
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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Prelude to Draconic Ruins Realm Arc 3

Nie Lie saw his brother " Hello Brother. " when Nie Lie and Nie Long are talking an yellow coloured fat bird jumped towards Nie Long. Nie Long " Little Jindan, take this. " as he said that he fed a piece of Spirit Stone. The little brat seeing the spirit stone eyes glittered. He reluctantly licked the spirit stone and looked at me with Pitiful eyes.

All of them are laughing at his antics. Nie Long " Every one, at last I have found the solution for the problem that plagues the Entire Draconic Ruins Realm. " Nie Lie is confused, he doesn't know what is Nie Long researching and the others also have been kept confidential about it. Nie Lie " Brother what do you mean? "

Nie Long " Lie, let's go to the Heavenly Dragon Realm. " He immediately activated his Sharingan " Kamui " with his Kamui he brought the others to the Heavenly Dragon Palace. At the enterance a Soul Projector activated. A cute Little girls projection appeared. It is Wendy, she welcomed " Welcome Lord Nie Long. " Wendy take us to the Energy Lab. "

Wendy " Yes, Lord Nie Long. " Suddenly a bright Teleportation array activated near the projector. Nie Long went into it and the others all followed. As soon as they went into it. There was a series of microscopic level array circuits. But it is arranged in an orderly manner.

Lu Piao " Brother Nie Long, what is this array for? It is having such a large area. I thought that you have made the Computer arrays to a microscopic level so that it becomes effective and compact. " Nie Long " It is a newly developed array which is for the experiment I have been doing. And minimising the size of the array is currently under progress by Wendy. "

Nie Lie sighed " From the invention of soul Computers the level of Glory City and the talents raised has become huge. A research of thousands of Senior inscription masters can be done by a single super soul computer. " It is exactly the same for the era of the earth. How the handcraft had been gradually replaced by Industrial Machine and Designing is done in Computer instead of many trial and error R&D.

Nie Long " Nie Lie, Don't forget no matter what Soul Computers are just a tool but it is still requires human efforts. All I Did is a tool that can simplify a human work. But if Humans became idle than even if we have Soul Computer of high level. It is useless. " Nie Lie, Yes brother. " Du Ze " Brother Nie Long, what is this array is for. "

Nie Long " Ok no need to wait, Wendy let's commence the experiment. " Wendy's voice sounded " Yes, Lord Nie Long. " soon all the experiment doors are sealed and inscriptions are glowing that are meant to stop external interference. Soon the same experiment started and the results were displayed.

Nie Lie was shocked, he never imagined the truth of disappearance of Heavenly Energy is this Inert Energy. Xiao Ning'er " This is something that has beyond our knowledge. " but Ye Ziyun said to Ning'er " But not anymore. " Rest all nodded. Then Nie Long explained " You all should know about physics and Chemistry that I have given for Non Spiritual courses. " All of them present nodded.

" In that there is a Law for Energies ' Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can transform from one form to another. ' Actually I thought it is only applied for Non Spiritual Energies but do you remember the time when I became the Lord of this Realm. How this Realm is scarce in Heavenly Energy suddenly overflowed with Heavenly Energy. "

Nie Long paused and then said " At that time, I didn't think of the source of the energy. But later I thought if there is any Portal that is connected to another Realm so that Heavenly Energy is released from there. But I did not find any. Then where does this much amount of Heavenly Energy appeared? Is the energy was always present in the Hell Void Realm? "

Nie Long asked these questions with his previous doubts. He said " Then, I made a bold speculation with the truth statement of Law of energies. The Energy must be in another form. And that energy form must have been transformed by my actions which triggered that Energy Form. And I named that Energy as inert Energy which means energy in dormant state. "

Nie Long atlast smiled " At last after series of experiments, I have achieved the results. " Nie Lie and the others were excited and their bloods were boiling at the thought of it. Ye Ziyun " Brother-In-law, you are amazing. " Nie Lie " Brother, I think that three hundred years of Life that I spent, I think no one can surpass you. " All of them nodded.

Nie Long then turned serious " Nie Lie, me and your sister-in-law has made a speculation but there is nearly 90% that our assumption may be truth. " Nie Lie also became Serious. Nie Lie to convert Inert Energy to Heavenly Energy, we must have an external energy to excite. By Experiment, I have used Electrical Energy also to excite the Inert Energy. But the yield is to low. "

Nie Long then paused " I also experimented with a Demon Beast of Black Gold Ranks and found that The Life Energy of the Demon Beast can also be used to excite the Inert Energy with slightly less yield compared to Heavenly Energy. " Nie Lie is at first confused but he gradually thought of something.

Seeing Nie Lie's face Nie Long said " I think the reason for Sage Emperor to refine all lives of Draconic Ruins Realm is to excite the Inert Energy and use the influx of Heavenly Energy to strike the Supreme Realm in one Go. " Hearing this all of the members present were broke in Cold sweat. They want to refute it but, they knew that it is the most possible correct answer.

Is Sage Emperor is a mad man who loves killing. Ofcourse No, but he didn't hesitate to refine even his devout believers which shows. This will be the most. Nie Lie after some time calmed down and said " Brother this shows another important information that may help us in our fight. "

Nie Long looked at Nie Lie " Speak your thoughts. " Nie Lie then continued " If your speculation is true, then Sage Emperor wil not personaly come to fight even if he divinated our existence. Because . " Nie Long finished his statement " He must consolidate his Realm and prepare for his breakthrough to Supreme Realm. "

Nie Long " With this we can further plan a detailed plan for the war. And before that we must control the six Righteous Sects and the Ancestral God Land. " He looked at the others and said " Remember, with your innate talent you can become the Sect Master of your Respective Sects. And you must achieve it with all costs. "

Nie Lie and Nie Long looked at each other and thought the same thing ' Now, it's all left is, to go to the Divine Feather Sect. '

Nie Lie ' Sage Emperor, the accounts of the previous life will be settled all together. '

Nie Long ' Ying Yueru, we will meet soon. '