
Wedding Gift

Rose immediately opened the folder. She was surprised at a few files in pdf format with the familiar name. She opened a file titled 'Nasdaq.' It shows a list of shareholdings of companies listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. 

"Why do you show me this?" Rose slowly raised her head to look at him with a confused look.

She couldn't guess what was going through his mind right now. Why did he suddenly want her to look at that list? Is the list a reference for her to invest in the stock market?

"That's a list of my shareholdings in several countries. You can choose which company you want. I'll give it to you and take care of the stock transfer to you later..." He said casually, but Rose was so shocked. 

"Is he kidding?" Rose thought. She still couldn't believe what she heard. This man was so kind as to give her stock of the big company she saw on the list!?