
Rebirth: I Have Doomsday Supermarket

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

Yanyan_Angeles · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
425 Chs


There are also many vending machines in the Xiangcheng quarantine area.

  However, all the vending machines here are in good condition and have not been damaged in any way.

  Once a survivor attempts to damage public property, he will be stopped by the police on duty not far away.

  If you don't listen, you may even lose your life.

  The group of survivors who had just flown back from City D were placed in a special isolation area.

  Because of the explosion of teleportation points, every teleportation point is densely packed with people every day.

  Some people want to enter Xiangcheng, but they have stay at the teleportation point in Xiangcheng for 48 hours.

  They just flew back, went to the vending machines in Xiangcheng, bought a batch of cheap supplies, and then flew out directly.

  Therefore, Ke Minghong continued to refine the transmission points of the Xiangcheng base.

  After arriving, those who would not enter Xiangcheng and fly away directly would stay near the teleportation point.

  People who plan to enter Xiangcheng will enter an area covered with red tape and wait for 48 hours to pass.

  Only survivors who have passed 48 hours will be transferred to the observation area.

  Only those who stay there for 24 hours will be released into Xiangcheng.

  The entire Xiangcheng base is protected watertight.

  In the quarantine area, the group of survivors who had just flown back from City D looked furious,

  "Why is this Xiangcheng base so troublesome? It's never been this troublesome for me to go to other teleportation points."

 " Why do we need to set it up ? So many obstacles to trouble people? It's just trouble."

The doctors and nurses on the side have long been used to these complaints, and they didn't respond in the slightest.

  Another person heard someone say with disdain, "Those idiots are still in D City. I don't see how they will get out of D City in the end when they are pregnant and weak!"

The people around who flew back with them all looked happy and nodded.

  They were about to share the same hatred when they suddenly heard someone behind them say very plainly, "There are zombies, run quickly."

  Are there zombies in Xiang City too? The dozen or so survivors turned pale with fright and looked back in panic.

  Not only the dozen survivors who came back from D City were frightened, but also the other survivors in the quarantine area quickly became alert.

  When everyone looked around, they saw Hua Mi, who was speaking, standing there with a smile on her face.

  She was scaring them like a cat scaring a mouse.

  For a moment, the faces of the dozen or so survivors who had flown back from City D all turned dark.

  Tu Lijia happened to be helping in the isolation area of ​​the teleportation point. When she saw Hua Mi flying back, she stepped forward excitedly and said, " You are finally back. Dr. Xin has said this to you so many times."

  Hua Mi's stomach was already big. It's been 7 months. Because they are twins, Hua Mi is bouncing around again. Xin Qiuru gets very worried every time she thinks about it.

  She always sends messages to Hua Mi, asking her to come back for prenatal check-ups as soon as possible.

  In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is better not to run around.

  Hua Mi also took advantage of the crisis in D City to come to an end this time to rush back for her prenatal check-up.

  She looked at Tu Lijia with a smile. The little nurse was still as happy as ever.

  Others watched as Tu Lijia took Hua Mi's arm and took her directly into the observation area.

  Some people quit immediately.

  Among the dozen survivors reported back from D City, there was one named Hu Tingxiang.

  He knew that Hua Mi was not easy to mess with, so he didn't bother to mess with her. He just pointed at Tu Lijia's back and scolded her, "Why do we have to stay in the quarantine area for 48 hours? This big-bellied woman can just enter the observation area?"

  The survivor next to Hu Tingxiang also looked very unhappy, "Just, don't you know what these 72 hours mean? Every time you go back to Xiangcheng, you have to waste 72 hours here. I've delayed everything for you."

  Tu Lijia turned around and looked at these people as if they were fools,

  "Can she be the same as you? You still don't know why you are left here?"

  Gong Yi directed the Xiangcheng base All places outside are designated as danger zones.

  Anyone who enters the Xiangcheng base from the outside follows this set of operating procedures.

  Even Gong Yi is the same.

  The only one among them who didn't need to go through this process was Hua Mi.

  Because if she were infected and became a zombie, no one would have to live in this extreme environment.

  If there is no supply of supplies, what else can they do?

  Therefore, Gong Yi specially gave Hua Mi a green channel alone, and no one objected.

  Although the current Xiangcheng base does not have any management level organized except Gong Yi.

  But as long as everyone knows about this matter, there is no one who does not agree with it with both hands and feet.

  Hu Tingxiang didn't know Hua Mi's identity, so he sneered and said, "Didn't this fat-bellied woman just find a good husband? Who doesn't know that her husband is a senior garrison officer?" "

 " What, your senior garrison officers at the Xiangcheng base are so virtuous? They use the back door to bully survivors and pay high prices for selling supplies."

  What he said was immediately unanimously agreed by the other dozen survivors who came back from D City.

  "That's right, how can this be done? I remember that the previous garrison was not like this. They all said the apocalypse has come, and people's hearts can change, but it can't change like this all of a sudden."

  After listening to these people's words, the other survivors in the quarantine area all looked thoughtful.

  Everyone looked at Hua Mi with a little unspeakable meaning.

  In the late stages of pregnancy, Hua Mi's face was swollen to the point of becoming white, and then it sank.

  To say she can, but to slander the garrison is a bit too much.

  With a big belly, she looked at Hu Tingxiang, "If you have an opinion, then speak with your strength. If any of you can beat me today, you don't have to stay in the isolation area."

As soon as she finished speaking,

she put one hand behind her back .Behind her, the knife is about to be drawn.

  Hu Tingxiang snorted, took a step back, and said in a strange voice, "Fight with you? I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you will kill me and silence me."

  None of the other survivors who came back from D City dared to take the lead, and they all move back.

  These people retreated, not really retreating, but retreating in order to advance, literally putting Hua Mi on the fire.

  The more they act like this, the more it looks like Hua Mi is bullying others.

  At this time, a delicate female voice came, "How dare a pregnant woman go around provocatively like this? The backstage is so tough that she can be so unscrupulous."

  Hua Mi looked around and saw that the speaker was a girl in the quarantine area.

  Still an acquaintance.

  Her teammate in her previous life was Qu Yimin.

  Hua Mi joined several teams in her previous life, and the last team was the one Qu Yimin was in.

  They also watched helplessly as Fang Xin pushed Hua Mi into the zombie wave, without saying a word of justice, and not a single person in the team stopped Fang Xin's behavior.

  Hua Mi laughed "ha" and said,

  "Yeah, I'm a very tough person with the background, so what can you do? No matter how envious and jealous you are, you don't dare to come up and bite me."