
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Ch26: Reasons 2/2

Nora reflected on the moment she decided to leave her position in the ANBU.

-When I realized that Kichirou was the real leader, I asked my student if it would be okay to leave the organization in Kichirou's hands," said Nora. Tobirama, with one of those rare smiles of his, told me that I had already taken too long.

So Nora officially left her post and, in time, began to understand why it had taken her so long to do so.

--I realized that part of the reason I hadn't left office earlier was because of Kichirou," Nora confessed, her voice filled with newfound emotion. But, as I left my post, I thought I would no longer have an excuse to see him. For the first time, I realized my feelings for him.

Nora explained how she resigned herself to moving on without disturbing Kichirou's life, but Kichirou, worried about her, began to visit her with the excuse of making sure she could maintain a normal life on her own.

-Without realizing it, we went back to doing together those activities we enjoyed," Nora recalled, a smile on her face.

The story took a dramatic turn when Kichirou returned from a mission seriously injured.

-One of the kunai had hit him in a vital area," Nora continued, her voice trembling as she recalled those moments. While he was being treated, thinking he would not survive, he asked me to marry him if he survived.

Fortunately, the situation was unexpectedly resolved thanks to the intervention of Hashirama's son and Tsunade's father, an exceptional medical ninja.

-When we saw each other again, we were both very embarrassed. He was as red as a tomato, but I was the one who ended up redder after I kissed him in response," Nora recalled, laughing through her tears.

-After our marriage, we lived in tranquility," Nora continued, a warm smile adorning her face. -Everything was harmony and happiness. But one day, during a routine visit to the doctor, I got a pleasant surprise: I was going to have a child.

Nora laughed as she recalled Kichirou's reaction when he heard the news.

-When I told her, Kichirou fainted from shock. When he recovered, he ran out screaming to everyone that he was going to be a father," Nora recalled, her smile growing as she relived the moment.

The next few years were filled with memorable moments. Nora described how her son grew up in a home filled with love and laughter. They shared picnics under the cherry blossom trees, afternoons of games by the river, and evenings of stories by the fire.

-The years passed happily. We watched our son grow, play and learn. Each day brought its own joy and discovery.

-Watching Kichirou teach our son to fish, or how he would get excited every time our little boy learned something new, was an indescribable joy," said Nora, her eyes sparkling with the memory of those happy days.

-Every moment was precious," said Nora, her eyes sparkling with the reflection of those happy memories. -Even though the ninja world was still spinning around us, in our little bubble of happiness, we found peace and unwavering love.

-Every day with them was a gift," Nora concluded, her voice tinged with nostalgia. Despite the shadows of my past, those years were the light of my life.

Nora continued her story, her voice tinged with sadness and remorse.

-Everything has an end, and ours was too abrupt," Nora said, her expression somber. With the war breaking out, Kichirou, as leader of the ANBU and an important ninja in the village, had a lot of work to do. He was spending less and less time at home and arriving with more injuries.

Nora talked about her son, who was growing up and starting to attend the ninja academy.

-As the son of a Senju, he had responsibilities to the family name. With the war approaching, his training was hard. Like his father, he never complained, just smiled and worked harder.

As the years passed, the war continued and his son, now a graduate, entered the dangerous and cruel world of a shinobi.

-It may be hypocritical of me, after all, I was part of that world," Nora continued. But watching my son go out to kill or be killed hurt me deeply.

Kichirou had been sent to the Mizugakure area and was not available to help. Nora remembered asking her student Tobirama to protect her son.

-Not as a student, but at least to give him enough protection. Tobirama agreed and together with his group of students, who were a few years older, went forward on an escort mission.

At that moment, Nora clenched her fists in anger.

-If only she had sent him with a normal jounin, maybe.... -Her words were lost in a sigh of frustration and pain.

-A large group of renegade ninja attacked the group, knowing Tobirama would be there," Nora continued, her voice cracking. My boy, who lacked experience, was paralyzed by his first kill. The ninja he had attacked had left several explosive tags on his body before he died.

Nora swallowed, struggling to maintain her composure.

-That day, all I received was a bloody bandana, delivered by a group of chunin," she said in a broken voice. That... that bastard who promised to protect my son didn't even show up.

Nora's pain and anger were palpable. The loss of her son in the war had left a deep and permanent wound in her heart.

Tears began to roll down Nora's cheeks as she recalled the painful moment of loss and betrayal. Yasuke, listening quietly, realized the depth of the pain and the complexity of the ninja world, a world where war and loss were a painful constant.

As the tears continued to flow, Nora continued her tale in a halting voice.

-Kichirou, upon hearing the news of our son, wanted to return immediately," said Nora. But his responsibilities did not allow him to do so, so in the end I had to bury my son's bandana alone.

Nora hoped that, with the end of the war, she would finally be able to mourn her son with her husband. However, Hashirama's death and Tobirama's ascension to the position of Hokage brought more changes and responsibilities for Kichirou.

-Tobirama became more radical, more paranoid after losing his last brother," Nora explained. He tried to create shadow institutions and suppress the strength of certain clans, such as the Uchiha.

The few moments she spent with Kichirou were marred by the anger and pain Nora felt.

-I foolishly blamed him for not being there," Nora confessed, her voice marked by regret. He would just bow his head and absorb all my anger. Now I regret it. If I could go back, I would embrace him, knowing he was suffering too.

The years passed with a somber heaviness. Then came the day that would change everything again.

-One day, Kichirou left on a rescue mission," Nora continued. Several teams of genin had been attacked by rogue ninja. I asked him why he was going, considering his high rank and responsibilities. He told me it was the children we had to protect, so they could return home and their parents wouldn't have to suffer," Nora recounted, her voice cracking.

Nora's voice cracked as she reached the end of her story.

-That day, Kichirou did not return, but thanks to him, twelve genin returned home.

-So I lost my husband, but he saved those children," Nora concluded, tears still flowing down her cheeks. That was his legacy, to protect the next generation at any cost, that's why I decided to create the Konoha orphanage, to give a home to all those who don't have one.

-Why do I hate shinobi? -Nora began, taking a deep breath. Because shinobi are the heart of a world that robs people of their normal lives. It drives us to fight, to kill and to sacrifice everything for causes that are often beyond our control or understanding.

He paused, his words laden with years of experience and pain.

-The shinobi are heroes to many, but they are also the architects of tragedies to others. I lost my son and my husband to this world. They gave their lives, not by their own choice, but because of the demands and expectations of the shinobi way.

Yasuke listened, captured by the intensity of her words.

-At heart, shinobi are only human beings, trapped in a cycle of violence and duty. This world of shinobi, with its heroism and sacrifices, is also filled with pain and loss. And that is the reason for my hatred," Nora finished, her voice softer now, but still charged with emotion.

Nora looked at Yasuke with a mixture of hope and seriousness.

-Thanks to your demonstration of skills in front of Tsunade, you will be promoted to genin and become a ninja," Nora began. But I have told you about my life in the hope that you will choose not to follow this path. We can block your chakra and allow you to live as a civilian. I will use the last of my remaining influence to help you in this.

Yasuke was silent for a moment, pondering Nora's offer. Finally, he made his decision.

-I appreciate your concern grandmother, but I have decided to remain a shinobi," Yasuke said with determination. But I will be a medical ninja. My purpose will be to save lives, not take them.

Nora nodded, an expression of resignation and respect on her face.

-Then that's fine," she said softly. Just please let me be alone now.

Yasuke nodded, respecting her wish. As he was about to leave, Nora spoke to him once more.

-Listen Yasuke, your maturity and seriousness reminds me of Tobirama, on the other hand Minato who although she may look like an idiot, is a person who can get serious at critical moments, like Hashirama, I hope you don't have the same fate and can live a happy life, I may have lost a son and a husband in my life, but in return life rewarded me with dozens of grandchildren, whom I will always take care of, and for whom I will always be there to support them no matter what path they take," said Nora, her voice full of affection and concern.

Yasuke paused in the doorway, turned to Nora and nodded with a silent promise before leaving the room, taking with him Nora's lessons and affection, and a renewed sense of purpose in his life as a future medical ninja.

To be continued...

Guys the next arc will be entirely about Yasuke, during this one I wanted to lay the foundations of the story, the protagonist's circle, his motivation and more I apologize if you felt there was too much filler for the secondary characters' stories but what else do you want is a Naruto fanfic if the original work has filler the FanFic must have filler.