
Tactical Training Camp

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wright was very different from Ralph. Because Wright had just arrived at the third-level tactical training camp, he didn't really know anyone there.

Wright had a straightforward personality and had a high combat ability. Faced with Ralph's provocation and bullying, he naturally couldn't stand it.

The two of them didn't give in to each other and ended up fighting. Ralph lost to Wright. Despite this, Ralph was still the best soldier in the tactical training camp.

It was just that Wright's battle power was even stronger than Ralph's.

Although the fight allowed Wright to vent his anger, it also caused him to be ostracized by his other comrades in the training camp.

Before Wright arrived at the tactical training camp, no one had dared to provoke Ralph.

As Ralph's grades had always been outstanding, many people liked to flatter him and do things for him.

Wright, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Instead of flattering him, he gave Ralph a beating, leaving Ralph in a difficult position.

Therefore, he naturally became Ralph's rival.

Although many of Wright's comrades admired Wright's courage, they could only admire Wright secretly.

On the surface, the comrades in the training camp still acted as if they were on Ralph's side.

Obviously, Ralph's influence in the training camp was not small.

But Wright didn't care.

He only wanted to improve himself well in the tactical training camp, and with his current strength, he could totally compete with Ralph.

Soon, the tactical training camp organized a personal competition.

There were several segments in the competition. Among them, there was a ten-kilometer cross-country run, a rapid crossing of the obstacle track, a close-combat fight, and so on.

In order to deal with this competition, Wright had made sufficient preparations and continuously strengthened himself through training, in order to get first place in the competition.

The first segment was a ten-kilometer cross-country run.


With a gunshot, Wright ran forward with all his might.

In just a few minutes, he rushed to the front and distanced himself from the others.

After about ten minutes, three soldiers could be seen running along a mountain trail. One of them was Wright.

All three of them were panting, but none of them were stopping.

Seeing that he was about to reach the finishing point, Wright persisted.

However, something bad happened at that moment.

The other two muscular soldiers chased after Wright with all their might and ran in front of him.

They said with ill intentions.

"Kid, you think you can win?"

"What do you want?"

The two soldiers said, "Kid, you dare to compete with our Big Brother? We're going to teach you a lesson today."

Wright thought about it and asked, not really understanding what they meant.

"Who's your big brother?"

The two soldiers said angrily.

"You hit our big brother a few days ago, and you're still playing dumb in front of us. Our big brother's name is Ralph."

He looked at the two soldiers and said with a look of disdain.

"Oh? Ralph's two lackeys. What's up?"

He asked the two soldiers again.

When the two soldiers heard Wright call them Ralph's lackeys, their faces turned green with anger.

"Hey! What are you talking about? Are you itching for a beating?"

He didn't explain much and simply said seven words.

"If you want to fight, then come."

At this point, Wright could already tell that these two soldiers were up to no good. They were here to cause trouble. If he didn't teach these two soldiers a good lesson, they would still be trying to cause trouble in the future.

Before Wright made a move, however, the two soldiers had already pounced on him.

These two soldiers were tall and strong, and one of them threw a punch.

Seeing this, Wright hurriedly dodged.

If they fought head-on, Wright might not be able to take them on.

Therefore, he used the tactics he learned in the tactical training camp to respond cleverly.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast. Just as the fist was about to hit him, he used his leg to kick the soldier while dodging.

At this moment, the two soldiers saw that his hands and feet were relatively nimble, so they started to work together. They surrounded Wright to prevent Wright from continuing to run forward.

The intentions of the two soldiers were very obvious. They didn't intend to beat up Wright. Their pursuit and interceptions were entirely to delay Wright's time so that Ralph, who was quickly catching up, could get first place.

Wright knew this too, of course, but in the face of these two soldiers' provocation, he felt the need to teach them a good lesson.

However, in order to save time, he had to settle the two soldiers in front of him as soon as possible.

Ralph, who was behind him, had already caught up by now. He smiled coldly at Wright.

Seeing that his scheme had succeeded, Ralph ran off in triumph.

In a short while, Wright started fighting the two soldiers. In a few punches, he knocked down one of the soldiers first.

At this moment, another soldier also rushed over.

But Wright didn't tangle with him. In order not to delay, he ran directly towards the end point, leaving the soldier far behind.

Wright had made the right decision. If he continued to be entangled by those two soldiers, then he would lose to Ralph, who was running in front.

At this moment, Ralph didn't expect to be able to get rid of the two soldiers so quickly. He looked at Wright who was chasing after him and quickened his pace.

However, Wright had always liked to run since he was young. In terms of long-distance running, he had never lost to anyone.

Seeing that Ralph was about to reach the finishing point, Wright accelerated at an astonishing speed.

In order to catch up to Ralph in front as soon as possible, he used [Flurry].

After this skill was activated, Wright's body would be much lighter, and the explosive power could be increased in a short period of time.

Just as Ralph was about to reach the finishing point, Wright ran past him and arrived at the finishing point before Ralph did.

Ralph had originally thought that the first place was within reach since he had arranged for the two soldiers to slow Wright.

Ralph wondered how Wright had managed to catch up to him. His face went rigid.

In the end, Ralph's plan failed.

Wright won first place in this ten-kilometer cross-country run.

Wright's performance broke the tactical training camp's cross-country run record.

With his current results, it was likely for him to get first place in the entire training camp, let alone the tactical training camp branch.

Although Ralph had obtained second place and cheated in the competition, Ralph's actual results were not low.

Before Wright came to the tactical training camp, it was always Ralph who got first place, and it was always the result of cheating.

This time, he only lost to Wright. It wasn't that Ralph was slow, but Wright was just too fast.