
Rebirth: Computer Empire

He is the youngest richest man in the world! It is also the overlord of the global Internet! The domestic computer system he developed has successfully reached the top of the world! Several big technology giants have fallen at his feet! From database to industrial software, from chip architecture to lithography machine; Whatever a foreign monopoly, Luo Yang will do it! In the end, dominate the world!

pichu2531 · Others
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Ultra-Low Price, Breaking The Limit!

After dropping several big news in a row, Luo Yang finally left the stage, and other technical team members began to take the stage to talk about other features of the Beichen system.At the same time, other versions of operating systems were also displayed, such as versions compatible with mips and arm architectures (the x86 architecture was previously shown), as well as embedded operating systems developed for some devices, such as ATM machines.By the time the technical team had fully demonstrated the Beichen system, two hours had passed and the press conference was coming to an end.Luo Yang took the stage again to make the final summary. This time he was going to announce the price of the system.Not only the audience in the audience, but many netizens in the live broadcast room are also very concerned about this issue. Because Microsoft has no rivals, the prices of operating systems and office software are getting higher and higher, so that many individual users still choose to pirate."So what is the price of such a computer operating system that can perfectly replace the Windows system and is completely domestically produced?"Everyone in the audience held their breath.Luo Yang stopped being pretentious, and three numbers instantly appeared on the screen behind him.299 yuan!boom!The audience in the audience once again let out huge exclamations, and the live broadcast room was already in chaos."Such a powerful operating system only costs 299 yuan? It's seven to eight hundred yuan cheaper than Microsoft!""Damn it, I'm going to buy a set anyway!""Suddenly I felt like I was buying a rice phone. The price is really impressive!""Love, love, love! Mr. Luo is so awesome!"Everyone's reaction was as expected by Luo Yang. He continued:"Beichen system is divided into three versions, the regular version is 299 yuan, the flagship version is 699 yuan, and the professional version is 1,699 yuan.""The regular version can meet the daily use of most users. The flagship version is suitable for high-end players and will open up more functions. The professional version is designed for business users and professional users, with richer functions, more security and stability, and we will follow up More professional software will be developed to make the professional version system more powerful.""Because the Beichen system was released two months in advance, and the Beichen office software is still undergoing follow-up testing according to the original plan, and is expected to be released during the National Day.""Before the release of Beichen Office software, users who need to work can use other office software, as long as it is a win system version.""The Beichen system uses an activation code to activate. You can download the mirror version of the system from the Beichen official website. After installation, each user has a three-day free trial period.""After the experience expires, you need to activate it with an activation code to continue using it. The activation code can be purchased on Beichen's official website. It currently supports various mainstream payment methods such as Weixin, payment package, online banking, and credit card.""Now the official website has enabled the functions of downloading system images and purchasing activation codes, so everyone can enjoy the experience."The people who had been waiting in front of the live broadcast room quickly clicked on Beichen's official website and began to download the mirror version of the system.The price of the regular version is only 299 yuan, which is very conscientious compared to Microsoft's starting price of 1,000 yuan. Coupled with Luo Yang's previous introduction, many viewers have already been eager to try it.The only regret is that Beichen Office software was not released together."The press conference has officially ended here. We have prepared a prototype in the exhibition hall next to the venue. Friends from the media can go to the exhibition hall to use it."Applause resounded throughout the venue again, and all the lights in the center of the venue were turned on."Mr. Luo, please stay!""Mr. Luo, can you be interviewed?"After the press conference, Luo Yang was directly surrounded by many media. After answering some questions from the official media and other major media, Luo Yang and several other big shots walked aside to talk.Other small media and self-media can only look at Luo Yang with envy on their faces, only daring to watch from a distance but not daring to come forward to talk. After the press conference, Luo Yang was no longer the young college student who had just graduated, but the founder of an upcoming giant unicorn company!Even though they could not interview Luo Yang, these small media and self-media did not disperse. Instead, they went to the exhibition hall to experience the Beichen system in person. Beichen Technology arranged more than 20 computers with different configurations and chips to display Beichen in an all-round way. System superiority."Wow, 3A masterpieces can run smoothly, so it must be no problem to play other online games!"A self-media anchor started a live broadcast and chose a computer equipped with a mainstream chip in the market for testing. He tried several stand-alone masterpieces and experienced several popular large-scale online games. All of them were able to run smoothly without any problems. Unexpected occurrences caused by incompatibility, such as lags, delays, exits, etc."It seems that the Beichen system is indeed excellent. As long as the computer performance is up to standard, I can basically play all mainstream games. I decided to change to another operating system.""The flagship version is obviously more powerful than the regular version. As a streamer, I think the flagship version is more suitable for me!""I'm testing the professional version, it will take some time."The exhibition hall was very lively, and many media did not want to leave. They opened their notebooks in their seats and began to write reports quickly to strive for the first release.After getting to know a lot of business tycoons and exchanging some opinions with the leaders of the computer department, I saw them off. When Luo Yang walked backstage, the enthusiastic technical team threw him up."God Luo is mighty!""Luo Ge nb!""Mr. Luo is domineering!""Mr. Luo, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!""Hahahahaha!"Laughter spread throughout the backstage, making people in the frontstage look at each other.It's no wonder that from the day everyone from the technical team joined Beichen system development, they signed an extremely strict confidentiality agreement. On the one hand, they would have to pay huge compensation and even bear criminal liability after the secret was leaked, and on the other hand, the system development was completed. After the huge bonuses, including stock pool option rewards, it goes without saying how to make a choice.After nearly three years of low-key dormancy, Beichen Technology finally made its grand debut today, and the confidentiality agreement signed by everyone was officially declassified. We can finally talk about the Beichen system publicly!"I've been holding it in for three years just for today!""To be honest, I'm a little confused now. I always thought I was dreaming, so I'm thinking about whether to keep it a secret.""Hahaha..."Luo Yang, who was thrown up and down, felt a little weak in his legs after he was put down. Han Feng and He Siyuan supported him and joked: "How are you? Are you scared? Do you want to change your pants?""Old Han, your bonus this month is gone!"Han Feng waved domineeringly: "If it's gone, it's gone! It's not a loss anyway!"He and He Siyuan are both co-founders of Beichen Technology, each holding 3% of the original equity. Judging from the popularity of Beichen Technology today, it is only a matter of time before the two become billionaires."Today is a good day. In the evening, except for the technical team who will stay in the computer room on duty, everyone in the company will have a banquet today. Please arrange it and choose a better place.""yeah!"A group of young people cheered again.At night, in a five-star hotel, Beichen Technology directly booked the entire hotel floor. A team of more than 100 people arrived except for the technicians and security personnel who stayed in the computer room.Luo Yang raised his champagne and looked around. The young faces were full of excitement and anticipation."Brothers, if you sharpen your sword in three years, you will know it all over the world.""From today on, the name Beichen Technology will be heard all over the world!""Let's drink to Beichen System together!""cheers!"More than a hundred people raised their glasses together!This scene has become an eternal memory in the hearts of everyone present.