
Chapter 11 Spar

"Alright let's start" said Haruta while making a crack sound with his hands. "Wait, wait we just spar with our pet's not us, I just want to see how they fight with us" Said Reijiro. "Alright if it's what you want" said Haruta. "Then summons yours first". "Alright go Yusura" shout reijiro, suddenly a light jump out from his shoulder. 'So that's where you put your little lizard' thought Haruta. 'Excel, can you scan that little lizard' said Haruta. 'Alright here it's his stats'.

[Name: Yusura

Gender: Male

Level: 5

Bond: 8%


STR: 27

AGI: 23

CHA: 30

INT: 14

Skill: Embers, Fire claw

Possible evolutions: 3]

'wow almost hitting a genin stats' thought Haruta. 'wait why there's level on his pets?' ask Haruta again. 'Well level segment is for your pets to evolving when they hits the right level' replied Excel. 'whaaat they can evolve, I thought they just grows up' said Haruta. 'yes in fact each pets will have 3 evolution tree, and in each tree will have 2 stages' explain Excel to Haruta. 'So we can choose which evolution we want' ask Haruta back 'No, in fact it's random but with me I can give you what is their evolution requirement' said Excel 'Alright thanks Excel' said Haruta to Excel. 'anytime' replied Excel

"Now come on summon yours Haruta, or are you just chickening out hah" mocking Rei. "Getting cocky eh Rei" said Haruta. "of course pok, pok, pok" said Rei while giving a chicken dance. "god damn it rei come here" while chasing Rei. "Hahaha" suddenly Utada comes out of know where. "What are you doing here old man I thought you are done" said Haruta to utada. "Not yet Haruta don't you remember our deal this morning" said the old man. "Yeah, yeah I'll comes to you after this spar, now go back to your home already" said Haruta while giving the old man leaving sign. "Jeez you are kind a hard to deal eh, just like an old man" Said Utada mocking haruta. "WHAT DID YOU SAY ?!" Haruta said while shouting. "Jeez you are too loud, in fact I come here is to watch how you battle with your pets, I'll be the judge you know" said Utada.

"Alright, alright you can be the judge old man" said Haruta while sighing. "Okay, now summons yours Haruta" order Utada. "Alright, go Xepen" suddenly a strike of light comes out from Haruta's back. "Alright fighters are you ready" said Utada, while looking to reijiro and haruta, both of the just give him a nod.

'Excel can you scan Xepen Stats, I forgot to scan it' Said Haruta. 'Alright here it's'

[Name: Xepen

Gender: Male

Level: 5

Bond: 15%


STR: 24

AGI: 27

CHA: 35

INT: 20

Skill: Lightning Bolt, Lightning Flash,

Possible evolutions: 5]

'Wait, why he has 5 possible evolutions' ask Haruta. 'well because of you, his bloodline is changing to a different ones, there's some sort of mutation in him' replied Excel. 'hmm so because of my bloods, and the lightning strike near him eh, okay, thanks for the information' said Haruta. 'No problem' replied Excel back.

Suddenly Yasura already coming in front of Xepen with his claw which full of fire ready to scratch Xepen without any Haruta's notice. 'goddamn, he's fast' thought Haruta. 'Xepen go dodge to the left and use Lightning Bolt' ordering Xepen through telepathy, Xepen then move to the left, but it was a little bit late, and almost got hit, but he is safe. "phew almost getting hit" said Haruta while murmuring. "What that doesn't get hit" said Reijiro while shouting. Suddenly a Lightning Bolt is launching toward Yasura. "WAIIT, you can ordering your pets without voice, and Yasura dodge it with a jump and use your ember" Said Reijiro with a shout. "Yeah, duuhh are you dummy, when you use your pets technique with a voice, then your opponent will know what to do, well you can try use telepathy with him" said Haruta while giving a pointer to Reijiro. 'Dodge the embers with your Lightning Flash, and jump to his back, while giving him a tackle mid air' ordering Haruta.

Then Xepen use a lightning flash, suddenly his feet giving a spark of lightning, when Xepen use Lighning Flash he gaining a boost on his speed, around 25% boost. Out of nowhere Xepen already on Yasura backs while giving him a tackle from behind, making Yasura fall.

"Yasura, are you okay? " asked Reijiro while screaming to Yasura. While Yasura giving a determine looks, and giving his master a nod to reassure him that he is okay, "Good" said Reijiro 'Now let's try the trick that Haruta give' thought Reijiro to himself. 'Yasura, are hear me' while trying to making connection with Yasura, and Yasura giving a nod. 'good, now use your embers while Xepen still mid air' said Reijiro while ordering.

Without any thinking Yasura collecting fire spark inside his mouth and spew it to Xepen while he is in mid air. 'Damn, that's gonna hurt' thought Haruta. 'Xepen try to cover the ember with your wings and use Lightning Bolt' said Haruta while giving Xepen order. Xepen try to cover his body while crossing his wings, after Xepen fall down and there is a burn marks on both of his wings, then Xepen shooting Lightning Bolt without Yasura, and Reijiro knowing and almost hitting Yasura.

"BOOM" there is a loud boom after the lightning bolt hitting Yasura. Making Yasura Fainted.

Yeah i know there is so much disappointed readers in the last chaps.

but here another chap, almost hitting 1000 words, and tell me how is the battle scene.

and tell me how do you think the battle style with a telepathy?

Thaaanks =)

RABScreators' thoughts