

In Japan in akihabara a old man is lying in his bed...dying to be exact. He is the owner of more than 10 buildings in the area. The man's name was " ROKUDO MUKURO" like in the anime Hitman Reborn.

As a fan of anime since a young age this old man was fascinated by the character and the anime. He wanted to get every anime and manga he could so that he can enjoy life to the fullest. He started with one shop but met a lot of oppositions and trouble i.e. Yakuza.

He became a shut-in for what seemed like 5 years before getting scolded by his parents to do something.

The memories still fresh in his mind of what happened when he opened his first shop he vowed to get back at them. This was the drive he needed to kick-start his rise in power.

He learned all martial arts from taekwondo to Krav Maga.(For more information https://www.cracked.com/article_16595_6-great-martial-arts-killing-man-with-your-bare-hands.html) He conquered every region in tokyo and even had happiness as he got all the manga and anime first. He became the king of akihabara and the tokyo yakuza. But he could not conquer one thing and that is age.

Now he is 89 and still has body of a 50 year old outside but inside he was dying and today was his final day. He left everything to his right hand man who stayed with him since he started learning fighting.

Today the man who technically owned Tokyo died.

I would like to make the MC op but where is the fun in that. This is a slow paced webnovel that will atleast be 100 chapters if you want more vote please.

I know this chapter is small but the other chapters will be long.

AresPhantomhivecreators' thoughts