
Fu Qingxuan Had Gone Mad

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Without a word, Guan Yue stared at the girl with confidence written all over her face. 

Truth be told, she did not come up with the idea. Guan Yue sought Ms. Jiang Yin for help and the latter shared a tip, saying that the girl may be stubborn but was a softie inside. Getting sympathy votes was a great course of action, but even better if she pestered Shen Xi relentlessly. 

Moreover, Guan Yue did not have to stage anything to get a sympathy vote. Ms. Shu's injury was real, impeding her from getting on stage. 

Guan Yue herself failed to live up to expectations. 

Out of ideas, her only choice was to seek Shen Xi's help. 

Shu Baiyu was happy to learn about the news but gave Guan Yue a sulky look. "Don't you discuss anything with me anymore? You sure took the liberty to act on your own." 

Guan Yue replied with a smile, "Teacher, aren't you happy? I got you your student of choice." 

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