
Rebirth in the Other World as a Dragon

【Rebirth+Giant Dragon+Western Fantasy+ System+Slow Pace+Bringing Sisters+Evil Keeping Order+ New Version of Western Fantasy Worldview】 Born again in a western fantasy otherworld as a red dragon, wearing a crown given by an old woman, twenty percent human nature, fifty percent dragon nature, and thirty percent divinity, constructing a peculiar red dragon who loves to collect tolls, loves to cook, and loves his sister.

SlNZL · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 30 - Well, she did lose weight.


  The explosions disturbed the nearby creatures.

  The Kodo's who had just relaxed at the loud noise were once again on alert.

  There is plenty of prey for them in this cactus forest.

  But equally, this place is full of threats.

  A tall rock.

  A white fledgling dragon lay on its back, eyes fixed on Kodo not far ahead.

  The other blue fledgling dragon sat on the ground, its two stout hind legs outwardly spread apart, its blue tail swinging a little from time to time.

  In its arms was a piece of green cactus, which it nibbled on from time to time.

  You can tell by its dilated vertical pupils that she's having a good time nibbling on it.


  Hearing the sudden noise, Angela stopped eating.

  The dilated blue vertical pupils immediately tightened.

  This explosion.

  It had to be at least a first ring level to make a commotion.

  There's actually a First Ring Wraith in this place.


  The breath.

  Nostrils shrugged.

  Angela's vertical pupils lit up.

  Can't go wrong.

  This dense to the extreme fire element.

  It's that August guy's scent.

  Only the fire elemental breath from that guy could reach that concentration.


  Seeing that the Kodos were back on guard.

  Karel braced himself irritably.

  "Damn~ If I find out which one of them made the noise"

  "I had to kill him!"

  Hearing Karel's complaint, Angela turned her dragon's head to stare at her silently.

  "What's wrong? What are you looking at me for?"

  "No, it's nothing."

  "The sound is close, should we go over and check it out?"

  The dragon's head veered slightly to the left to look at the kodo's who were already on high alert.

  Sneak attacks are obviously out of the question.

  Karel withdrew his gaze to look back at Angela.

  "Go check it out~"

  "If it's a weak guy, we'll kill him for meat."

  I'm afraid that together we can't beat him anymore.

  There was no approval or answer.

  Angela said changing the subject.

  "You come with me~ He should be over here"

  Spreading her dragon wings, Angela took to the skies.

  Watching the blue back as it flew away, Karel unfolded a pair of white dragon wings.

  Two fledgling dragons flying one behind the other.

  "Angela~ Angela~"


  Angela, flying ahead, responded.

  "As long as that guy isn't high ranked let's kill him and eat his meat~"

  Karel stuck out his large tongue and licked the dragon's kiss, an uplifted look in his white vertical pupils.

  The last meal was a week ago.

  Now even if a middle-ranked magical beast appeared in front of Karel, she had enough courage to pounce on it.

  "Unsurprisingly, the other party's rank should only be middle-ranked."

  Angela's tone was low and slow.

  "Hm? Angela how did you know?"

  No need to look back to see that the guy behind you should be staring at himself with a stupid look on his face right now.

  "Read more about the legacy and you'll see" perfunctory.

  Hearing this, Karel understood.

  Flipping through the inheritance was even better than wasting time reading all that miscellaneous stuff, it would be better to sleep.

  The life of a gargoyle is to sleep!

  "Like this?"

  "If it's just the middle rank, let's just fuck him and eat his meat!"


  "You first?"

  "No problem!"

  "Let's fly fast~"

  "What if he runs away?"


  The promise was crisp, and Angela upped the ante again.


  After flying for a few minutes.

  The two fledgling dragons stopped.

  On the ground below.

  Close to ten meters long, Sally's body lay mangled on the earth.

  A fledgling dragon stage red dragon sprawled on its tattered body feasting on it.

  Looking down at the red fledgling dragon feeding below.

  Sure enough, it's this August guy.

  Angela silently turned her dragon's head to look at Karel, who was side by side.

  This guy's been screaming all the way up.

  "Is it August?"

  There was surprise in his voice.

  Recognize who the fledgling dragon is below.

  Everything was thrown out the window for Karel in this moment.

  Meat! Eat meat.

  Want to eat meat.

  There's a lot of meat down there right now.

  Ignoring the gaze Angela cast, Dragonwing gathered and adjusted his figure Karel directly buried his head and swooped down towards the ground.

  Looking at the swooping back, Angela had a sudden feeling of powerlessness.

  This Karel guy.


  Burying her head, Angela followed suit and swooped down to the ground.

  Been eating cactus for so long.

  She still kind of missed the meat flavor.

  While swooping, Angela's eyes surveyed the behemoth lying on the ground.


  Looking at this body type this Sally's rank should have reached the first ring.

  First Ring Wraith.

  So fast growing.

  Tearing a chunk of meat from Sully's corpse and swallowing it in his mouth with a few chews and swallows.

  Stopped to continue eating.

  The sound of the wind.

  It came from above.

  The blood-stained dragon's head raised.

  Two fledgling dragons, one white and one blue, were swooping towards their own here.

  It's those two guys.

  Eyes gazing at the two guys flying in.

  both ...

  Did you get thinner?


  Karel was the first to hit the ground.

  The broad white dragon wings converged.

  Scrutinizing the white fledgling dragon in front of him.

  The big, formerly full head is a bit sunken in.

  Well, she did lose weight.

  It looked like these two had mixed it up a bit in their absence for a while.

  "August~ You're awake."

  It was obviously a polite greeting, but it was strange coming from Karel.

  For it was Shari's corpse that she was staring straight at, and a great deal of dragon saliva was dropping low along the dragon's kiss.

  It's like a hungry dragon.

  This guy...

  It can be, quite realistically.

  "Help yourself if you want," August said lightly.

  Anyway, we can't finish this big guy in one meal, leaving it is also bad or cheap for other carnivorous magical beasts.

  To the point where it might as well be cheaper for both Karel and Angela.

  Karel: ♪(・ω・)ノ

  "August, you're so."

  Before a word of praise could be finished, the dragon had pounced on Sully's corpse first and started tearing the flesh.

  "Good Ow~"


  Another gust of wind.

  Averting her gaze from Karel's back, she turned to Angela, who had landed on her feet.

  She was unhurriedly in the process of gathering her dragon wings.

  Surveying the blue fledgling dragon before him.

  Well, she looks slightly better than Karel.

  The big head is still so full and cute, and the blue dragon scales still shine under the sunlight reflection, just the torso is a bit on the skinny side a little bit.

  Angela's gaze traveled carefully over August.

  Chest, back, dragon wings, head.

  No, no sign of a wound at all.

  Looks like the hunt ended in a crush.

  He's... It's getting stronger.

  "Eat your fill first~"


  The blue dragon's head nodded gently.

  The three fledgling dragons buried themselves together and tore up Sully's body.

  Probably the reason for the higher rank.

  The meat of this sari was noticeably more tender and flavorful than what I've eaten in the past.

  And it doesn't smell fishy at all.

  With such deliciousness, all three fledgling dragons ate a lot.

  ... . fledgling dragon eating ....

  Half an hour later all three fledgling dragons were bursting at the seams.

  The big belly was stretched high.

  Sully's body, however, was still more than half full.

  Standing up, she skimmed over Karel and Angela.

  The two of them were already lying on the ground, their big round bellies facing the sky.

  Retract your eyes.

  Stride walked over to Sully's big head.

  I've been so focused on dry food, I haven't even taken out the magic core of this Sally yet.
