
Rebirth: Counterterrorism in America

"Reborn for Family: Taken" - Joining CTU in "Counterterrorism 24/7," pursued by Jason Bourne from "The Bourne Identity," cooperating with Ethan Hunt from "Mission: Impossible," blending elements of "Rainbow Six" and "Call of Duty," navigating the realms of movies and games, I am Steve Owen. THIS HISTORY BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR THIS IS A TRANSLATION

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Chapter 52: The Concert

Nothing that a session of grilled skewers can't solve; if there is, then make it two sessions...

After a feast of grilled meat, everyone remembered this classic saying.

The atmosphere was harmonious, and everyone praised Owen's culinary skills endlessly. Thanks to his skill with skewers, Owen became their friend. They joked and talked about life, work, and family while eating, occasionally discussing some of their past missions without avoiding Owen. Listening to their stories, Owen learned many secrets of the CIA.

It was apparent that these men were, or at least had been, CIA agents, now retired and running a security company together. They were in Los Angeles because one of their clients was holding a concert, and they were responsible for the security, also taking the opportunity to visit an old friend.

"How about it, Brian? Fancy doing a job on the side? It'll only take half a day, on a Saturday, so it won't take any time away from being with your daughter."

Speaking of the concert, Sam extended an invitation to Brian, seemingly the leader of their small security firm.

"I'll think about it." Brian didn't immediately accept Sam's invitation.

"Come on, don't you miss working together again? This is an opportunity. A job of this level is as easy as drinking water for you, just escorting them in and out, no danger involved. A few thousand dollars for half a day's work, and you can buy Kem something nice."

Everyone knew that when Brian said he'd think about it, it essentially meant no. Leight immediately protested, loudly persuading him.

They were old buddies, and he knew Brian too well; Kem was his Achilles' heel.

Mentioning Kem, Brian considered it briefly before agreeing. Leight made a victorious gesture, Jim resignedly handed over ten dollars to him, and Sam turned to Owen.

"How about it, Owen? Interested in making some extra money? We have to hire some people locally anyway, might as well work with someone we know. We're friends now, aren't we? Brian has told us about your performance in France, and you're a cop, so we can fully trust you."

"Of course, I'd be happy to."

"OK, then it's settled. I'll give you the details in advance."

Owen agreed almost without hesitation. He was off on the weekend, so it wouldn't interfere with his work. More importantly, he was eager to see how this group of veteran agents worked. Although they were no longer young, Owen knew from Brian's capabilities that these men were anything but ordinary.


A few days later

Hilton Hotel, Presidential Suite

Brian and Owen, both dressed in black suits, stood on either side of the suite, surrounded by a bustling crowd. The concert was for Julia Andrews, a soul singer who had just risen to prominence, a detail Amanda had informed Owen of, since he, despite being a Los Angeles native, didn't follow the entertainment industry closely.

As seen in movies, the superstar was getting her makeup touched up and her hair done, surrounded by seven or eight busy assistants confirming her outfit, jewelry, and song lineup, while her manager communicated with the band.

Sam's requirement was clear: show no curiosity, don't chat with unrelated people, and maintain a poker face. Sam was the overall commander of the security detail, the "brain" in their terminology, with the rest being "hands," or the operatives. Owen, slightly less so, was the "foot," responsible for driving.

Brian was assigned as Ms. Andrews' personal bodyguard, and Owen, having previously worked well with Brian, served as Brian's assistant in addition to his driving duties, following Brian's commands.

Sam's team was lean, consisting of Sam, Leight, Jim, Brian, and Owen—the same group from the barbecue.

They were tasked with ensuring Ms. Andrews' safety until the concert ended. Their workload was light before reaching the venue, where the Kodak Theater's own security would assist in maintaining order.

With two hours to go before the concert started and considering Los Angeles' traffic, Sam confirmed the schedule with Ms. Andrews' manager, planning to leave in ten minutes.

"Client departs in ten minutes. Leight, check the elevator. Jim, confirm the car."

"Elevator's clear."

"Car is ready."

Assistants and the manager escorted Ms. Andrews out, with Owen leading and Brian protecting her side. The group left the suite, entered the elevator, and appeared at the Hilton Hotel's entrance.

The convoy was ready outside the door, with Brian and Owen shielding Ms. Andrews as she boarded the vehicle, then closing the door behind her.

The convoy slowly moved out, with Owen and Ms. Andrews in the same car, Owen driving and Brian vigilant in the passenger seat. Leight and Jim, in two separate security vehicles, led and followed the convoy.

The journey to the Kodak Theater was smooth, without any dramatic incidents, and the convoy arrived safely.

Fans gathered at the main entrance, with theater security maintaining order, allowing Owen and his team to discreetly enter through the back.

Inside, Ms. Andrews touched up her makeup and made final preparations. Time flew, and the concert began, with Ms. Andrews taking the stage to cheers and music, everything proceeding smoothly.

Owen and Brian stayed backstage, keeping a watchful eye on Ms. Andrews throughout her performance.

As the concert neared its end, with the program winding down and audience interaction increasing, even Owen, a layman, could see its success.

Having learned about Julia Andrews from Amanda on short notice, Owen discovered her talent firsthand during the free concert, understanding why she was dubbed a soul singer.

As the concert drew to a close, Brian checked his watch. The two-and-a-half-hour show was almost over, with the final song approaching. Sam's voice came through the earpiece, alerting everyone to prepare.

The end of a concert is usually chaotic, with fans reluctant to see their idol leave. Some might act rashly.

Sam had contingency plans for any potential issues, ready to escort Ms. Andrews out immediately if necessary, part of their initial strategy.