
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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In the following Month, Naruto and the others had showed enormous growth. Guy and Lee could open the Sixth Gate of Joy and Third Gate of Life without any Backlash. Kakashi can use his Sharingan without any excessive toll with the improved Quality of Chakra. Asuma, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba all had massive growth in Chakra and Combat Effectiveness. And all of them felt their Mind is twice the time Active than Before.

Naruto on the other hand, his Hair had turned from Golden to Gold mixed with Red. His Bloodline become Pure and during the Training he had awakened Kagura eyes and Adamantine Chains of the Uzumaki Clan. Nine Tails in his stomach Depressed by Naruto's improvement, and to make matters worse Naruto had been pestering him to be his friend. Sasuke's Sharingan had turned 3 Tomae and had the possibility of awakening Mangekyo. And to be the added benefit with his Indra Chakra in him and his Bloodline becoming pure. His eyes will evolve straight to Eternal Mangekyo.

His battle prowess is no less than Naruto and his Control over chakra is very fine similar to Sakura. Neji and Hinata has become even stronger. Hinata has become less introverted and she tried actively to form a good relationship with Neji. And if their Chakra has raised to enough level, there is a chance to awaken the Tenseigan. Others also had massive improvement in their Strength.

But the outside world had noticed that the change is the Boys have become more handsome and the Girls have become even more beautiful. During the time Sarutobi Hiruzen was astonished by the growth in Strength of the Gennin teams. He was overjoyed. And the same report made Danzo hate Nie Long more.

At the time Hiruzen called for a meeting, All the Gennin team's Leaders were participated. Hiruzen at the Hokage's seat. Hiruzen " This year's Chunnin Exams is about to be conducted in our Village. So who are the Gennin candidates to be nominated. Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and Guy all nominated their students to participate in the Chunin Exams.

Meanwhile Nie Long has used Shadow Clones to investigate the Clues related to Uchiha Massacre in the Danzo's root base. And also all the Crimes that he had done in the Leaf Village. And by luck Nie Long used all the Dirty activities done by Danzo and his root members in a Video Recorder Soul Crystal. At the time one of the Clones Monitoring Danzo saw that Danzo gave a Scroll to a Root Ninja to deliver it to someone.

The Clone followed the Root Ninja, The Root Ninja after two days reached the Land of Grass and entered a Secret Stronghold. The Clone immediately took the Video Recording Soul Crystal and took the Video secretly. The Root Ninja was taken inside by several Sound Shinobi. Nie Long's clone got excited.

Nie Long " At Last, The Number one Scientist of the Ninja World. Orochimaru. " The Clone followed and saw the Root Ninja meeting a Ninja who has pale white Skin and had a Snake like Tongue. The Root Ninja delivered the Scroll and left. Nie Long's clone on the other hand stayed there.

After the root Ninja left, the Clone came out. Nie Long " It is good to see, Orochimaru one of the Three Legendary Sannin. " Orochimaru got alert. He looked at Nie Long's Clone and asked " Who are you!? " Orochimaru felt Threat from the Clone. As the Snake was always felt suppression from Dragon. Nie Long had full advantage against him.

Nie Long " How rude of me, Let me introduce myself. I am Nie Long. I have been searching for you. Since you are the only Shinobi who pursues the truth from the scientific perspective. " Orochimaru got surprised but he did not relax his vigilance. Orochimaru " So you are the Uchiha that Danzo had mentioned. Nie Long looked at Orochimaru and said " I need your help, in exchange I will give you what you needed the most. "

Orochimaru " Are you going to give me your Uchiha Body. " As he said Orochimaru licked his Lips. Nie Long looked at him with Calm expression and said " The truth about Immortality, and the chance to meet and study endless knowledge in Multiple Worlds with many great scientific experts. " Orochimaru who was smirking suddenly had his face cramped.

Orochimaru " Are you making a joke? " his expression is full of disbelief. Nie Long " I am far stronger than you. And I have many ways to make you a slave of mine and make you work for me with eternity. And I don't need to make such a joke. I will not make a such a extreme joke to play on with you. " Orochimaru had his spine chilled. He does not want to believe Nie Long's nonsense but seeing his eyes. He believed it.

Orochimaru " What do you want me to do? " If the other party had said some other thing, even the immortality as reward, he would have refused. But the knowledge is something Orochimaru cannot refuse. Nie Long " I will give you the best sacrifice material. I want you to resurrect the Uchiha Fugaku and his wife, Uchiha Izumi and the rest who could be found. As well as First Hokage, Second Hokage, Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina. "

Orochimaru " I can understand the part of Uchiha but what about the First Hokage and the others? " Nie Long " I will tell you soon. This world has a powerful enemy waiting at the dark. They will one day invade this world and I am getting ready for it. I will tell you the details after you resurected them. "

" As for the Fourth Hokage's resurrection. Find the Shinigami mask in the Uzumaki Clan Temple Ruins and use your current body as the Sacrifice and use the Material I give you. It will give you immense Vitality compared to Sasuke's body you are seeking. " Orochimaru was stunned and then shook his head.

Nie Long " By the way, don't commit any major crime other than the Leaf Collapse Plan that you have planned with Danzo. At the Main event of the Chunnin Exams. That is where all the fun will get started. " With that said Nie Long turned into a puff of smoke. Orochimaru " All these time it was a Shadow Clone who gave me that much pressure!! "