
Rebirth: I Have Doomsday Supermarket

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

Yanyan_Angeles · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
425 Chs


  Originally, Hua Mi planned to wait until the conflict intensified to a certain extent.

  She went to help Chichuan kill people again.

  As a result, Chichuan slashed randomly without even looking at who was in front of him. Anyway, he raised his knife and slashed at anyone who rushed in front of him.

  One knife was not enough, so Chichuan took a machete in both hands.

  The friends who followed Chichuan to distribute goods and repair the unmanned vending machines were also stunned for a moment.

  They saw Chichuan being besieged and originally planned to come to help, but it turned out that Chichuan was more ferocious than they imagined.

  Hua Mi also didn't expect that Chi Chuan would go crazy, just like a crazy person.

  He cut down everyone who came near him, and many fell to the ground. Counting them, there were six if not five.

  For a time, these survivors in the power grid did not dare to act rashly.

  There was Chichuan in front of them, and Chichuan's friends behind them also took out their machetes.

  No one dared to come forward anymore. Chi Chuan finally stopped. He held up his bloody swords and shouted at the survivors in front of him with angry eyes, "I just want to improve my business. You have to force me to kill people. Come on. Ah, who is afraid of whom? Come on!!!"

  Is it easy for him to do a small business and just make a living?

Nowadays, if you are doing some small business of buying and selling, you have to keep your head in your belt, right?

 Okay, then he will kill whoever robs him from now on!

No one can stop Chichuan from buying and selling, not even in the last days.

  Not even for survivors!

  The friends gathered around Chichuan with knives in hand. Each of them had [Energy Crystal Beads] hanging around their necks.

  Only then did everyone realize that, looking at it this way, there were actually a lot of people from Chichuan, accounting for one-third of the survivors in the entire safe zone.

  It's better not to mess with Chi Chuan. It really forced Chi Chuan and his friends to show their fierceness, and it was another gangster-like force.

  The survivors in this safe zone have an even harder time.

  The survivors who originally planned to rob Chichuan regained their humanity one by one, and they retreated one after another.

  Someone still had a smile on his face,

 "Hey, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

With a "bang", behind everyone, Ni Shuiwen and Huo Jing, who were fighting on the roof of the car, both fell down.

  Ni Shuiwen was pinned down by Huo Jing.

  Before Ni Shuiwen could react, Huo Jing, who was wearing iron armor, was riding on Ni Shuiwen, taking turns beating him with his fists. "Are you a human being? Are you a human being?"

  He swear at him while beating him.

  The foreman overhead, holding a cross in his hand, wanted to jump off the roof of the car.

  But it's too high.

  He couldn't sneak up on Ni Shuiwen, so after thinking about it, he could only throw the cross in his hand.

  He want to kill Ni Shuiwen.

  But he accidentally hit Huo Jing on the back of the head.

  Fortunately, Huo Jing wore an iron helmet.

  He was riding on Ni Shuiwen, who had been beaten until his orifices were bleeding.

  Huo Jing covered the back of his head and turned around, looked at the contractor, and shouted angrily, "Uncle, who are you helping?"

  The contractor on the roof of the car smiled awkwardly at Huo Jing and did not dare to speak.

  While the survivors in the safe zone were internally consumed, the survivors outside the power grid had already laid the power grid.

  Although the garrison didn't see any of them.

  That's because the garrison is in a place where everyone can't see it, and they are struggling to kill zombies.

  Therefore, there are actually not as many zombies coming to the safe zone as everyone thinks.

  The zombies that came around the corner, one or two, were scattered here and there. Even if there was no power grid, a brave survivor could take care of them.

  In case you are in a hurry, when you are killing the first zombie, other zombies come forward to harass you.

  Survivors can also run back to the power grid.

  Therefore, compared to the survivors hiding in the safe zone, the survivors outside killed a lot of crystal nuclei.

  Hua Mi looked at it and turned back to Shi Caixia and said, "Let's go out and kill zombies. It seems that these zombies are easy to kill and earn some crystal cores."

  Shi Caixia had already had this intention. With a wave of her hand, she brought Dafu and Xiaofu with her. Behind Hua Mi, she opened the iron gate of the safe area and walked out.

  The survivors who stayed outside all had experience in killing zombies.

  Originally, being surrounded by zombies gave them a psychological shadow.

  Now being forced by Hua Mi to a dead end, each of them had to overcome their psychological shadow and pick up weapons again.

  At this moment, they are all killing zombies. Those who are not killing zombies are also luring zombies to the power grid.

  Others deliberately arranged the power grid on the ground in the shape of a trigram.

  Zombies can't turn around. They have no idea whether there is a power grid on the ground or not. They just chase the survivors.

  As soon as the survivors ran into the power grid , they were surrounded by zombies that were tender on the inside and scorched on the outside.

  All the survivors have to do is stand in inside, hold an insulated stick, and pick out crystal nuclei from a pile of cooked brains.

  At this moment, the crystal core is really easy to get.

  Even Chichuan and his friends couldn't help but ran out of the iron gate of the safe zone with their knives in hand, selling various supplies in their backpacks and killing zombies to earn extra money.

  The contractor was so excited that he climbed down from the roof of the car and pushed Huo Jing,

  "They had gone out to kill zombies, why don't we go and earn one too?"

  As the number one person around Miss Hua, The contractor has always made a lot of money.

  But 100 crystal cores can be exchanged for 100,000 yuan.

  Put the power grid on the ground and pick up the crystal core.

  The contractor was very excited for a moment.

  Huo Jing nodded. He looked down at Ni Shuiwen, who was motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

 "Let's go kill the zombies."

  Huo Jing, who had the [Energy Crystal Bead], even after the fight, he still felt energetic and powerful.

  With nowhere to vent all his strength, Huo Jing urgently needed to go out and exercise.

  In the safe zone, Hua Mi's people all went out to kill zombies.

  The remaining survivors who wanted to fly away were also jealous.

  The main thing is that the survivors who can stay here have no money and no supplies to sell in the safe zone.

  The only supplies were in the backpacks of Chichuan and his friends.

  If you want supplies, you have to get crystal cores, exchange them for money, and then buy supplies.

  So whether you want to get crystal cores or supplies, you have to go out and kill zombies.

  Even if you want to survive, you have to get out.

  The survivors in the safe zone had no time to care about Ni Shuiwen. They looked sadly at the two scenes inside and outside the power grid.

  Outside the power grid, survivors soon took 100 crystal cores, exchanged them for money, and used the money to buy supplies.

  What Hua Mi promised, those who had laid the power grid, got today's free three meals, two snacks and a bottle of [Energy Water Drops]

  There is no need to worry about food outside.