
Chapter 91

I collected the pile of supplies that Liu Wei and his team had managed to collect on the third floor. There were lots of winter coats, hats and mitts, scarves, and even a few boots. Mind you, I didn't think that any of the women's boots would have been all that practical for me seeing as they were between 3- and 5-inch heels.


I knew how horrible those boots were in Canada, and I was not going to risk breaking my ankle in the middle of a battle. But I still put them away in my space. What can I say? They were cute, and maybe, once we got back to the ranch and not in constant danger, I could find an occasion to wear them.


Now, between you and I, I really wish that fur coats were still in mainstream fashion and that we could get our hands on some. Those coats would have kept us warm for winters to come, but yes, I understand why they weren't… it was more of a wish than anything else so no need to take off my head for that thought. 


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