
A Problem (1)

At City Hall. 

Rose and her team arrived at the meeting place. Today they will hear an announcement from the local government about the final requirements to participate in the buying process of the company being auctioned off. And according to the statement they got before the auction, the document submission process will be open from today until tomorrow at 5 PM local time.

The meeting room was so big with a long stage at the end of the room. There is a long table in the middle of the stage, and several mikes are perched on the table. In front of the stage, many chairs are neatly arranged to the back.

When Rose arrived, the room that could accommodate about 100 people was nearly packed. Even though the event will start in 30 minutes. Rose was surprised to see how enthusiastic the businessmen in this room were. She could see some familiar faces of businessmen she usually sees on television or the internet.