
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 40 - The Dragon Who All Wants to Sleep

  Went around the neighborhood.


  As far as the eye could see it was all sand except for a few scattered cacti.

  Lift the dragon's head.

  The sun had risen quite a bit more in the sky.

  It's about time.

  Go back.

  The dragon's wings deflected and the direction of flight changed to the cave location.

  As the flying mountain gets closer and closer.

  Burying his head, he swooped downward into the cave.

  The temperature difference plummets.

  The temperature inside the cave is still a bit chilly.

  Turning the large hanging stone ahead, the six Kodo corpses came into view.

  The claws landed on the ground and the dragon's wings closed.

  Body down.

  The dragon's head faced the entrance to the cave.

  Looking at the cave entrance.

  They should be back soon.


  So slow.

  It should be soon.

  Time is what it is.

  When you're waiting for something, it makes you realize how long it's been.


  Lying on his back, the dragon's kisses opened wide.


  Those two guys are so slow.

  After yawning that feeling of wanting to sleep got heavier.

  The eyelids are slowly closing as they get heavier.

  Or take a nap.

  That's it.

  Just when those thick eyelids were about to close completely.



  Two windy sounds came from over the cavern.

  The voice is all too familiar.

  It was the sound of dragon wings flapping.

  The dragon's head was shaken from side to side.

  The sleepy eyelids reared up.



  Two figures landed in front of August.

  These two guys can really pick their time.

  Angela and Karel noticed the direct gaze August was casting.

  Facing this pair of fiery red vertical pupils.

  Karel shrank back involuntarily.

  Skimmed Karel.

  The guy was having a heart attack and unsurprisingly was saying something bad about himself.

  Favor your head and look at the other one.

  She was calm, no ripples in those blue vertical pupils.

  "We're back~"

  She spoke, and her tone was calm.

  Looking at the two fledgling dragons in front of him.

  You want to punch the dragon, right, but there's no reason to.

  Only a nod of the head was possible.

  "Well, go back."

  After saying that, he braced himself and turned to open his dragon's kiss to pick up a kodo carcass, his claws scooping up another.

  The dragon wings on his back unfurled with a flourish, and his claws disengaged from the ground.

  Hurry up and get back.

  Then take a comfortable nap.

  The dragon's wings quickened their agitation.

  The speed is slowly increasing.

  The cold, chilly wind blew on the dragon's head.

  What a nasty cold temperature.

  Soon August flew out of the cave.

  The figure began to pull up.

  The warm sunlight shone on the dragon's scales flooding them with reflections.

  That's great.

  The vertical pupils narrowed.

  Can feel the muscles starting to relax.

  Trying to sleep.

  To get to bed early.

  The dragon's wings accelerated their agitation once again.

  August chose to speed up again for full flight.


  The flight was peaceful all the way.

  Nothing came across.

  Maybe there would be something on the ground, but August hadn't bothered to pay attention to the ground at all this whole time.

  A cliff cave platform appeared on the Great Rift Valley cliff face in the line of sight.


  Paws landed first, crawling forward a few steps before stabilizing his form.

  Gather the dragon's wings.

  Sweeping the cave.

  There was no sign of the place where Kodo's body was kept.

  Where did they put Koldo?

  The dragon kisses loose.

  The corpse of Kodo in his mouth then smashed to the ground.

  Sniff, sniff, sniff.

  The large nostrils on the dragon's head shrugged.

  There's flavor.

  It was placed inside this cave.

  Left paw yanked up the body of Kodo on the ground.

  Straighten up the dragon's body and step forward.


  Rubble pile.

  The smell is coming from behind this.

  The dragon's head came closer.

  A chill came over him.

  It's that Karel guy's dragon breath.

  Gazing at the pile of rubble in front of him.

  This thing counts as a simplified version of a refrigerator, I guess.

  The first thing that came to mind was Angela.

  That guy sure is smart.

  I can't believe I thought of storing it in this way.

  The two kodo's tugged loose in their claws.


  Another yawn broke out.

  The open dragon's kiss slowly closed.

  So sleepy.

  Better go to bed.

  Just hand the rest over to an Angela.

  I'm sure she can handle it.

  The limbs fell to a crawl and turned to stride towards the depths of the cave.



  Angela dropped in on the platform first.

  What followed was Karel.

  Sweeping the platform.

  There's no August.

  But there were drag marks on the ground to.

  Looks like it's going in to bed.

  Take a step towards the cave.

  Two Kodo bodies lay on the floor of the storage site dug out in front.

  Looks like he found out.

  Not too surprised.

  The gargoyles were perfect in that way or another, and among them the sense of smell was exceptional.

  Not to mention August is a xenomorphic dragon.

  Reach out your claws and plow through the gravel.

  The claws stopped until they plowed a small hole that would fit Kodo's body.

  Angela stuffed six kodos in one by one.


  "Got it Ow~"

  Slightly impatient tone.

  Still, Karel stepped forward, the dragon's head coming closer to the hole.

  The dragon's kiss opened up against the hole.

  White cold streams erupted.

  It kept on spraying for a minute.

  A white frost coalesced around the small hole.

  Seeing the white frost Angela knew it was okay.


  Hearing Angela's words, Karel stopped immediately.

  Throat is getting a little sore.

  Karel was ready to stop even if Angela didn't say anything.

  "Is that okay?"

  "Uh, it's okay."

  Hear no need for yourself.

  Karel narrowed his eyes.

  Sleep, sleep, sleep.

  It's finally time for a nice long sleep.

  Taking a step, he thought about crawling inside the cave.

  Hearing the steps away behind her Angela didn't care.

  Both claws cupped the gravel and began to do the sealing.

  The hole was plugged up a little.


  Look at the gravel in front of you that isn't bubbling with cold.

  That'll do it.

  The dragon's kiss opened.


  A yawn broke out.

  Finishing her yawn Angela turned and stepped inside the cave.

  The end of the cave.



  Two even snores were heard before he could climb.

  The two figures in sight slumped to the ground.

  Karel and August are a long way from each other.

  It's daytime.


  Take a step and crawl over to Karel.

  Oh, my God!


  Sleepy Karel pushed.

  Take it for granted.

  Post it again.

  This time it wasn't being pushed away.


  That's all this Karel guy has going for him.

  Thought the thick eyelids covered in fine blue scales slowly closing.




  In less than a minute, the snores inside the cave became three.


  Lay down on your own little bunk.


  The stomach made a noise.

  So hungry.

  So hungry for food.

  Want to go to the kitchen and get something to eat?

  But if we are found out we will surely be punished by our aunt.

  Leah thought with great annoyance.

  Raise your right hand.

  It was a pair of small, slender hands, and the skin was rough from years of housework while still covered with fine black marks.

  Nothing has changed.

  It's still his own hand.

  But one's power became greater.

  Also the amount of food has gotten bigger.

  The amount of food I used to be able to eat up to an eighth of a full stomach is now only a fourth of a full stomach.

  I was scolded by my aunt for trying to eat more yesterday too.


  Once again, his stomach protested.

  Small hands went to her stomach.

  "Stop screaming~"

  "You'll be scolded by your aunt."

  "I can't help it."


  The stomach protested again.

  It's hard to feel hungry.

  It was as if something was churning inside my stomach, and my head was spinning.

  After resisting for a while.

  Small hands propped up the body to sit up.
