
Rebirth in the ancient world : I decided to travel and go sightseeing

After perishing during the cataclysmic final war of the third millennium, Shen Xi finds herself reborn in a bygone era, inhabiting the body of the third young lady within the formidable Shen clan of the Huanglong Empire. Despite being born into privilege as a daughter of the clan's main lineage, Shen Xi's life takes a bitter turn when her mother passes away just two years after her birth, and her perceived lack of wit leaves her neglected by her own kin and vulnerable to the cruelty of her peers. However, at the tender age of five, a transformative moment engulfs her consciousness, triggering a recollection of her previous life. This newfound awareness alters the course of her destiny. Following the annulment of her engagement, Shen Xi resolves to break free from the tumultuous familial drama that surrounds her and embarks on a daring journey to explore distant continents within this parallel ancient world. Tags: #FemaleMC, #CalmProtagonist, #StrongProtagonist, #noML, #Superpowers, #HistoricalFantasy, #Tourism, #noRomance Cover is not mine.

Daoist_Pure_Soul · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Level F Vision Ability

Shen Xi woke before the break of dawn.The world outside was still cloaked in the quiet embrace of night.

Still dressed in her night chlothes, she sat into a meditation posture, preparing to delve into her past memories .

In her past life, amidst the trials of a dungeon, she had stumbled upon an S-class mental cultivation technique, perfectly suited for her current stage. Today, she intended to begin practicing it.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the Vision ability Upgrade. Let's check it first! and cultivate later " Shen Xi's voice cut through the silence of the early morning as she summoned forth the interface of her newfound abilities.

"Panel? Vision?" she called out softly, her words echoing in the stillness.

In response, a quaint figure materialized before her, a chubby fairy adorned in a vibrant green dress. With her delicate green wings unfurled, the fairy exuded an air of mystical charm.

"Greetings, master!" the fairy said enthusiastically, its voice carrying a melodic cadence.

Shen Xi regarded the enchanting being with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "Who are you?" she inquired, her gaze lingering on the creature whose height was about 15 cm.

"I am the spiritual intelligence born from your X-class Vision ability. My name is Lys, and my role is to assist you," the fairy responded, its voice resonating with warmth and devotion.

"Did you give yourself that name?" Shen Xi asked.

"Yes, master. From your memories, I know that your favorite flowers are lilies, so I chose that name," Lys explained, her eyes sparkling with ethereal light.

A sense of wonder washed over Shen Xi as she heard the fairy's words. "You can read my memories?" she queried from the fairy.

"Yes, master. I was born from the essence of your consciousness and your X-class ability after the upgrade, so I have access to your memories and you can speak to me directly through your mind." Lys affirmed.

"Alright, can tell me about the changes in my ability after the upgrade. " 

"Sure thing, master."

The screen appeared. t. 

[ Host information 

 Notifications (2)

 Knowledge Space



Lys started to explain:

"After the Vision ability has upgraded to F-level, this screen and its functions have been made available to the host.

In the host information tab, you will find a comprehensive overview of your abilities and skills.

Notifications serve as alerts for significant milestones or tasks.

In the knowledge space, you can ask any questions and get answers as long as you have enough points.

The store is not open yet, but you will be able to buy things using points there." Lys elucidated.

Absorbing this newfound knowledge, Shen Xi turned her attention to the host information tab, her gaze scanning the contents with keen interest. 

[Name:Shen Xi


SSS-class Ice talent : Level F (80%)

SSS-class Space talent : Level F (80%)

X-class Vision talent : Level F (1%)

Note: Level F is similar to the Apprentice Realm of the Azure Planet


X-class 'One Heart and Mind' Technique : (Yet to receive) 

SS-class Ice Sword Skill : (Complete mastery: 92% )

SS-class Void skill : (Complete mastery: 60%)

A-class Battle skill : (Perfection : 100%)

Points: 110


Under "Abilities" she noted her SSS-class Ice and Space talents, as well as her newly awakened X-class Vision talent. Meanwhile, her skills included her familiar SS-class Ice Sword and Void skills, and the A-class Battle skill she learned at the military in her past life along with the newly acquired X-class 'One Heart and Mind' Technique.

Aside from the new X-class technique, the other skills were the main skills from her past life. Reflecting on her mastery levels, she couldn't help but wonder if a higher proficiency in her Void skill could have altered her fate in her previous life. However, there is no turn back; the past is in past. She did her best during the last battle, to protect her comrades. she gave everything. From now on, she will try to live a happy and worry-free life. But the prerequisite for such a carefree life, was strength. She needed strength if she wanted to achieve her future plans…. 

Back to our system interface.

"How did I obtain these points, and where did the new technique come from?" Shen Xi inquired of Lys.

"Master, you will understand when you check the notifications tab," Lys responded cheerfully.

Following Lys's suggestion, Shen Xi navigated to the Notifications section.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for awakening the X-class Vision ability. You received an X-class mental cultivation technique and 100 points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level F for X-class Vision ability. You received 10 points and a body-tempering pill.]

She clicked on the first notification with eager anticipation, and choose to receive the mental cultivation technique. She was so excited , after all that was an X-class technique. 

In an instant, a flood of knowledge surged through her consciousness, each fragment a revelation of profound wisdom. This X-class technique surpassed anything Shen Xi had encountered before, its intricacies unfolding like the petals of a blossoming flower. Compared to the S-class technique she had intended to cultivate that morning, it was a revelation of unparalleled magnitude.

Shen Xi marveled at the generosity of the system. She was grateful for the opportunity to wield such a formidable skill from the very outset of her journey.

With renewed fervor, she turned her attention to the second notification, and received the body-tempering pill.

[Object: Body Tempering Pill

Grade: Perfect Quality

Use: Clearing meridians and Cleansing impurities to allow energy to flow well through your body.


The revelation left her astounded— the body-tempering pill was of perfect quality, a rare and coveted treasure in the Hualong Empire. 

Though the body-tempering pill was commonly utilized by novices and low-rank ability users to enhance their constitution and talents, its significance was profound. It held the potential to shape one's destiny, serving as a crucial catalyst for personal growth and development. Thus this pill was highly sought after regardless of the quality and were very expensive

Moreover, the distinction between quality levels for this pill was paramount. While a higher quality body tempering pill promised greater efficiency, only high level master alchemist could refine the low quality body tempering pill. Grandmaster-level alchemists could refine high-quality body-tempering pills, a feat made even more challenging by the scarcity of requisite ingredients. Perfect-quality body-tempering pills, on the other hand, could only be refined by transcendent-level alchemists, individuals of unparalleled mastery whose very existence was a rarity. 

In Shen Xi's past life, the chaotic upheaval wrought by dungeons and gates had left little room for the advancement of alchemy and refining arts. Survival had taken precedence over refinement, relegating such pursuits to the sidelines as humanity grappled with the existential threats lurking beyond their fortified enclaves. So this was her first time coming into contact with this kind of pill. Although, she has read about it in the Shen Clan library, she never thought she could obtain such ressources thanks to her Vision ability. 

With eager anticipation, Shen Xi wasted no time in consuming the pill, allowing its potent energy to course through her meridians. Sensations of warmth and vitality suffused her being, accompanied by the purging of impurities from her body. 

Shen Xi went to the bathroom, and found some water left in the bathtub. She immediately stripped her clothes off and stepped into the bathtub, allowing the cold water to envelop her body in its soothing embrace. As she luxuriated in the gentle caress of the water, she felt the last remnants of impurity and fatigue wash away, leaving behind a renewed sense of vitality and clarity.

After her bath, Shen Xi felt refreshed and invigorated, ready to resume her practice with renewed focus and determination. Returning to her meditation spot, she settled into a comfortable position, her mind clear and her senses sharpened. 

Taking a deep breath, Shen Xi immersed herself in the teachings of the "One Heart and Mind" technique, her focus unyielding as she absorbed its intricacies. 

Two hours slipped by unnoticed, the gentle rays of the morning sun gradually illuminating the room through the parted curtains. 

As the sunlight danced across the floor, Shen Xi finally opened her eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. With her morning cultivation complete, she was ready to face the day ahead.