
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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Pokemon - Magical Creatures

Nova " Long are you sure about this? Making me Arceus instead of making a new Life. " Nie Long is almost fed over the issue. She is been keep on asking the same question for over 100 times. Nova feels that her Light form is more secured.

Nie Long " Nova don't worry, I am sure about my decision and with you as the Arceus. I will be relieved and you can create Pokemons and shape their Lives. " With multiple coaxing and explanation she finally gave in. Nie Long opened his Rinnegan and got ready to start the Rebirth Ritual for Nova.

The Four Pillars are guarding the Palace at four Corners. Nie Long is preparing the Life Plates of Nova with all the types of energies available in the Heavenly Dragon Realm. There are many combination types also available with the mixing of two or more elements. This is all planned in the 100 years spent in the mural by Nie Long and Arceus.

There are 18 total official types of Pokemon that is in the Pokemon world.

1. Normal

2. Fire

3. Water

4. Grass

5. Electric

6. Ice

7. Fighting

8. Poison

9. Ground

10. Flying

11. Psychic








Of these 18 types other than there are 17 Life Plates in Arceus. In which other than normal type all the types attack are useless against Arceus. With the help of these plates Arceus has shaped the entire Pokemon world. Nie Long has been personally refining the Life Plates were Nova herself transforming herself into Arceus.

It had taken 5 days to complete all the life Plates without any stopping, Nie Long completed the entire 17 plates which illuminates the entire Realm. Each Life Plate represent the Life energy of the Arceus. Nova at last created Arceus body. It is so beautiful and at the same time magnificent. It shows the Its body is whit and golden colour with a golden Hoop around it.

Nie Long is really stunned by the magnificence of Arceus. Now at last it is the time for the Birth of Arceus. Nova " Long, I am going to integrate myself with the body. " As she said her light soon melded all over the Arceus's body. As this is done the Arceus body is starting to Glow, Then the Life Plates are also started glowing.

Then all the Plates are revolving around the body of Arceus. Soon the life Plates one by one went inside the body of the Arceus. Soon all the Life Plates went inside Arceus's body one by one. Nova took over the Arceus's body. During the entire session Heavenly Energy is filled within Arceus's body.

Arceus(Nova) opened her eyes. As soon as the eyes are opened the Arceus body started to Glow and along with it The Dragon Palace lit up then slowly all the Heavenly Dragon Realm is starting to lit up. The Four Pillars were startled by the power emitted by Arceus(Nova).

Nova looked at Nie Long " Long, I feel awkward. " Nie Long was speechless but soon he started laughing out loud. " There is no need for feeling awkward. Come on Let us go for a flight. " Nie Long got up on her and said, Come on Nova Let us go.

Arceus Started flying, Nie Long is so excited that he is flying with his companion and at the same time also the God of Pokemon, the Legendary Arceus. They were having went around the entire Heavenly God Realm. The natives on the realm seeing the Golden Qilin like Magical Creature. And a man riding they knew who it was. All of them kneeled to the ground and knowtow to worship Nie Long.

Just from one trip his faith energy has reached a new height. The people now have more faith and devoted to Nie Long. After some time they reached the Dragon Palace. The Four Pillars of the Heavenly Dragon Realm were waiting for them.

Seeing the Arceus upfront they were stunned by the magnificence. They then immediately kneeled " Congratulations to the Lord and Advisor Nova. " After some ideal chit chat, Nie Long issued an decree " We order the Four Pillars of Heavenly Dragon Realm to assist Nova will be known as Arceus to everyone. She will create the Magical Creatures. "

He then looked at Nova " Nova from immediately start the plan. For the creation of the Legendary Trio and the Creation of all the Pokemons and Mortal Realm. " As the orders are received all of them went to do their work.

Arceus(Nova) created the Legendary Trio Dialga The ruler of time, Palkia ruler of Space, Giratina ruler of Reverse Dimension with the help of the Nie Long's Chaos Laws. And she started splitting apart the entire Heavenly Dragon Realm with the help of the Trio. And soon the Palkia and Dialga created a plannets and stars as a mortal plane. Where Giratina in the Reverse Plane balancing all the three planes into the reverse world.

In the Dragon Palace at the center of the Palace there is a magnificent Space Time Axis were there is a Sphere which represent the three planner existence. The three planes are revolved by The Time Axis and Space Axis which is the domains of Dialga and Palkia. At the bottom of the three planes there is Reverse Dimension which is Giratina's Domain. And at the top of the Three Planes there is a massive Sphere which is the Dragon Palace Domain which is the home of Arceus and Nie Long.

For the next 2 months Arceus Created the legendary Pokemons one after the another so they could shape the landscape along with them. Groudon, Kyogore built the vast lands and seas. Rayquaza kept them in check. Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem, Zernius, Yveltal, Zygarde, HoHo, Lugia, Moltress, Articuno, Zapdoss, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Solgaleo, Lunala, Mew, Celebi, all these Pokemons are created. Soon the Mortal world is being shaped into a beautiful world by these Pokemons.

Soon Arceus started to create normal Pokemons like Charmander, Squadle, Bulbasaur, Picchu, Chimchar, Cynderquill, Many Pokemons are still on creation. With the enough energy, Arceus created many energy. With the help of Palkia and Dialga. The time that flows in the Mortal Realm is faster compared to the Heaven and Underworld. Where a single day in Underworld is 1 year in Mortal Realm.

All the Pokemons are evolving and soon they start to have their home in the Mortal Realm. Arceus also created some Pokemons in the Heaven and Underworld. Were in the Heavens it is mostly Fairy type. And in the Underworld it is Ghost and Dark type Pokemons.

All Nie Long has to do is get the slaves from different Realms to his Mortal Realm. And make them adapt to the new culture. All the plans are coming into place.

When Nie Long is peacefully meditating, Nova called him " Long, Natsu and the others are about to woke up. "