
Rebirth in Tales of Demons and Gods with a System

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Acnologia1234 · Eastern
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195 Chs

Goddess Yu Yan, Monferno vs Gabite

Yu Yan when she first saw Nie Lie she was surprised and started guiding him in the Laws, She was shocked by the talent he showed in the Laws. But what shocked her more is the magical beast that Nie Lie had. It was a small fire Monkey Named Chimchar. It was cute and at the same time it has a God Level Growth Rate.

It is an entirely new creature. She then learnt from Nie Lie that it was given to him by his brother. Chimchar being a Fire type Pokemon. It grasped the Principles of Fire and at the same time learnt Martial Arts from Nie Lie. She was marvelled by this Magical Creature. After the Law Energy in the Black Spring is dried completely, Nie Lie brought Yu Yan by deceiving the two Legend Rank Demon Beasts.

Nie Lie went to Ye Ziyun's Courtyard, there was Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun had been waiting for him. Nie Lie seeing the two of them immediately said " The two Goddesses has became even more beautiful in my absence. Hearing the words from Nie Lie, both the Girls faces became beet Red. Ye Ziyun " You Rouge, Don't tease us. " Ning'er did not said anything but feeling sweet in her heart. Before Nie Lie left for training she felt that Nie Lie is acknowledging her Feelings for him and what surprised her more is Ye Ziyun is not against it.

Lu Piao, Du Ze and the others also came to Ye Ziyun's Courtyard. After some time Nie Long came, the two brothers did not speak anything but both had conveyed their thought just by Staring each other. Nie Lie after a while said " Let me introduce you to Goddess Yu Yan " Then a tiny Goddess came out of his shirt sleeve. She introduced herself " Hello there, I am Yu Yan, the Fire Spiritual Goddess. "

She saw All of Nie Lie's friends and the mysterious brother of Nie Lie. She at first when seeing Nie Lie's friends she was just casual but when she saw Nie Long she is shocked and at the same time somewhat terrified. Yu Yan ' What kind of Person is he? No matter what I try. I can't sense anything from him. But what is the dangerous feeling, My every Gut says that I must not make him my enemy. '

Nie Long " We welcome the Spiritual Goddess Yu Yan to our Glory City. I thank the Goddess for taking care of my Brother. " Yu Yan who heard Nie Long said " No No, I should be the one who thank Nie Lie for saving me from the Black Spring. " Nie Long smiled but did not speak anymore.

Nie Long looked at Nie Lie " Could you care to show me the Little Guy, I have given you. " Nie Lie hearing Nie Long smirked and threw out a Pokeball " Come out Monferno. " A monkey Pokemon with Fire in its back came out. " Monferno!!! " Seeing the Monferno Nie Long was happy. When Nie Long was a little guy in the previous world he lived " Chimchar's Evolution series is his most favourite Pokemon.

But he gave it to Nie Lie. He wants to see the growth that Nie Lie brought to the little Guy. Nie Long " How about a little Pokemon Battle. " Nie Lie was also excited and Monferno who heard Nie Long also wants to show off his fighting skills shouted " Monferno!!!! " Nie Lie said " Let me show you how me and Monferno had grown "

Nie Long, Nie Lie and the others went towards a Exclusive Pokemon Battle Colosseum. Nie Long stood at the Challenged Corner and Nie Lie stood at the Challenger Corner. The Stadium is Rock Terrain stadium. There was a referee in the Pokemon battle Colosseum. Referee announced " This is a one on one Pokemon Battle. Each Competitor can choose one Pokemon. If any of the pokemon faints, the standing Pokemon Team will be announced as the winner. " Then he looked at Nie Long and Nie Lie for their consent. Both of them nodded their heads.

Ye Ziyun and the Others were sitting in the Audience Seats. Goddess Yu Yan curiously looked at the Arena that was filled with people and the Soul Crystal Monitor displaying the Battle Stadium. She asked Ye Ziyun " Why there is a need for Displaying the simple Spar in such a Grand Way? " Ye Ziyun said " Sister Goddess, It is a law in Glory City that the Pokemon Battle should be done only in the Colosseum or outside the City Walls. If the law is breached then the concerned person will be liable to imprisonment and the pokemon partner will be taken away from Trainer and will be Released to the Wild in the Heavenly Dragon Realm. "

Yu Yan who got the basic Idea about the Heavenly Dragon Realm from Nie Lie looked more curious towards Nie Long, she also understand the Significance of such rule. In the Battle Stadium Nie Lie threw his Pokeball " Come on out Monferno. " A Flaming Monkey came out and released the Intensity of its Tail Flame with a orange Fur all over the Body.

Nie Long " Come out " as he said that the threw the Pokeball. A Pokemon a medium-sized, bipedal dragon-like Pokémon which is Black in colour came out. As soon as it came out it released a huge Dragon Roar that shook the stadium. It is Nie long's Gabite. The Roar had shaken Monferno which sharply reduced it's Defence. Yu Yan saw the powerful Gabite was shocked, she didn't have the slightest Confidence that she will win against that Pokemon.

Lu Piao " Oh my God, Big Brother Nie Long had trained such a powerful Pokemon!!! " All the other's also first time seeing Gabite also nodded, This is the first time seeing Nie Long's Pokemon. Nie lie ' As always, he never ceases to amaze me but ' he thought to himself and then commanded " Monferno use Agility. " Monferno immediately used Agility and used the Surrounding Rocks as Spring Board. "

Nie Long smiled and commanded " Gabite use Dig " Gabite dug under the ground and went inside Monferno who used Agility got flustered for a second seeing that Gabite went inside. Nie Lie " Monferno use Flame thrower on the Hole that Gabit Dug. " Monferno use Agility to jump high in the Air. " Monferno used the momentum from Agility to Jump high in the Air by bouncing from a huge rock.

Nie Lie " Monfernape now use High Jump Kick when you are about to Land " Monferno used the High Jump Kick from the Height it reached earlier. At the same time Gabite also came out. Nie Long " Gabite use Head Butt. " Gabite straight way Launched the attack towards Monferno. Both the Pokemons calshed and Got hit. The Shockwave of the clash Created Powerful Wind. Gabite with some little Damage stayed on foot. But Monferno got hurt from attacking Gabite due to the Gabite's ability Rough Skin.

Nie Lie ' It seems the Power difference is still huge but I wont Give up. '