
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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The Gates of Death

Everyone was shocked about Nie Long's words, Ussopp took his Cross from who knows where and Chopper, Haachi, Camie and Papag came besides him. Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Robin all were thinking about some of the persons they loved who has died.

Sanji " Mother ", Nami " Bellemere ", Zoro " Kuina ", Robin " Saul, Professor, Mom " they were murmuring the names. Nie Long " You guys can also bring them back to Life, but I will not help you. You have to earn that your Self. For Bringing a life you must satisfy two conditions. First you must enter the World of Dead. For that you must have a person who could open the Door to the world of Dead i.e Brook with a Revive-Revive fruit user. Then find the Soul that you want to resurrect in the world of Dead. "

" The Land of Dead is a very dangerous place for a Living Person. One miss step and you will be held a prisoner for eternity. And you must Store a Soul in a powerful Container to be brought to the world of Living. While this was all being done, you will be attacked by the soul of the Damned which will distort your Soul. If you don't have enough will power you will surely not be returned alive. "

" Nie Long said it in a very serious tone. Ying Yueru clutched her fists. Nie Long " Even my strength may not be able to return safe. But Brook will be safe and only person who could enter and exit the world of Dead without any consequences. But he cannot bring a dead soul from that world. "

Shakky " As I thought, bringing the Dead back to Life. It is a no simple matter no matter how strong you are. " Rayleigh who was having a drink had a sudden flash of light in his eyes but stayed silent. Shakky noticed the Rayleigh's change in expression and become worried. Nie Long " Then we need the Spring of Life that I gave it to Dragon which produces the powerful Vitality, it can not only rejuvenate a person back to his youth. It can also bring a Dead person's Soul Back to Life. It is extremely Rare. It will be given to only the Accomplished Persons. And it is not available in this world but it is available in my world and it is extremely Rare. "

" At present, I have enough to resurrect ten people. And I am only willing to bring Roger back to life is because his resurrection is beneficial to me. So if you want anyone to resurrect become strong, The So called Powerful people is nothing strong in the world of Dead. " Nie Long finished his sentence. Rest of them came out of their trance and nodded, Even Ussopp did not felt afraid anymore but thought of his dead mother. Chopper also thought about Doctor Clover. "

Just when Nie Long completed his sentence Rayleigh came to Nie Long and bowed his head to him. Rayleigh " Thank You for your willingness to Resurrect Roger. And Please take me with you to the world of Dead. " He stayed with his bowed head. The Entire room fell Silent. Shakky sighed and let a smoke out from her mouth. But her eyes are full of Concern.

Nie Long " Rayleigh, you may be the top powerhouse in this world, but in the world of Dead it is nothing, not only that if by chance you were attacked by a Damned Ghost and if your will even if it is slightly wavered. Even I can't save you and yet you are willing to come with me. "

Rayleigh replied " Yes, I am willing to face the Dangers " Nie Long " Fine, I will take you with me to the World of Death. " Rayleigh turned to Shakky " I am sorry Shakky, But can you help the kids to escape from the Navy Pursuit. " Shakky nodded, then the Straw Hats with some reluctance and determination left their Captain and left to Sunny.

Luffy " Nie Long, Thank You for your Help. I will rescue Ace this time, I will become the King of the Pirates. I will fight side by side with you as I promised. " He said that left the area. Rayleigh looked at Luffy with a smile. Nie Long said " Reminds you of your Captain Right? " Rayleigh replied " Yes "

Nie Long asked Brook, " Brook come before me and Run Your Mind Technique that I have teached you. Brook did exactly as he said. Nie Long summoned Zangetsu and he inscribed a Runes into the Ground around Brook. After 5 mins Rune is completed and a Bright white Light Flashes in the Rune and slowly it turns to Pitch Black. From the Runes there were many Damned Souls came out like a Black Slime.

There was a huge Chill spread towards the Surroundings. Nie Long was unfazed but Rayleigh was Silent but the change in the surroundings did not affect Brook in the slightest. There were Whispers could be heard around ears. Nie Long " Rayleigh, use your will and never relax your Observation Haki. And try not to interact with your Surroundings. "

Soon the Gloomy Black Souls combined to form a Huge Gate. The Gate's look was hideous and cold, some with the weak will will be struck in a Nightmare just by seeing it or nearby it. Brook woke up and saw it and become and froze in Place. Seeing the Gate he could feel the Day when he died at his Rumbar Pirates Ship.

The Pirates in the Archipelago saw a Huge Gate of Underworld and froze in Place. A pirate supernova Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law are all stunned seeing the Gate. Hawkins who divinated the Gate puked a Mouthful of Blood. Each of them stood in fear. The Pacifista fighting the Pirates and a Certain fat guy with a Axe also watched the Gate. The Fat guy is Sentumaro, he murmured " What kind of thing is this.

In the Distance a Marine Ship, a Person with a Justice Cloak and a Yellow Stripes Suit saw the Gate, his playful Laugh has disappeared and he suddenly moved towards the Gate. Meanwhile while the Marines were distracted the Straw Hats escaped with the Sunny, all of them saw the Death Gate. Just the presence made them dread. Luffy at the Archipelago held his Straw Hat in his head were his face was not visible. When someone see the eyes of Luffy it doesn't show fear but a fierce Determination.

The Gate opened and the Death Energy spread brought a Cold energy through out the Archipelago and froze the Mangroove almost to the Bottom of the Sea. Nie Long at the Meantime released his Heavenly Energy to the Archipelago in Total which made the Mangrove retain it's Vitality. Nie Long " Brook, Rayleigh let's go!!!! " And soon they entered the Gates of Death and when they finished entering. The Gates got shut and Disappeared altogether leaving only the Runes drawn by Nie Long.