this morning, other than the fact it looked completely different. No more blood or gore was on it, It seemed they somehow managed to quickly Taxidermise it, or turn it into a living statue in other words just between the morning and the night. Magic must have been involved.

It was grandly displayed on a glass case for everyone to see.

Eldric managed to capture the other people present. From what little he could remember from the morning; he was entirely too preoccupied with the magic stones. It seems that most of the knights that he saw were present.

Albeit; no longer wearing armour and such. The majority of them had suits on, and/or dressed rather appropriately for the occasion.

Knights were indeed nobles at the end of the day… In fact, there were such knights that even outranked the lower-class nobles. It all depended on their strengths and achievements; especially during crises like war.

For example, a royal knight while on paper is only equal to a baron on the nobility scale. In actuality, he had a much higher power. They were closer to Viscounts or renowned Barons in political power instead.

Although, there were naturally no such knights present at this celebration. For one to be a royal knight, you needed to be at least of the [Expert] rank. Never mind, attending noble Knight school as well in the capital. A notoriously harsh school...

These knights were the personal Armsworth knights, as such, they would be ranked below barons yet infinitely above the commoners.

There was another class even further down than the commoners. The slaves. But Eldric had no way of knowing that. For now.

The doors opened with a pang sound. All the onlookers' attention was immediately drawn to the sudden intruder.


Everyone could hear the loud, methodic sound of high-heels hitting the marble floor.

A figure entered, surrounded by what appeared to be maids or hand servants. She wore a long yellow dress that perfectly hugged her curves, and showed the vast majority of her shoulders and cleavage for all to see. Her flowing red hair fluttered as she walked around, glistening against the bright lights illuminating the large hall. She had the most immaculate posture walking around, and her golden eyes looked impassively at the people boggled by her appearance.

— the hall was her dance floor at this moment. She had the undivided attention of everyone single person.

She cast a glance towards James that suddenly had his 'epic' speech cut off.

Alas, the person she most wanted his attention couldn't care less about her efforts. The most he did was throw an unimpressed look towards her way before unassumingly continuing his speech.

All the others' attention couldn't matter less to her. 'Why James? Am I not good enough for you?' she bitterly thought.

Although deeply hurt by the casual show of dismissal, she couldn't afford to dawdle on it. Her public image must not be ruined.

Emotions were expertly hidden— as usual. Behind that perfect, ice-cold gaze of hers. None was the wiser of her inner feelings.

There was a crowd gathering around, mainly the knights' wives that were invited as well to this special occasion.

"Greetings, lady Armsworth." the wives collectively said.

"Your skin is so smooth. How do you do it, lady Armsworth…" said a fairly young wife.

Naturally, the topic was befitting of young noblewomen. Faith expertly guided each conversation to where she wanted, without them even knowing about it.

Keeping her composure in front of such low-class nobility was child's play to her. They were just as much infatuated with her as their husbands.

She cast a quick look at the still speaking James; he seemed just as uninterested. Faith sighed in her mind, but continued entertaining the guests nonetheless.

"Bwig Bro."

Eldric looked to his side only to see little Bellah running at him. Although running might be a strong word for it.

It seemed she at least knew she couldn't act as usual in front of all the guests. In fact, just that shout would have gotten her an ear full had her manners teacher heard that.

But it seems that Sarah didn't really give her that much trouble for it. Well, other than lightly squeezing her little shoulder.

"You look very handsome, little Eldric." said Sarah, observing him.

Frankly, Eldric had nothing to do with his outfit. He never had a good dress sense… It was mostly Epine that chose his current outfit.

It was a supposedly self-tailored white suit. He had no idea how she even got his measurements… He decided to ignore it in the end.

Epine couldn't help but surprise each and every single time by the varying areas she was an expert in. She was some kind of super maid. He wouldn't even be surprised if she turned out to be some sort of assassin on the side, he thought.

Eldric thought that a white suit wouldn't give him good light. He already looked pale enough with his white skin and silver hair…

That turned out to be completely wrong, The little black tie and the even darker decorations that ran throughout the top side managed to draw out his ocean blue eyes to a surprising degree.

"Thank you. Aunt Sarah." he said. He took a look at her. He couldn't say that she was more eloquent or more eye-catching than Faith. Both he and she knew that was not the case.

But he was infinitely more comfortable with her… People had different charms. Not to say that Sarah was that much more inferior. Eldric could catch a few glances directed at her.

She definitely had the better figure of the two...

Her caramel skin contrasted very well with the red dress she had on. Her 'boring' hair colours and eyes were accentuated even further. Sarah's hair was tied in a half-bun with some decorations tying it together.

"You also look stunning as well, Aunt Sarah." replied Eldric.

He decided to go for a simple reply, but it didn't come off as he intended.

"Hehe. Where do they teach you that?" laughed Sarah. She went to ruffle his hair but he stopped her hand in the middle.

Sarah was confused by that.

Eldric sighed. "You're going to mess up my hair, Auntie."

Well, that was just a good excuse to not have him ruffle his head in front of the whole crowd.

At first, he couldn't care less about the hairstyling Epine put him through. But that changed as she further and further went on giving him a hard time. His hair naturally rested down on his shoulders, so it was hard to style it.

Epine suggested cutting it at some point after she kept struggling with it. He shut up after that and let her do her thing. He quite enjoyed his longer hair. As someone that died bald from cancer, he appreciated that look even more. Although he had to admit that it did indeed come in the way.

In the end, they decided to stick with it and just style it differently. The top one had extra volume and was put to the back, while the sides fell on his shoulders.

Sarah raised her eyebrows at that." Is that so?" it seems like she wasn't buying it.

Eldric coughed and focused on little Bellah instead.

'Ah! The little angel.'

And that she was. She seemed to be wearing the same type of dress when he first saw her. That frilly white dress fit her perfectly. Both Eldric and Bellah had silver hair, yet hers was slightly darker than his; giving an ashy hue to it.