
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Ch 21: Teamwork

From a vantage point outside the hospital, Shikaku and his team scanned the surroundings for clues. It was then that something unexpected caught their attention. They saw Minato, using his chakra to attach himself to the hospital wall and climb toward an open window.

-Are they seeing what I'm seeing? -Chouza asked, surprised by Minato's ability.

Inoichi and Chouza looked on in surprise. Despite being familiar with chakra techniques, seeing an academy student executing them with such skill was unusual.

-Is it Minato? -asked Inoichi, unable to hide his astonishment. I never thought he could do something like that already.

-Incredible," muttered Shikaku, impressed. They can already use chakra to walk on walls. Minato has really progressed.

-That's more than just progress, it's quite advanced for an academy student," Chouza added, watching in amazement.

Inoichi frowned, worried for Minato's safety.

-But it's dangerous. If he loses his concentration, he could fall," he commented.

They watched as Minato, with remarkable concentration, kept his balance as he approached the window.

-It looks like he's trying to get into the hospital," Shikaku said. -Yasuke must be inside. This could get complicated.

As they watched, they saw Minato stagger for a moment, almost losing his balance. But just in time, Yasuke grabbed him by the hand and helped him through the window.

-That was too close," said Shikaku, relieved by the outcome but still worried about the overall situation.

The group decided to hold their position and watch what happened next, ready to intervene if necessary.

-We should wait and see what happens," said Shikaku, his analytical mind assessing the situation. If they intervene now, it could complicate things for Yasuke and Minato.

-I agree," Inoichi replied. But let's be prepared to act if things get difficult.

The group stayed in position, watching cautiously. Minato's skill had been telling, but now it was crucial to see how things developed and be ready to intervene if necessary.

As they watched, the tension was palpable between them. They knew the situation was delicate and that their friends were facing a significant challenge inside the hospital.

In the hospital room, after Minato slipped through the window with Yasuke's help, there was a brief moment of calm. However, this tranquility was deceptive, and was soon interrupted by the sounds of a confrontation. The Ino-Shika-Chō group immediately went on alert.

-Something is happening," said Inoichi, preparing to move.

Chouza, hearing the sounds of fighting, prepared to move forward, but Shikaku, with his quick and strategic mind, stopped him.

-Wait," Shikaku interjected, his expression serious. From the noises, it seems that only two people are fighting. That means either Yasuke or Minato is facing a chunin.

Inoichi and Chouza paused, looking at Shikaku waiting for his analysis.

Chouza frowned, worried for the safety of his companions.

-So, should we help them now? -he asked.

Shikaku, after a brief moment of reflection, shook his head.

-Then what do you suggest? -asked Chouza.

-No, if we intervene now, we might make the situation more difficult. Instead, let's anticipate reinforcement from the other chunin at the hospital," he said confidently.

They knew, based on previously collected information, that there were a total of six chunin guarding the hospital in groups of two. Shikaku quickly drew up a plan.

-We will move to an interception point. If we can stop the other chunin before they reach Yasuke and Minato, we will give them a better chance," Shikaku explained.

The group nodded in agreement. Quickly, they moved to a position where they could intercept any chunin heading towards Yasuke and Minato's room. Shikaku led the way, his strategic mind mapping out the most efficient route.

As they moved forward, Inoichi and Chouza stood alert, each prepared to use their unique skills in the confrontation ahead. Tensions were high, but they were determined to protect their friends and make sure the situation at the hospital did not worsen.

Team Ino-Shika-Chō, consisting of Inoichi, Shikaku and Chouza, had moved quickly to a strategic point outside the hospital, a location Shikaku had identified as the most likely to intercept the additional chunin heading towards the room where Yasuke and Minato were.

The confrontation between the Ino-Shika-Chō team and the chunin began with palpable tension. Inoichi, Shikaku and Chouza knew they faced an uphill battle against opponents of higher rank and experience in taijutsu. Strategy and cooperation would be key.

Inoichi: "We have to work together and use our skills to the fullest," Inoichi thought. He began the battle by using his Shinden no Jutsu to establish mental communication with Shikaku and Chouza, coordinating their movements without the need to speak. "Stay focused," Inoichi transmitted to his teammates.

Shikaku: Despite not being a taijutsu expert, Shikaku knew that his intelligence was his greatest asset. He created feints, pretending to prepare shadow jutsus, keeping the chunin on constant alert. "If I can keep them guessing, we have a chance," he thought as he deftly dodged an attack.

Chouza: Relying on his strength and skill in close combat, Chouza faced the chunin head-on. "I have to be the wall that protects Inoichi and Shikaku," he mused, blocking and responding to the chunin's blows with forceful attacks.

The chunin, initially underestimating their opponents, soon realized that they faced a considerable challenge. They were fast and coordinated, but the silent communication and unexpected strategies of the Ino-Shika-Chō team complicated their every move.

Inoichi, using his psychic ability, began to transmit garbled messages directly into the chunin's mind. "If I can disorient them, even for a second, it could be to our advantage," he thought. The chunin hesitated, their attacks becoming less coordinated.

Shikaku, observing the effects of Inoichi's tactic, took the opportunity to create an opening. "Now," he thought, and in one swift movement, he made a gesture as if launching a shadow technique, which caused one of the chunin to instinctively back away.

Chouza took advantage of the distraction. "This is my moment!" he exclaimed internally, throwing a powerful punch at the nearest chunin. The impact was direct, but the chunin's reaction was swift, blocking the attack at the last second.

The fight became a high-speed game of chess, with each side constantly adjusting their strategy. The chunin, though physically superior, found themselves struggling to keep up with the cunning and creativity of the Ino-Shika-Chō team.

At a crucial moment, Inoichi saw an opportunity. One of the chunin had been exposed after a failed attack. With a swift move, Chouza lunged forward with his Chōtosshin technique, hitting the chunin with a blunt impact that left him dazed, however performing that technique had earned him all of his chakra reserves.

The second chunin, seeing his partner in trouble, intensified his offensive, forcing Shikaku and Inoichi back. "We can't let our guard down now," Inoichi thought, dodging a quick strike.

Shikaku, though physically the weaker, showed no signs of fear. "Just a little longer," he thought as he continued to create feints, keeping the chunin distracted.

With Chouza out of action and one of the chunin knocked down, the battle had become a 2-on-1 confrontation. Inoichi, quickly analyzing the situation, came up with a risky plan.

-Shikaku, I need you to distract him. If I can get close enough, I can use my jutsu to saturate his mind," said Inoichi, aware that everything was at stake in this last move.

Shikaku, understanding the plan, nodded. "This is our only chance," he thought. Concentrating deeply, he summoned the last reserve of his chakra to manipulate his shadow, creating the illusion that he was about to launch a serious attack.

The chunin, seeing the shadow move toward him, jumped backward in an attempt to evade the attack. But in doing so, he fell directly into the trap. Inoichi, strategically positioned, was right where the chunin landed.

At that critical moment, Inoichi concentrated all his chakra and launched his Shinden no Jutsu at full power, aimed specifically at the chunin. The intensity of the mental transmission was overwhelming, saturating the chunin's mind with a barrage of incoherent thoughts and images.

The chunin held his hands to his head, overwhelmed by the intensity of the transmission. Unable to stand, he collapsed to the ground, defeated not by physical strength, but by the cunning and ingenuity of Inoichi and Shikaku.

Exhausted, but relieved, Inoichi and Shikaku leaned on each other. They had managed to overcome a formidable challenge, using their ingenuity and unique skills to compensate for their disadvantage in physical combat.

-We did it," Inoichi muttered, looking at Shikaku with a mixture of exhaustion and pride.

-"Yes, but at a great cost," Shikaku replied, aware of how close they had come to failure.

Despite the victory, they both knew that the battle had been a reminder of their limitations and the importance of working together as a cohesive team.

To be continued...

Pd: If we reach 20 votes the next chapter will be released.