
Chapter 9 Ritual (3)

"NEXT HARUTA, come forth" said Utada while shouting. "You can do it Haruta" said a woman while running to the main hall, "MOM why are you here" Shout Haruta. "Well I am just want to cheer you ups" said the woman that we known as Haruta's mom, Oharu. "Alright mom thanks" while smiling at her and giving a nod.

"Alright Haruta are you ready" asked the old man. Haruta just giving a nod and close his eyes then give it a relax to his body. Suddenly his surrounding become dark, but different than the other kids, he feel in the dark there is a palace, but it's still fuzzy for him to see. Suddenly the dark place lit up with a million a stars.

"Now hear me kids" said Utada with his mental technique. "Yes Utada gramps" said Haruta. "I can feel your chakra is almost hitting the Chunin level" said the old man. "HUH, no gramps, I am still have a normal chakra reservoir the same with Reijiro" Said Haruta trying to lie. "You can't lie to me kids, I can feel it when you are trying summoning the circle, you are the biggest contribution in the star summoning ritual" said the old man while giving a intimidating voice.

"Well what do you want old man ?!" while looking up and giving a cold stare. "Good don't try to hide something with me, in fact I will give you a good news" said the old man while giving a serene voice. "What is it old man, just tell me" said Haruta while giving a smile. "After this Summoning ritual, you can meet me in the afternoon, for another summon, since your chakra reserves already so high" said the old man. While Haruta just giving a nod.

"Then Go search your first pet" said the old man. "Alright old man see you later" said Haruta while giving a nod

While Haruta try to walk through a group of stars suddenly they becomes active and get close to Haruta somehow they try to get close to Haruta, suddenly Excel pop out of now where "Congrats Haruta you unlocking the Summoning system", "Nice, might try later at night" said Haruta.

"Now who will I choose" while thinking, suddenly he feel something. It's just to far away from him, then he give it a try to running to that stars. After a long run finally he can see that pets. "Why I do feel so familiar with this guy" said Haruta. What in front of him is a chick, that's look so weak, that when he leaving it, the chick will give up his life, "Well I guess I will take you as my first companion" said Haruta. After making the contract Haruta can feel how week it's. Suddenly he feel the wraith of the heaven because taking the chick and making it even worse

Back to the clans main hall

"Gramps quick help me heal this chick" said Haruta while giving out panic expression. "Well kid I can't" said the old man while shaking his head and sighing, then he continuing his words "But you can" said the old man. "How tell me fast, this chick can't survive any longer" said Haruta while his tears suddenly falls down. "Because you are the contractor, you can giving your bloods to the chick, and it's up to you and the chick" said the old man. "How much I will lose my own blood ?" ask Haruta back. "Well it depend how deep your feeling with it" answer the old man. "Alright if it's for this chick I can even give all of my blood" said Haruta while making a open wound in his hands. Suddenly his mom shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUNG MAN, DO YOU WANNA LOSE YOUR OWN LIFE", "Well mom I can't leave my companion suffer this" while giving his own blood to the chick. "Babe you can interrupt him you know, when he is already determined about it" Said Yagi to Oharu, "So you want your kid suffer just because a chick is dying ?!, Tell me honey how can you let our kid suffer".

When they debating about Haruta's life, the chick giving a telepathy to Haruta 'Thank you master for try to saving me' said the chick to him. 'huh you can telepathy with me?' ask Haruta. 'yes master, in fact all of the pet's can talk with their master but not so profound only our kind can talk so profound since we are born in this world' said the chick. 'master I think it's not worth to save my pitiful life, in fact you can summon another one' continuing the chick. 'No, I won't let you suffer, even though I am suffering, I just can't' said Haruta while still pouring his own bloods to the little chick.

Suddenly a thunder striking not far from the main hall, and it's so loud making all of the people inside afraid. "Just what happen ?!" said the old man shocked. Then a couple minutes has passed and Haruta already losing about 40% of his blood to the little chick. 'Master stop it' asked the little chick. 'No !!' with just a simple NO the chick already know how much his love to the little chick. Then the second thunder striking again, but it's strike near the little chick, and suddenly the little chick gaining it's life force from the thunder and the bloods of his master, completing rewriting his own bloodline.

After the chick gaining back his life force suddenly Haruta unconscious but his dad already absorb Apama to gaining speed so that haruta fall to his dad embrace.

Here the last update, sorry for taking it a while.

BTW pleasee give it a mind to review my novel, or give it your soul stones.

ohh yeah don't forget to comment it, and give it a critics, but don't go to hard on me XD

Thaaaaanks =)

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