
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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The Changed Future

The Next Day, Midoriya got leave from School and went with All Might to the Scrapyard in the Beach. Then he met the former Sidekick of All Might, Nighteye and a old generation Hero Gran Torino. Nighteye looked at Midoriya sharply. He was dissatisfied with All Might for not choosing Miraio Togata. Midoriya was sweating bullets full of Nervousness.

When they reached the beach, they saw a Chineese style wooden Mansion in the Scrapyard. And the main point is no one other than them noticed such a big building. Here there are less pedestrians and even so there were many people who come here often. Yet none of them noticed. All Might " It seems only when we are actively search for them, we would find the building. "

All Might went to the door and knocked it twice. Ying Yueru with a gentle smile welcomed them. Ying Yueru " Please come inside, the inside were spacious and there was furnitures with the place to sit. All Might and the others all sat down. Nie Long sat opposite to them, Gu Lan and Ying Yueru sat at both sides of Nie Long and Strange trio sat at the side.

Nie Long " Hello there All Might, Mr. Gran Torino and Nighteye. Thank you for coming and you can ask the questions you need answers. " All Might " Tell me what do you want? What do you know? Who are you guys? " Nie Long " Let me introduce myself, my name is Nie Long. I am not from your world. Or to be precise not from your Universe. So we are all. "

All Might and the others were stunned, All Might " This joke is not funny at all. " Nie Long " Why do you think, I am joking with you guys. " As he said that he took a miniature Soul Computer. And he showed the holographic Computer to them and Some Videos of Glory City fighting Demon Beast Horde. The Strange Trio also watched it. All Might was shocked by Demon Beasts, And Demon Spiritualists fighting each other. And Spirit Artilleries, Cannons, Missiles, etc. Demon Beasts with high intelligence fighting fiercely.

The Videos changed their World View, Midoriya saw the brutality and Blood Shed of the war for the first time. He was scared but still did not missed any details. Nighteye and Gran Torino gradually became serious. Nie Long " The Leader of those Demon Beast is Sage Emperor. In order to breakthrough to higher level, he wants to refine my world and absorb all the energy into himself that include his own subjects. "

Sage Emperor " He plays my world in his palms, And I myself researched the Multiverse traveller to find Allies to stop him. With the powerful treasures of my world. And in each world I am about to enter. I know the origin timeline of that world's chosen one. So I knew about the life experience that you guys are about to face and some of which already happened to you guys. " Gran Torino " Is All Might the chosen one of this world? "

Nie Long smiled and looked at Midoriya. Then all the person looked at the young boy in the room. Midoriya " Huh!!! Me!!! " Nie Long nodded. All Might smiled, there may be doubt in Nie Long's statement but he knew for sure Midoriya is the one he is searching for. Nighteye became uncomfortable when he heard it. Nie Long saw Gu Lan, the latter understood his intentions and smiled wryly.

Gu Lan brought Zoroark out to everyone. Other than Nie Long's group of three. The other members became curious of Zoroark. Zoroark looked at Nie Long with resentment but still did his duty as a 3D Theatre. Nie Long showed him some scenes. Zoroark showed the illusion. All the members became shocked. Nie Long " Don't worry it is just an illusion. "

Then Zoroark shows the best moments of Midoriya. The running to save Bakugo Katsuki, All Might saying " You too can become a Hero. " His Admission in UA and he smashes the big robot to save Uraraka. Sports Festival fight with Todoroki and his smile at him when he knew he was saved. When he faced Hero Killer in Hosu, Muscular at the training camp. Saving Bakugo incident and All Might says " You're next. " His intern at Nighteye's agency. He faced Chisaki to save Eri. Nighteye's acknowledgement, Nighteye's death. Eri Smiles at UA festival.

Then the illusion ended, All the people have various complicated emotions. All Might became sad at Nighteye dying. Midoriya is overwhelmed. Midoriya " We need to save Eri form The Yakuza!!!! " The people present stunned. He was not overwhelmed by his future deeds but the first thing he said was to Save Eri. Wanda looked at Midoriya with Kindness, Wanda " This boy will really become a wonderful Hero. More than Captain or Tony or any of our Avengers ever could. "

Nie Long smiled at him, Nie Long " I will give you resources and help you guys. I want your help to stop my worlds Sage Emperor. And we want to adopt Eri. And she will be the one who will adopt her. He pointed Wanda to them. " All Might and the others became Alert. Eri is a special child with power of reversing time. " Wanda " Please don't mistake me, All I want is to be her mother. I am now homeless and I see many similarities in myself and Eri when I am young. I will be a great mother for her. Please!! "

All Might " We Promise you. " Nie Long " Now my presence had changed the future to a great extent. And I don't want Chisaki to kill Eri by any circumstances. So please Mr. Nighteye investigate about the Yakuza and Chisaki in this following month. I will treat All Might and bring his body back to Hey Day. When you find the right time we will Save Eri and capture all the Yakuza in one full sweep. "

All Might and the others nodded. Nie Long " Meanwhile, Can you kindly arrange a Temporary job for us as Teachers in UA. that is after Midoriya joined the UA Exams. I will train him and make him ready to have One for All by the end of the month. And you All Might do not need to quit being Hero after passing One For All. I will help you develop the remaining embers of One For All to make it the power your own. And like that time in your fight with All for One, you will not lose your powers anymore. "

After some talk they all left. Midoriya was called to train after school tomorrow. Nighteye before leaving he saw the future of All Might again. And in it he saw All Might standing like the same Symbol of Peace he was now and beside him the Young man with Green Suit which is Izuku Midoriya. He had tears in his eyes. Nighteye " The Future is changed. "