
Rebirth:ice queen

Lilianna Anderson an emotionless girl who does feel anything not even pain or anger dead due to her stepmother's plot, Lilly a girl who grew up in a village near the mountain also dead because her mother was unable to pay for her surgery. She woke up in another 's body which happens to be Lilianna's body an emotionless being, who doesn't even feel pain, in this new life she was given she decided to live according to her own terms and avenge the previous owner of the body in the process of becoming strong she met Ray Manchester who is ruthless and arrogant but was ready to do anything just to win her over.

Amazing012 · Urban
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16 Chs

chapter 1: The Lilly death

"Her heart is not beating any more doctor," a lady in a short white dress said anxiously

"check her pulse" the doctor yelled

Even after checking her pulse, he realized that there was no sign of movement from the girl lying on the bed. He had no idea what to do right now because the girl lying on the bed is not just anyone but the great 'Liliana Anderson' the 'ice Queen' as she was popularly known by. A woman that's always seen expressionless, never see smiling and all now been killed by food poisoning was another thing, who had the gut to do such a thing like this.Her family is just standing outside, what will the hospital tell them and how?

This was the first time in history he does know how to announce the death of a patient, to the patient's family.

When he stepped out of the room her family immediately got up and walked up to the doctor as well

"What happened to my sister? A girl that looks the same age as Lilianna asked anxiously

"How is my daughter " both her parent asked.

"Well am mm am sorry ...

"I said what happened to me daughter" he yelled when he couldn't tolerate his attitude anymore.

"She dead" he finally announced

"Oh hh " that was the only sound he heard from a man who just loses his daughter, not just any daughter but the one known by everyone in New York and beyond.

The one that is literally in charge of their empire no show of any empathy at all.

Doctor Dave Pov

Earlier I was scared of announcing her death to her family but right now seeing how they reacted I was lost for words. I in no mood for their family drama right now.

This was never the reaction he was expecting, he thought they would be sad, cry, and all not just sat 'oh' it quite obvious they wanted him dead, he just left them there to attend to another patient.

Meanwhile, in another hospital, a woman in her late 40's was on her knees pleading with the doctors to treat her daughter.

"Please doctor I beg of you, perform the surgery, I promise to pay the bills once the treatment is done" she pleaded with tears running down her cheeks.

"Ma'am you need to pay the bills before we start treatment," said the doctor. "Please, I will pay, please," said the woman.

While they were talking a nurse came out of one of the rooms and whispered something to the doctor's ear. Then the doctor turned to the woman and said "Ma'am am sorry to inform you that your daughter is dead".

"No no no no, this can't happen, my Lily, my lily is fine, yes she is fine" the woman cried, she kept on trying to confuse herself while the doctor left her there to attend to other patients.

*Back at city Hospital

Doctor dave was about to enter his office when he saw nurse Bella running towards him.

"What happened Bella," asked Doctor dave.

"She's alive" she announced breathing hard.

"Who is alive," asked the doctor has

"Lillianna Anderson". Answered Bella.

" Impossible" he shouted and ran along with her to the room. Whereas inside the room, Lilianna was laying down on the bed holding her head while trying to process the memories that just gushed into her head, she believes that she died and was reborn into another, does such a thing even exist?

And funny enough this body feels nothing, after all, those are some of the memories she reconds but is it even possible not to feel anything, not even pain, only time could tell, she can't wait to venture into this new life.

Lilly Pov

I knew I died after all my mom won't pay the bills and I am glad that finally am free from pain because it has become intractable for me and glad that death has finally come.

I feel my soul leaving my body I know it's real why will I feel such when am already dead another but why was I walking

And where to


So tired

It felt like an eternity through a dark and desolate tunnel. I wanted to stop, but for some reason, I kept on walking towards the speck of light far away in a distance.

My throat felt dry and rough, burning with extreme thirst


I need water, maybe I could drink when I reach the end of the tunnel.

And so I kept on walking and walking and walking.


The thought of water relieving my parched throat kept me going.

I don't know how long I walked, for days, months, years, maybe even decades, perhaps even centuries.

I didn't know, I just wanted water, finally, the light grew larger and brighter

Almost there.

Then I was bathed in pure, white light.


* * * City Hospital * * *

I opened my eyes and felt almost blinded by a soft, dim light. It took a few moments before my eyes and just then, I knew I was in the hospital before I felt my soul leaving my body, but where am I now.

This place looks more luxurious than the one I was in earlier. So did the room suddenly change into another, not just any room but it looks so big, I was trying to gather my thoughts, suddenly some strange thoughts gushed into my head.

These memories aren't mine, but whose, until the face of a girl, starts to show at every memory, before I realized what had happened. The only thing I couldn't conclude was REBIRTH.

Lilianna's eyes widened as she realized the truth. She had been reborn into another body, a body that belonged to the infamous Ice Queen, Lilianna Anderson. She couldn't believe it, but the memories flooding her mind were undeniable. She saw glimpses of a life she had never lived, a life of luxury and power, but also a life of pain and suffering.

As she struggled to make sense of her new reality, the door to her room burst open and Doctor Dave rushed in, followed by Nurse Bella.

"Lilianna, oh my god, you're alive!" Doctor Dave exclaimed.

Lilianna's eyes narrowed, still trying to process her situation.

"What do you mean, I'm alive?" she asked, her voice cold and detached

The doctor was very confused what was going on and this was literally the first time in medical history than a person declared dead wakes up and seem perfect not not was ever wrong with her.

''I better keep quit before I upset her and I ends up becoming her next target' the doctor thought to himself.

And with that, she turned her back on Doctor Dave and Nurse Bella, dismissing them from her presence. She knew she had a long road ahead of her, navigating this new life and uncovering the secrets of her past. But she was ready. For she was Lilianna Anderson, the Ice Queen, and she would stop at nothing to reclaim her throne.

Lilianna's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden bang on the door. She looked up to see the doctor walking towards her, his voice shaking as he asked,

"Are you okay, Miss Anderson?"

She gazed at him blankly, wondering why he was scared. The previous owner of this body had been a formidable being, but Lilianna was determined to make some changes a great change at that.

"I'm fine," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion even when she tried to sound emotional.

How can someone feel nothing, not even pain

or anger

nor happiness

'Where are they


Lilly is confused with this new development in her life but she knew this going to be her life now and her life goal now was to adapt and seek true happiness.

But ratherlessly she need to get back to character and understand why he acting dumb, doesn't he know that I was asking about Lillianna annoy a family member

She wanted to smile, but her new body didn't seem capable of expressing emotions. She didn't feel anything, not even pain or anger or happiness.

"Where are they?" she asked, her voice still flat.


The doctor's eyes darted around the room, as if searching for an escape route.

Lilianna's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with questions.

Who was this doctor, and why was he so intimidated by her?

What had the previous owner of this body done to inspire such fear?

This feels great

The feeling of been feared

But Lilianna didn't have time to ponder these questions. She had more pressing matters to attend to, like taking control of her new life and uncovering the secrets of her past. And she was determined to do just that, no matter what it took.

And she will make sure everyone that made her like this pays dearly and turn their lifestyle into a living nightmares.

They can be happy now let's see how long that will last

Chapter uploads will be irregular.

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