
First case

Matilda POV

"You...you ...gosh am so annoyed he said you misplace an important file and without that file i might lose my case " he fumed, "I'm so sorry Mr Derek it not intentional

I will...." "You are sorry does sorry cuts,will it bring the file back

God you annoying little thing," "Mr Derek i will find it ," "better find and let me warn don't you ever touch my desk i hate when people touch my things now find it," "ok i understand"

I started searching i remembered i pour some papers in the wastebin,maybe is part of it,i went to the waste bin it empty

it must have been poured with the general one i thought and ran outside when all the company waste is kept i have to find it ,it my fault ,"Tilly" i heard someone call me i turn and see it steph

"What are you looking for?" "some files i misplaced yesterday," "but you don't have to search the waste bin ," "nooo it should be here "

"Tilly just apologise to Mr Derek am sure he will understand," "nooo it important without it he's in trouble "

"Ok let me help," "nooo steph it my problem ," "nooo i can help," "steph please Mr Patrick might need you," "but....."

"Don't worry i will.be ok," "ok but i will be back" I continue searching

Stephanie's POV

"Gosh!! is Mr Derek this harsh?? everyone can make a mistake,then i saw his office door open,he came out

Mr Derek i shouted he look in my direction,you are annoying you know how can you...."

"Your name ?" He cut me off,he don't even know me

"Stephanie Tilly's friend" " i see," "you can't do this to Tilly you know how hard she worked yesterday

it just a file," he look at me and said "just a file do you know how important it is,you won't know ,that file is the key to my case with out it I'm done

Do you understand??" "I'm scared he's cold and scary ,how did Tilly survive him?why did i even call him in the first place?? " "did you understand ?"he brought me out of my thought

"Yes " i replied and he left ,"gosh! am so scared,he's like an iceberg"

Sara POV

I met Tilly outside searching for God knows what at the waste bin ,"serves you right" i thought and smile,she look in my direction

"sis do you need any help ? i ask with a smile,she ignore me,guess am not needed" i said

"Tilly" i heard Felix call her,"what the hell are you doing here ??"he ask with concern

"wait Felix is concern about her nooo this is not gonna happen,he's mine mine alone"

"Let me go" i heard Tilly said ,Felix holding her,"Tilly i told you that guy is crazy " "not as crazy as you" she replied with a smile ,"Tilly please stop....."

I whine to bring Felix attention to me,pretending i broke my ankle,"Sara he ran to me with concern what wrong???"

"i think i broke my ankle i said with tears in my eye i can't walk,"he carried me in bridal style i look at Tilly one last time and we left,"i won again" i thought with a smile

Derek POV

Mr Alex office

"What the hell is she looking for?" He ask looking at Tilly through the window,"non of you business now why do you want to see me?"

"Here he said dropping a file i took it yesterday when Matilda went for photocopy,"i look at the file and.....

"You,Mr Alex you made me shout on her this is what she is looking for," "what? I should have told her before i left yesterday am so sorry," "don't sorry me

you should say that to Tilly " i replied and walk out gosh!! i made her search the waste bin,i should have been patient,God i made a mistake

Matilda POV

Uhhmmmm" i heard someone cleared their thoart "be hide me i turn and it turn out to be Mr Alex

"Tilly you can stop searching we found it," "really i said with a smile where did you find it??"

"actually it was not lost i took it when you went for photocopy yesterday," "what?" i asked with surprise.

"..Am sorry i made you go through this " he said pointing at the waste , "it ok" i said but am really annoyed

annoyed at Mr derek,he just decided to criticise me with out even asking around or try looking for ,am so annoyed let me give him a piece of advice

Derek POV

She barge into the office,"i heard you found it," "yes i did," "so all the searching was all for nothing?"

"look Tilly i know i did wrong," "so tell me you are sorry" "wait sorry? i don't apologise to anyone " i replied "even if you are wrong ??"she ask

" Yea let just forget it," "wow! wow!! wow!!! forget what made me search the waste bin you are unbelievable" she said with a sarcasm

"it ok Tilly let get to work," "hey " Tilly said with annoyance

"Do you realise am your boss" i said getting annoyed ,"so what? so what if you are the boss?? you are very very arrogant," "you are crossing the line " i warned

She laugh "you are just a arrogant sarcastic jerk,do you think you are better than anyone?"

"it ok Tilly you are annoying me," "and you know what? she continued you are so selfish ,you only care about your self"

"enough" Tilly i said raising my voice

"You crazy bastard who do you think you are?' "gosh !! I'm losing it,i thought she's making me lose it," "and i notice something about you she said you hate women "

"nooo i replied you got that wrong i like women i like women very well it you i hate "

i can't believe i said i hate her but her next word hit me," i hate you too " she went out and bang the door

Matilda POV

"Who did he think he is??do he think his some god or what ??shit " i bang the door,and met Mr Patrick and Mr Alex at the door," it all my fault ,Mr Alex said am so sorry"

" i just pass them and went out i need some fresh air

gosh!! but why am i over reacting ??? this is not how i handle things i made something out of nothing

Maybe i should have just let it die ,whatever i have to go back if i don't want to fail this is a test my life and career depends on it so i can't quit"

i calm down and went back I entered the office quietly and to my surprise Mr Derek is not in

gosh that good if not it could have been awkward,i sigh and sat he left two files for me to work on and i get to work

Mr Patrick POV

"Haha i laugh interesting,she so fierce"

Mr Alex look at me and ask "are you happy about what happen? "

"Nooo just that it interesting i don't know there is someone who can put up with Derek at least there's someone who can face him"

"it true Mr Alex said nodding she surprise me," "me too i laughed again let see what will happen now"

I looked at his office again and left .

Matilda POV

"Calm down Tilly it ok,shit why am i angry over this little thing? i need to calm down why overreact,hmmmmm

i took a deep breath,now that better i can do this i just have to get use to that cranny behaviour i can do this i just need focus that's it," i turn i entered the firm,"you ok? " Mrs laila asked

"Am fine," "don't mind him just bear with it" she smiled

she passed and entered the office,i went to my desk deciding to ignore Mr Derek

but a sob made me look up i found a woman crying in front of Mr Derek,"what wrong?? i wonder," "she didn't kill him I'm sure caro can't do it,she can't" she continue sobbing.

"Let me see what i can do,but are you sure she don't do it be sincere i need you to say the truth

the case is must,i must win it," Mr Derek replied ,"gosh !! he only care about winning," i thought

"Matilda here check this and make photocopies" he called me,"hmm ok " i said and took the file,wonder what case she brought i sigh

Derek POV

"Please i hope you can get her out,i don't think she killed him,he's her brother after all why will she do that??"

"Miss Lisa calm down,"am starting to get irritated with her crying,"I'm.."

she broke in tears again "Gosh what with this woman?? you can get going we will meet in court"

"ok thank you thank you sooo much," she said cleaning her tears. Matilda entered as miss Lisa left

"here" she said handing over the files to me,she look less angry,"there's something we have to do" i said "what is that?" "Let go through the file together

it part of our job we are to solve this case together," i replied, "really ?let do that then."

30minutes later

"The defendant that is our client is been charge of murder of her brother,she's 30 with 2kids

she was caught in her brother's house after having argument with her brother

It was said that she killed him during the argument,sooo what do you think? " i ask,"hmm is he married?" "he's divorced" I reply

"Any witness?" Matilda ask again,"no witness for now" I said , "so what are we gonna do ?" she ask,"let check the crime scene and we have to do that now so let go" "Now? " "Yes now"

Matilda POV

I keep looking at the pictures of evidence,"the knife is a small kitchen knife"

"yes " Mr Derek replied we are on our way to the crime scene

"I wonder what could have made her kill her brother" I said "nooo you are getting it wrong she don't kill him

don't put it that way how can your client believe you when you are thinking she killed him

You have to stand on what you are told understood ?"

Mr Derek explained "yes" I replied nodding "We are here" Mr Derek said and parking in front of a duplex

we got out and went into the house ," do you think it ok?" I ask Mr Derek,"what?" He ask confused,"entering here even after police warning"

"Don't worry we are lawyers after all we are not breaking the law we....." thud ,he stop talking after being hit by..........