
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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Post War Preparation 2

Nie Long then continued " Then Here comes the main issue, How to deal with the Pirates. " This time Roger and Whitebeard listened carefully. Nie Long " Roger, Whitebeard I cannot tolerate Pirates in the world. It will always a dangerous tumour that may break the world. So I came up with the formation of Adventurer Guild which comes directly under the World Government. Their only reason is to provide various jobs for Adventurer. And the people who likes to have freedom and adventure can register in Adventure Guild. "

" Any Pirate Can register as Adventure. At the meanwhile The Navy Intelligence must collect the Intelligence of every Pirate or Person registering for Adventurer Guild. They can form Group. For now the two Pirate Groups is now officially transformed to Adventure Group, Whitebeard Adventure Group and Roger Adventure Group. There are many Sinful Pirates out there and there are many pirates who committed various Sins. "

Sengoku and Dragon all nodded. Nie Long continued " The Adventure Association must calculate Sin Value of each Pirate depending upon massacre and plundering and so on. The Adventurers will given the chance to offset their Sin Values by Redemption tasks. " Nie Long looked at Roger " Roger, no matter what the reason, you are the biggest Sinner who opened a Great Age of Pirates. So you must bear the Highest Sin Value and must remedy it as much as possible. "

He looked at Sengoku and Dragon " This includes you Navy and The Revolutionary. Many of your Actions have caused many innocents to suffer. So you must also offset your Sin Value to make corresponding contribution for the World. " Everyone in the room become silent and nodded. Roger " I will bear the Sins I have committed and will make this world a better place. "

Sengoku " I as a Fleet Admiral have many innocents life in my hands. I too will seek salvation in it. I am deeply grateful for your guidance. We will immediately form a team headed by Tsuru to form a Intelligence division for Calculation of Sin Values and Justice Points " Nie Long " There will inevitable that there will be Loopholes in my reformation. So kindly revise it regularly. "

Nie Long " Now for the main Part. I will provide VR Helmets and access to God's Domain. It can be only given to the people that is approved by the guys here in the Conference Room. The God's Domain is the place where you will touch the real Power of the Multiverse. And it depends upon your growth in The God's Domain will determine your position of your World. "

" There is also inheritance of Sorcerer Supreme and all her spells. Select the persons with worthy Character to learn from her about the Spells and how to form a Defencive Parameters for your World. And remember this group must never engage in Politics. And must be known to only the very few. And I think I have given all the inputs that I have to give, the rest is upto you guys. "

Dragon, Sengoku, Garp, Roger and the rest all stood up once again. Dragon " you may have a motive for helping us but still thank you so much. " They all bowed to him in Gratitude. Nie Long " Let me tell you, the most of the Dimensional Beings and other world top strength you guys are just ants, You may not even have the chance to get a come back if you keep on like this. "

Rest of them nodded, Nie Long looked at Robin " Robin you are the most important person for this World Development, I am saying that you are as important as Vega Punk is needed for this world. " Sengoku and the Marines present hung their faces down, They have tried to kill Robin in almost every chance.

Robin was stunned, Nie Long continued " Robin you must knew that the progress of the world will not be smooth if the future persons do not know History. Every Person must know History of their Ancestors. Because they don't know their own History. The World Government has been Ruling you for more than 800 years as slaves. "

" And that is the main reason that World Government destroyed that part of History and destroyed O'Hara because it is that thought that the people are not inferior Pariah and the Celestial Dragons are not the so called Gods will destroy their world Dominance. In future there may be other people like the Celestial Dragons will be born, So record everything and publish as history books. Train Archeologist, rebuild O'Hara. "

Nie Long concluded the speech but Dragon suddenly asked " Mr. Nie Long you said about Pokemon coming to our world. " The rest are all were looking with anticipation. They saw how wonderful these Pokemons were they can't control the joy. Nie Long thought for a while and said " Conquer the New World and free the people from their misery, then the Pokemons will come to this world. "

Then he left the conference hall, Nie Long then went to the rest of the Straw Hats. Luffy and the others are with Ace and Rogue. Ace came to him and bowed " Thank You Mr. Nie Long, I can't thank you enough for bringing my mother back to life. " He was overwhelmed, Nie Long " I did not do for you, So it doesn't matter and I see that you still can't accept Roger. " Ace stayed silent and his face looked Complicated.

Nie Long did not bother about it but Rogue sighed with Sadness for Ace. Nie Long " Luffy, it is about time that I leave this world. " Soon the atmosphere become silent. All of them looked at Silently. Nie Long " Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Brook, Franky, Ussopp, Chopper. You guys have been thought by me and you are my part students. So all I ask is you should not be Pirates. But you can be Adventurer. I don't want to hear that my students are doing injustice in this world. "

Luffy looked Complicated, Nie Long continued " I have been ruler of a realm where everyone treated me as a Superior, No matter how I behave normaly with them, there is always a gap between us. But you guys did not make me feel that way. You are the best friends I have got in this World. Thank You. " Luffy was crying, he felt like when Shanks left him at the Windmill Village. So as others in this world.

Nie Long " You guys put a hold on your Journey for some time and try to make yourself Stronger and make this world better. Franky you must use your knowledge and join with Vegapunk to make the world develop in Science. Brook you must make this world more Cultural, train a Group of Artists to enrich the Worlds Culture. Nami, I want you to study deep on Meterology in a certain Sky Island and start research on Space Navigation. "

" Sanji, you must go with Ivankov to learn further about Cooking and as well as it is our original aggreement, a man must not go back on his words. " When Sanji heard it his Soul has left the body with despair. He saw Ivankov is a shemale. Nie Long " Rest of you all, I have made plans for you. Make yourself stronger. And I will be waiting for you at a bigger Journey to go together. "

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