
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


(A/N : Please forgive me for the system text inconsistency. I actually use my phone to type the novel so drag along ...;)


It's been three days since I met Hori san in the resturant and had their contact saved in my phone. Ishikawa kun is just like what I had saw in the anime. Cool and easy going person. Because of him I made some friends with others also and decided to join basketball team from next week.

Since these three days , I am having a conversation with Miyuki only through phone as she haven't came to school from that day.

I don't know how but everyone got the news about the kidnapping stuff but luckily my name didn't popped up.

Nino san was studying diligently but still she was on junior high, level of knowledge however I am also not pushing much , as watching her making progress in just 5 days is more than enough.

She does act tsundere types in front of me but I know she actually wants my attention and she eventually gets it . Her smile and fluster expression is cute . I don't know if I like her in a romantic way like Miyuki but it's true that I like being with her .

Other than these things I have been grinding my speed and strength along with my weapons very smoothly. I got used to my Sabers and my skills which will drastically help me in the dungeon, I am taking on today .

Since it was Saturday , I thought it won't take time that much and I could return by tomorrow without missing school .

I packed the things I might find useful and told mom, that I won't be coming back today.

It was about 8 in the evening when I decided to enter my second dungeon.

" All things checked, then it's time to le... huh?" I was about to place the key near the door handle when I recieved a text from Miyuki.

-Miyuki- 'Can you meet me tomorrow at 3 p.m at the Latte de cafe? I want to talk about something important.'

-Izumi- 'Sure , I will be there'.

'Its strange for her to ask me so suddenly'. I was surprised as she haven't left her house since three days and even stopped meeting anyone as what I heard from Hori san

"Let's just focus what's in my hand". I shrugged at my other thoughts as a very crucial things was lying idly in my hand which could cost my life.

I gulped and put the key on the door knob and the same creepy skeletal hand did its work.



[Welcome to the dungeon]

What greeted me to the other side of gate was a living hell.

Corps and corps and corps everywhere. About hundreds of men were lying dead on a shore with lifeless faces. Since I can hear heart beat if I focus my senses , I was sure that they were all dead.

A huge ocean was in front of me with dark clouds lurking in the sky making the scene more horrible.

"WTF. I am on an island." I said as I checked my surroundings to find nothing but a dense forest and water again after some kilometre of land, through my enhanced vision.

"Stats". I said as I knew crying over unexpected battleground is not gonna help.

{ Status}

[Name: Izumi Miyamura]

[Level: 7]

[Age: 17 years old]

[HP : 300+ 50 ]

[MP : ∞ ]

[Strength : 250 ]

[Stamina: 150]

[Speed : 150]

[ Intelligence : 120 ]

[Remaining Attributes: 190]

[Equipped: Bulking Bull, metal knives]



1.Shadow stealth - lvl 1

2.Piercing throw - lvl 1

3.Silent Mind - lvl 1

4.Killing Intent - lvl 1 ]


1. Last resort- lvl 1

2. Basic cooking - lvl 1

3. Heat resistance - lvl 1

4. Hackers Hub. - lvl 1]

[Magic element : Silver Lightning ]

"Other than HP , nothing changed, why? " I asked while I sat down under a tree to think about my remaining attributes and how to distribute them.

[Host , the HP reflects your body condition. If you get sick, poisoned or hurt ,it will decrease however if your physical condition improves then HP will follow behind.]

"Okay but what I have to do--


I suddenly heard the land trembling and a gushing sound of someone breathing water out resounded the whole surrounding.

I looked toward the ocean and found a long tentacle or to say tentacles dipping back in the water.

[Dungeon Quest]

[Slay the kraken]

[Time : 6 days]

[Reward : Hidden ]

[Penalty: Hidden]

"Kraken , you can't be serious". I said with a little bit of fear as I didn't had thought in my wildest dream that I had to fight a monster like this just in my second time .

[Ah host let me remind you the time gap ]

"Please tell me something sweet Darbi". I said while taking out my Sabers and putting my knives back .

[It's one hour here and you will miss 12 hours in your home land]


[So please think of strategy and the attributes you want to use]

" ....okay first tell me how much mana capacity I have now?". I asked throwing my unwanted fear from my head.

[Half of your intelligence]

"And I need 100 MP to activate my magic . Hmm then what if I use my contained magic and fill my body again?" I asked as I wanted to know all the possibilities available in my hand.

[Something serious could happen host. You can go insane or in comma or loose all your memories as Magic absorption is directly connected to intelligence and filling it with more than its capacity can lead to no good]

"I got it. Now use 80 points on my intelligence, 30 on my strength , 20 on my speed and rest on my stamina". I said but I didn't knew that I would regret it later.

[Done !]

"Now , how should I grab it's attention".

[Host the kraken suck people's mana and their life force with it , that's why the corpse around you are lifeless without much wound on their body.]

On her words I also realised that their clothes were okay and wooden debris told me that they must be normal sailor who got attacked suddenly.

"So I have to gather mana huh . Okay then". I said while closing my eyes and finding the twirling golden hue around me . The feeling of mana was very relaxing that I felt like sleeping then and there but the sound of incoming danger woke me up.


"This squid sounds interesting. " I saw a pair of black eyes and a head of squid above the eyes staring at me. But the difference between a squid and the creature in front of me was the massive size and the tentacles which was about to reach the island.

'Activate clear mind'. I said and inhaled all the air I can, before slashing my blades with my eyes closed, in the air and cutting the approaching tentacle in a clear one hit .


I opened my eyes calmly as the skill was working perfectly . No anger, stress , worry , fear nothing at all. Just me and my opponent , I could see at that moment.

"Let's start the party , shall we". I said and slashed remaining part of the first tentacles easily and ran while cutting until I reached water.

My movements was fast but the monster was also fast.

When I cut a whole lot of the first tentacle, other two approached me furiously.

I knew fighting under the water will be disastrous so I jumped on the tentacle and ran with my all might toward the creatures eyes.

Suddenly I felt the whole body of Kraken shaking and before I could notice I was under water with the kraken facing me.

'Its smart more than I expected'. I thought while observing my situation.

I held my breathe and saw all the eight tentacles rampaging toward me in high speed .

'No...my hand movements are slowed by the water. I have to get out of here'. I said and started peddling my feet to get out as soon as possible.

The kraken saw me trying to get out of the water and moved a tentacle and grabbed my left leg followed by other tentacles which caught to my whole body .

My whole body was in embrace of my enemy and my weapon was no where to be seen.

'I could take chance of using my magic but ..' I thought but realised that using current under the water will eventually damage myself and maybe it won't hurt my enemy much as I don't know how much damage my element can make.

It was about a minute when I was pulled inside the water and I didn't knew how much I could hold my breath like this.

I was thinking calmly how can I get out of the grip by using my strength to twist my body and get free but the amount of tentacles were enough to stop my movements. I realised that the tentacle I cut before was also regenerated.

'This much was to be expected'.

Suddenly eyes of the kraken sparkled with a purple light and golden hue started getting released from my inside.

'So it is absorbing my Mana then let's see how much it can absorb'. I said as I started filling my body with lots of mana but the absorbed mana didn't reached my core and got absorbed by the maniac instantly. And since it didn't reched my core, I didn't had to worry about going insane.

About after 30 seconds the purple light started shining like a star and kraken' s whole body started shaking fanatically. All the tentacles were jerking and its head was trembling .

'So it's your limit ,. I guess it's my limit too'. I said before I started loosing my consciousness due to lack of oxygen.


I came back to my sense when I felt my body slamming on the sand.

I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was near the corpse ,. I found after entering here .

I stood up with aching body but I felt anger more than anything at the moment. My clear mind' was probably have been deactivated , that's why my emotions started welling up.

"The fuck I am doing. I fucking trained like hell, and I am getting tossed like garbage ."

I glared with a murderous intent toward the monster .

" DONT FUCK WITH ME YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SQUID. I AM NOT GONNA DIE HERE". I said while pulling out my knives and surging myself with magic.

[That's like my Host]