

Sophia Bennett, betrayed by her husband and step-sister, faced a gruesome end—burned alive with her unborn child. But fate grants her a second chance. Reborn back to when it all began, Sophia now have the chance to rewrite her tragic story. Haunted by memories of the past life, She refuses to let death quench her hatred and regret. Instead, fueled by vengeance. Reborn at the most critical moment that will change her life, “the arranged marriage with the richest and handsome bachelor Alexander Brooks” which she escaped from in her previous life. Will Sophia get married and destroy Olivia's path to riches? Or finds herself entangled with Alexander Brooks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “ Are you that desperate to secure the position of “Mrs Brooks” that you'll shamelessly throw yourself at me”? Alexander asks, his voice laced with contempt, his deeps eyes looking at the woman squirming under him. His eyes trails her curvy body as his right hand squeeze the soft mound on her chest, he thought he'd find her touch disgusting but his body couldn't help but react to her and he can barely control his actions. “Ummmm” Sophia moans to his touch “ p-please” she murmurs shakingly, her eyes clouded as she rubs her hot and soft body against him. She feels hot all over and couldn't help groping his body to find relief. Loosing all restraint, Alexander leans to her ear, biting it and whispers huskily “since you're so eager, then don't blame me for being unrestrained”. He sucks her neck, bites down, “ahhhh ummmm” Sophia squirms in bliss. His hand roams her soft body, his head leaves her neck as he kiss his way down to her collarbone and down to her twin peaks. He latches unto one of her breasts, sucks and swirls his tongue round her erect nipple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Rebirth from Ashes” weaves love, betrayal, redemption, and new beginnings into a captivating narrative.

Serene_Daisy · Urban
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Wedding Night

"Phew" Sophia slummed on the bed tired and mentally exhausted. Today has been a rollercoaster, now she's married once again and can't even describe the feeling. 

Feeling a little bit suffocated, she rubs her chest gently and tried to think of something else. Yes! Her belongings, Sophia facepalms

Alexander had dropped her at the villa and drove off immediately without even saying a word to her, he didn't even enter the house, as if an extra minute spent with her is torture.

Thankfully, the cook in the house is a nice middle-age woman, Sarah, who had welcomed her and took her to the guest room prepared for her.

As she has pushed into the car abruptly by her 'dear' father, Sophia came empty-handed and had to call Xavier to send over her belongings to the Brooks villa. Thank God she had packed them before leaving.

Waiting for her luggages, Sophia thought about her and the next step to take. Even though this marriage is just in name, it will save her the unnecessary trouble of being used as pawn by her father.

"Let's give it a week to figure out Alexander's stand, that will be crucial for my next step" she murmurs tapping her chin thoughtfully. 

While drafting out the plan for her Business, time lifetime Sophia decides to pursue her dream of being a prominent fashion designer. But she's going to need a lots of funds. 

"Think it's about time I visit the Bennet's corporation as the biggest shareholder" she smirks

Knock! knock!

This snapped Sophia out of her thoughts, "who is it" even Sophia is surprised at how lethargic her voice sounds. 

Aunt Sarah, the cook replied "madam, your belongings have been sent and are being brought into the house, do you need help arranging them? Her walm voice sounded behind the door

"Don't bother, I can handle then myself, thank you" Sophia rose up to get her belongings 

She didn't have much, as she had abandoned all those forbidden pink colored items, 'i can't believe I have such absurd taste just to please a man'. 

Sophia spent hours arranging and changing the layout of her room, and it's already nighttime by the time she's done. Rubbing her grumbling stomach,

 Sophia remembered Aunt Sarah had come to remind her she's leaving and her dinner is in the microwave..

Finding a pyjamas to change into, the best one she could find is a skimpy two piece that sticks to her like a second skin, showing off her soft contours and long straight smooth legs.

Signing in resignation, Sophia went downstairs to fill her stomach, seeing no one around, she wondered if she's the only one in the mansion, save for the guards outside though. 

"Well I guess he won't be back for a while" she shrug indifferently. It's better this way she thought 

While eating her dinner, flashes of her previous life kept coming despite her effort to restrain her thoughts. The pain of bring burnt makes her rubs her skin with trembling hands. Daniel and Olivia's mocking face kept popping in her head and she could hear their maniacal laughter as she burns.

Sophia staggers as she stood up, tears already gathering in her eyes 

" No no no Sophia, don't think about it" she whispers shaking her head, as if to dispel the thoughts. " I'm safe , I'm fine, I'll make them pay" she murmurs trying to comfort herself " I can't lose myself" her tears spills uncontrollably blurring her vision.

Gripping the chair's armrest tightly for support, she knew she had to find a way to divert her attention, she's not strong enough to face her trauma. Staggering around her kitchen, she found her way to the sitting and that when she noticed the small bar at the corner. Alcohol!

Rushing her almost stumbling, she found a bottle of whiskey and half filled cup, her brain too jumbled to notice she's not alone in the house and someone just drank from the cup.

Picking the glass with trembling hands, she drowned the content and grimaced at the burning and taste. This is her first time taking alcohol in both lives.

Filling the glass again, Sophia continued drinking till she started swaying and the glass cup in her hands crashed to the ground making a loud sound in the once quiet house.

Staggering back, Sophia fell in a corner, wrapping her hands around her knees and mumbling words to herself. Then she started feeling hot, so hot like she was burning once again, she screamed as she started crying loudly

. " Stop! Please! Please stop" she pleads to no one in particular, hearing the sound of footsteps she raised her head and through her hazy eyes could see the silhouette of a man. Reaching out her shaky hands to him, she begs ' please' her consciousness gradually being clouded.

Alexander looked at the woman curled up on the floor with intense anger, the veins in his head bulging as he grits his teeth. He had came back about an hour ago, and was particularly relieved to see the Bennet's girl is not around to pester him.

He had taken his favourite whiskey and downed a glass, halfway through the second glass that when he noticed his body's reaction. His drink had been laced with aphrodisiac. He wanted to strangle that woman's fragile neck but had to rush to the bathroom to take a cold shower and resist the drug.

He knew the Bennet's are shameless but he wasn't expecting her to stoop so low as drugging him, so she can seduce him.

Looking at her pitiful figure on the floor, he wondered if this is part of her act. He snapped out of his thought when he noticed her trying to crawl towards him. He moved back hastily in reflex avoiding her hands.

Her outstretched palm falling on the broken shards of glass on the floor, SE hissed in pain, bright red blood flowing out of her pale skin. 

Alexander stood rooted to the ground in shock and confusion, " is she retarded?" he murmurs in confusion. Seeing her cradling her bloodied palm pitifully, Alexander left to get the first aid kit. "I knew this girl is trouble" he grumbled

Sophia doesn't understand her feeling, all she knew is she had to relieve this burning feeling and she strongly feels only this man can help her. 

Returning with the treatment box, Alexander squatted in front of her and took her injured hand, he felt a jolt ran through him at the contact, his heart tingling and his blood pumping widely.

" Damn! the drug is still in my system" suppressing his feeling he tried cleaning the wound of the hateful woman who drugged him, scheming enough to drug herself too and is currently trying to latch onto him 

" Stay put" he snapped in frustration " or so help me God! I'm gonna leave you here to bleed to death" such a shameless and hateful woman 

Wrapping the wound, he tried freeing himself from the clutches of his wife. " Hey! Hey!" He patted her roughly, noticing he doesn't even know her name. Running his hands through his hair in frustration he knew he had to get out of here, he hate how his body is reacting to this shameless woman.

Her soft body is not helping either, the skimpy nightdress she wore is sleeveless and tight, putting her cleavages on display and her smooth waist visible as the top raised due to her squirming, with the shorts barely covering her buttocks, her fair long smooth legs all out on display. Alexander grits his teeth in anger 

Sophia latched onto the man in front of her, rubbing her body against him, soothing the burning a bit but she needs more, taking the chance to wrap her hands around his neck, she buries her head in the crook of his neck and whispers " please" in a shaky voice. She don't even know what she's begging for.

Alexander jolts from the intimate contact, holding the woman, trying to push her away forcedly, only to freeze when she buries her head in the crook of his neck. 

His hands trying to push her away stops, as her hot breathe tickles him when she whispers 'please', he nearly lost his rationality. 

Angry at himself to reacting to the shameless Bennet's girl touch, " I'm supposed to feel disgusted"

 Alexander's head burst with anger as he tried suppressing his feeling, his hands tightens and he notices they are holding her thin waist and she lets out a painful moan at his strength.

The moan making Alexander's heart throbs and he could feel himself getting a boner, as his shameless wife kept rubbing against him. He stood up in resignation and the woman in his arms quickly wrapped her exposed legs around his waist.

Staggering from the sudden weight, he wrapped a hand around her waist and the other holding her soft thigh. He heard her soft moan again. 'Even a monk will loose control at this point' he thought in his mind

" Since you'll go to such great length to seduce me, then I'll give you that which you desperately desire" Alexander says to the woman in his arms. He turned and carried her to the guest room.

 "Let's have our wedding night wife" he said distastefully to the woman thrown on the bed.