
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

New Quest


[Dungeon Quest]

[Slay the goblins]

[Status: Complete]


1. 300 exp!

2. 2500 coins

3. Skill: Silent mind

4. Weapon: Oriental Sabers]

(Note: Skill can be learnt directly from the skill section . Weapon is transferred to host's inventory . Exp and coins will be added to the status automatically. ]

[Dungeon achievements]

[Critical Hit x 10]

[+ 100 exp]

[Perfect throw x 5]

[+50 exp]


[Host acquired new skill!]

[Piercing throw]

[Level : 1]

[Effect: The strength in user' s arm will be enhanced by 10% while using throwables]

[Nature : Active ]

[Consumption : 10 stamina points per use]

(Note: Level of the skill can be increase by regular usage which can increase effect percentage .]


[Host acquired new skill!]

[Last resort]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Increase all stats by by 20 points when user's heart rate reach above 210 per minute.]

[Nature: Passive skill]

(Note: This skill is only upgradable depending how often user faces near death situations.)

[ Calculating Exp....]


[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Additional attribute: + 60]

[Three new skill is learnable]

[Throwables section is now available in the shop!]


[A new area is now accessible in dojo.]


[A new item added in the inventory]

[Oriental Sabers]

[Grade : A]

[Effect : Enemy's HP will drop continuously for 10 second ]

( Note : The weapon is upgradable upto class SS)

" Phew ....that's whole lot of notifications and according to my age my heart rate will maximum can go upto 203 or so then?"

[Host, generally a person's heart rate increase widely when they are facing extreme situations and death is one of them]

'Oh its like this'.

I collected my knives and stored it back in the inventory while reading the notifications.

After changing my clothes I went toward the area I was most curious about.

The end of the cave where the goblin were concerned about so much.

' What the heck is this'

A very dim lighted small blue orb was floating about half feet above the ground .

But it wasn't the flying orb which amazed me but what was inside it .

" Why the goblins were protecting a human girl?".

A little girl about age of 12 was sleeping inside the blue orb. Her physique was quite well and the clothes she was wearing was looking good as well.

" I guess I have to ask her".

I knocked on the orb , which vibrated slightly on my thumbs but the girl didn't flinched a bit.

[It a mana ball so it's no possible to wake her up without breaking it, host]

"Oh is that so."

I picked the ownerless club lying on the ground and when I was about to smash the orb a notification arrived suddenly.

[Wait host, the magic protecting the human is quite tricky. You might get what you are applying on it]

"That's a cheeky magic. So you got any idea?" I asked while searching my mind about the things I have in inventory.

[Host you can absorb mana , remember?]

" Yeah but I don't have attributes yet to use that mana".

[But still you can absorb and release it out freely]

" Huh? I can absorb mana just like that? And how to release it after absorbing"

[Just feel the mana flowing around and you will know what you have to do afterwards]

I did what she said.

I closed my eyes and concentrated my focus in the middle of my forehead as it is the best way I know from my past life.

Some cool air started flowing around me immediately and a inviting scent was grabbing my attention as soon I started concentrating.

'Found it'.

I opened my eyes and saw a blue hue surrounding the ball . I placed my hand above it and all the mana was absorbed in my hand and before it could get absorbed inside me completely, I dispelled it in the open air .

I don't know how but manipulating mana was very simple after I felt it once.


[Congrats host. Your mana manipulation is better than I expected . ]

While I was grinning at my ability the ball started cracking little by little and after a couple of second it was opened in half.

The girl inside seemed to finally wake up.

After rubbing her eyes slightly she got up making her long brown hairs drop on the ground.

I gues she realised that it wasn't her room as she opened her eyes widely upon seeing the blood flowing beside her .

She looked toward my direction slowly while trembling in fear.

"Wh-Who are you...where are my guards...where am I ...What you did to my body....".She asked while hugging her own body .

"Hey ..calm down there. I am not here to harm you and the guards you are talking about are unfortunately eaten by the goblins".I said.

"Goblins , oh now I remember. " She said while a dazing in her own thoughts.

"Can you tell me why goblins were protecting you and how you end up here ?".

"Ah I am sorry, but are you foreigner from another country?" She said while taking a look at my clothes which was definitely not wore by people of this period. Her clothes were like the one people wear in the manga I read before.

White one piece gown and two strange stars on her left side chest which shining dimly.

"Yeah I came from different land in search of something and now I am done searching it so, now my question. Why they were protecting you and killed the others?" I asked with a suspicious look .

I knew she must be an important person in her kingdom or something like that as she had so many guards , but it's still weird that in face of death those creature were only concerned about her.

"Those monster were extracting my mana to make themselves strong". She said with a sad expression.

'Thats why they wanted to protect their power source huh.'

"Okay don't make the look , you are okay now so cheer up and become more strong to protect yourself in the future. Life is more worth it if you stay optimistic little girl . "

I said after kneeling infront of her to patt her soft silky brown hairs.

She was literally like my Neko chan which always purred in my lap in my previous world.

[A/N : Mc is talking about his cat so -_-]

Her big blue eyes flickered wildly and her cheeks went red . She looker downward ,


A awkward sound came from the girl's stomach and her cheeks went again red and this time it was beating tomato in redness.

"Are you perhaps hungry?" I asked with a slight smile on which she nodded while covering her face with her palms.


[Host, what about no harem theme?]

'She is just a kid and I am not a pedo got it. There will be only one for me as I promised the readers before'.

I took out instant ramen and water kettle to make noodles. The girl was confused all the time on seeing me use inventory . From her perspective I must be just taking out things from thin air.

"Now how sould I heat it up?" I was thinking to lit up the lamps which I blew before but the girl said.

"I can help if you want. I have affinity of flames ". She said while making a small fireball on her palm.

'So cool'.

[Host you jaw is hanging]

"Ahem...okay just don't blow this up and keep to it moderate heat".

When she eating the miso ramen I asked her about her affinity.

She told me that she had four affinities out of six which. One person with four affinities is insanely rare in this world, according to her this miracle happens once in a century so she was literally very important person.

'Water, flame, wind and time magic huh. I am somehow jealous.'.

I was groaning at my pain of having no magic element yet, when the quest arrived.

[New quest!]

[Escort the hostage to a safe place]

[Status: Incomplete]

[Reward: Random skill]

[Penalty: Host will stick in this world for rest of the life]

[Time remaining: 8 hours]

I gasped at the punishment as thinking of staying in a different world is a, no - no as I really don't like some of the isekai things that's why I wanted to return home at any cost.

'But why my body is feeling so weak right now?.'