
Rebirth-Harry Potter

I’m gonna be blunt you died I’m just here to make sure you spend your karma

Ace1096 · Book&Literature
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Hogwarts Train Ride

The following morning was very awkward for Fluer but not so much as me I walked in for breakfast like I won an award with a smile on my face I was just wearing a plain white shirt and shorts I had an elf bring me.

Skye-Good morning folks I see you had an amazing night Apolline.

A-An amazing night that I did after we didn't see you and Fluer but heard her screaming her head off we figured it out i'm just surprised Gabrielle didn't wake up.

Skye-That's because I cast a sleeping spell and silenced her room so she didn't hear us I forgot our room though but she should be awake soon I met her when I went out around midnight to get a glass of water she's a sweet girl but a ball of energy that's for sure.

A-The Queen and conclave tested the spell after we told her about it and it worked we will be welcoming about 10 new children in nine months she even got her mates pregnant she thought that she would never have children to pass her title onto but you gave her hope and she wanted me to pass on her thanks.

We just sat there talking for a few more minutes till a very worn out Jean and Fluer with bush on her face walked in with a ball of sunshine tackled me in a hug after I kissed her sister.

A-Fluer next time cast a silencing charm on the room I wore Jean out.

F-Mama hush I wasn't thinking straight yesterday but i'm now marked.

G-Skye do you want to play with me after breakfast i'll show you around the grounds?

I just agreed we spent the next few hours enjoying each others company before I dragged Fluer into bed that night but I remembered to put the charm on the room.

I spent the next couple months with them before I had to leave Fluer was glad I had more mates to share the burden of my stamina.


I'm standing in front of the Hogwarts express dressed in jeans a white sweater black dragon hide boots my wand strapped to my arm/wrist for "wandless" magic my hair done up in a simple pony tail with my trunk in my pocket and my snow white male owl Hermes on my shoulder.

Skye-Hermes head off to Hogwarts i'll see you their soon.

As i'm walking in looking for a compartment I catch a smell of a mate now to find it as I look around I find it in the middle compartments as I knock on the door I catch the strongest mate smell I've gotten since Fluer.

The door opens to reveal 5 girls the first is Daphne Greengrass the rest are Padma and Parvati Patil Hermione Granger and Alice Longbottom (Nevilles twin sister).

D-Can we do something for you?

Skye-Can I sit here with you?

All the girls just shrug and says yes as I sit down I ask for names.

D- Daphne Greengrass

P-Padma and Parvati Patil

H-Hermione Granger

A-Alice Longbottom

D-Who are you?

Skye-Sorry were where my manners my name is Skye Ravenclaw.

All their eyes widen at my last name.

A-Are you really a Ravenclaw?

Skye-*flashes house ring* Yes I am I've been one since I was born and you must be Augustus granddaughter I met her when I was cleaning out my ancestors potion cabinet i'm the one who sent for her when I found the cure for your parents.

Alice just broke down crying against me I just rubbed circles in her back till she calmed down.

Skye-Now i'm gonna come clean i'm a half veela and I smelled my mates scent and narrowed it down to this compartment and you 5 are mates from what i'm smelling.

I can see they were surprised at what I said but Hermione didn't catch on.

H-What do you mean by mates?

Skye-You see I'm a half Veela and like most magicals with creature inheritances we don't just get into relationships with anyone we have mates or just a single mate I found a spell from Rowenas library that searches for your mate as she did and I have 8 mates I've met and bonded with her already but you 5 are also my mates the spell when cast would put a mark on your body in the shape of a heart mines over my heart my first bonded is on her ass.

The 5 of them just put their hand on there asses well look likes it's a repeat of Fluer.

Skye-Now I can say that my Veela thrall is telling me to jump you 5 and make sure we're bonded but as long as we're close to each other I can hold off but I will have to mark you after meeting parents first.

D-Well how will you be around us if we're in separate houses?

Skye-That's simple I can look at each of you and can tell you all desire knowledge and lack the other qualities from the other houses but if you are I'm also the lord of Hogwarts to put it simply not just Ravenclaw I can get us all a room to ourselves.

A-So if you have lord rings your the owner of Hogwarts?

Skye-Yes I am if a teacher does something to endanger the students I control the wards to kick them out for good and if the headmaster does something the wards will lock him from using magic and restrain him for aurors to come collect him.

They get the gist of it as we continue talking and getting to know each other's likes dislikes and agreed to helping Hermione out in the wizarding world, but as we're almost at the end of the trip when it's time to change in our robes.

Skye-Were almost at the school it's time to change into robes now I can sit here and watch you change and enjoy the show or I can step out?

They just blush before telling me to stay and I can say I enjoyed the view but now to get this shit over with as we pull up and start to exit the train.

???-Firs year firs year follow me rememb no mor than 4 to a boat

We all get in separate boats but still close by as we see the castle after going under the alcove and ivy the castle looks magnificent I can see myself loving my time here.

Hogwarts-Welcome Lord to the castle it's me Hogwarts talking to you as soon as you came in through the wards the castle is in your control now if you ever have a need just knock on the wall I will listen to your needs.

Skye-Thank you I just have one message for you to pass on to Helena that the diadem the cup and the locket of the founders have been cleansed of Voldemort's soul and are resting in the respective castles.

Hog-Thank you lord I shall pass on the message.

Yep I'm going to love my time here.