
Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · Urban
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


"I must be hearing things. Did Zuri actually get a lawyer to sue Natalie?"




"Natalie posted that anonymous message on the school forum. She did it to vent for Saira, so she deliberately smeared Zuri's name."


"For Zuri to sue so quickly, she must have been really pissed."


"Natalie went too far this time. Accusations of pregnancy, abortion, and a chaotic personal life can be devastating for a girl."


"Do you think the earlier rumors about Zuri doing those unsavory things were also spread by them?"


"I suspect so. Saira might have been jealous of Zuri and had Natalie and the others do the dirty work."


"If I were Saira, I'd hate Zuri too. It's understandable."




Once the lawyer showed up, the news spread through the school like wildfire. At the same time, the negative rumors about Zuri began to fade.


On the other hand, Saira had stepped into a big mess. Not only did she gain nothing, but people started to suspect her, and more began gossiping behind her back. Previously, Saira was one of Windsor Academy's top four beauties, and no one dared to speak ill of her. But now, that had changed.


During the break after the last class, Saira came to Zuri's classroom. Her presence naturally attracted attention.


"Zuri, come out for a moment," Saira commanded, standing beside her desk, looking down at her.


Zuri paused her writing and looked up. "Whatever you have to say, say it here."


Fine! That was exactly what she wanted.


"Withdraw your lawsuit."


"Are you ordering me?" Zuri leaned back in her chair, watching her with a leisurely air.


Saira pleaded, "Zuri, I know you hate me. You can take it out on me, but please don't hurt my friends. They are innocent."


Zuri closed her exercise book. That familiar tone, that familiar script.


"Yes, you're right. They are indeed innocent. Innocent to be implicated by you, used by you as weapons, and to target me again and again. Wow, they're really innocent."


Zuri's voice was filled with mock innocence, her exaggerated expression and tone dripping with sarcasm.


The surrounding students covered their mouths, not daring to laugh out loud because of Saira's protectors. But then...




A snicker came from nearby. It was none other than Kaden, who had just woken up.


Others might fear Connor and Arthur, but Kaden did not.


Saira's face turned red with anger, but she didn't dare to hold a grudge against Kaden. She could only blame Zuri.


"Why are you always like this?" Saira bit her lip. "You've already taken my parents, my room, everything I had. Why do you have to go after my friends too? Do you want to see me with nothing, all alone? If that's what you want, I'll distance myself from them and stop seeing them. Just withdraw the lawsuit against Natalie."


The surrounding students, who had been mocking, fell silent after hearing her words. Their gazes towards Saira softened.


Someone who was willing to give up everything for their friends was undeniably moving.


"Clap, clap, clap!"


Applause broke out.


"What a touching declaration. I'm almost moved," Zuri said.



"Zuri, if you have a problem, take it out on me. I'd even give you my life if you wanted, just don't hurt the people around me."


Avoiding the main issue and changing the topic, her usual trick.


In the past, Zuri had let it slide, and Saira thought she was clever.




Before Zuri could respond, Kaden, lying with his hand propped under his cheek, looked at Saira with a mocking smile.


"Hey, you stab someone and then say a few words to make them forgive you unconditionally. Why?"


The classmates who had been moved by Saira's words suddenly snapped out of it.


Right, Kaden's words were harsh but true.


Why should she get away with hurting someone just by acting pitiful?


That was too much.


Zuri glanced at Kaden and continued, "Because she's a goddess, and she's got a big face."


"Pfft haha..."


The classmates couldn't hold back anymore and burst into laughter.


Saira's pitiful expression froze, and she felt both humiliated and angry.


These two were making it impossible for her to save face.


Natalie and the others, hearing that Saira had come to apologize to Zuri for Natalie's sake, rushed over just in time to see everyone laughing at Saira. They were furious.


"What are you laughing at?"


Samara and the others rudely pushed aside the students blocking their way and stormed over to stand in front of Saira, shielding her.


"Zuri, don't go too far."


"Since you joined the Lin family, you've been bullying her. You've taken her parents, everything she had, and you're still not satisfied? Aren't you afraid of bursting from greed?" Samara exploded.


"You keep targeting Saira. You hurt her at home, and now you don't stop at school. How can you be so heartless? You're truly a gutter rat with no upbringing."


The students around, seeing the pitiful Saira and hearing about her suffering in the Lin family, couldn't help but feel sympathetic. Some boys looked at Zuri with disapproval.


Zuri's eyes sparkled as she looked at Samara and the others. "Are you done? If so, it's my turn."


"First of all, those parents are mine. Everything she has belongs to me. She's enjoyed my life for over a decade, and I should thank her?"


"I should apologize for taking back what's mine?"


"Shouldn't she be the one apologizing?"


"She stole my identity, my wealth. Shouldn't she say sorry to me?"


These were words she had long wanted to say. Unfortunately, she never got to say them before she died.


The hallway was now crowded with spectators. Hearing Zuri's words, they realized how foolish their earlier sympathy for Saira was.


The one who truly deserved sympathy was Zuri. After all, she was the one who suffered the most.