
Shooting Range (5)

Edward Spencer could tell that Rose was talented just by seeing her once. And, there are no coincidences in shooting practice, especially with a shooting range of 25 yards.

"From what I can see, you are really talented, Rose." Edward Spencer smiled, looking at her beaming eyes. "Do you want to try using other firearms? Like a sniper rifle? We could see if you are talented or that was just beginner's luck…." He knew right away this girl would buy his offer. This girl was interested in shooting. For sure, he would try to make Rose become his disciple.

Rose was stunned to hear his offers. 

Of course, she was fascinated to do so. Using a sniper rifle was something she really wanted to do. She always felt amazed by snipers when she watched Hollywood action movies. And now, an opportunity was knocking on her door. She wasn't going to miss this one. She will try.

Just before she wanted to say; yes. She hears Sam interrupt,