
Rebirth: Computer Empire

He is the youngest richest man in the world! It is also the overlord of the global Internet! The domestic computer system he developed has successfully reached the top of the world! Several big technology giants have fallen at his feet! From database to industrial software, from chip architecture to lithography machine; Whatever a foreign monopoly, Luo Yang will do it! In the end, dominate the world!

pichu2531 · Others
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Dissatisfied With The Giant Sucking Blood! Get Ready To Acquire A Payment License!

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed since the press conference.During this week, the download volume of Beichen system reached a new high, exceeding 15 million units.The number of system activations has reached 3 million units!After logging into the evening news, the number of system activations experienced a surge, but those were all users who had been waiting and watching. The new data in the following days was not that much. On average, the number of new activations was about 450,000 units per day. .This means that Beichen Technology is guaranteed to receive 130 million yuan every day!"We can't keep going like this. The fixed handling fee of 0.6% is too expensive. Can't it be lowered?"Although Beichen Technology has been making a lot of money these days, Luo Yang is very unhappy at the moment.Because domestic mobile payment is too developed, most users now pay through mobile payment. This is why Beichen Technology has launched Weixin, a payment package.This is where the problem lies. The two giants charge merchants a unified price of 0.6%.This week, Beichen Technology has earned 900 million from operating system business alone, which means that the handling fees paid to these two giants alone are as high as 5.4 million!Standing in front of Luo Yang is Lin Ya, assistant to the president and director of the finance department. She is a junior from the Finance Department of Fuda. She joined Beichen Technology when it was established and has now completed her credits and graduated one year ahead of schedule.Lin Ya said she was also helpless."The public relations department has negotiated with Weixin and Payment Package, and the other party is only willing to give up 0.55% at most."Luo Yang closed his eyes and meditated. He had contact with Jack Ma twice. The first time was when the other party invited him to work at Alibaba, and the second time was when they communicated at the press conference. However, the relationship between the two can only be regarded as acquaintances. .Lin Ya continued:"Not just Weixin and Payment Package, the third-party handling fee for domestic mobile payment is basically 0.6%. A few third-party payments with lower market shares can make concessions, but the frequency of user use is very low.""It doesn't matter if the frequency of use is low, the important thing is to save the handling fee. Now Beichen Technology has the qualifications to talk to other giants. Since Weixin and Payment Package are unwilling to give in, let's create our own third-party payment!"Luo Yang made the final decision.At the same time, he also understands why today's Internet companies are keen on making mobile payments themselves.Avoiding handling fees and completing business layout are part of the reasons. Another big reason is that the user data and flow of the company are all exposed to third-party payment without any guarantee. If it is a peer, third-party payment can easily analyze many important data of the opponent, which is absolutely unacceptable for an enterprise.It was for this reason that Jingxi Mall tried its best to get rid of the payment package and make its own online payment.Unexpectedly, the protagonist of this matter soon became Beichen Technology itself.It is imperative to create your own online payment!"I also have the same idea. Because the issuance of payment licenses has been stopped, it can only be obtained by acquiring existing third-party payment companies. I sorted out the information of all domestic mobile payment companies and removed companies that have been acquired or controlled by other Internet companies. In addition, there are more than a dozen neutral third-party payment companies.""But the payment licenses of these companies are different. Among them, online payment business is the largest, and the licenses are relatively cheap. The comprehensive business licenses are more expensive. According to the current market price, the comprehensive payment license with the widest business scope It has been speculated to more than 3 billion yuan.""While investigating, I also discovered something interesting."Lin Ya smoothed the hair around her ears and continued:"One of the third-party payment companies has secretly reached an equity acquisition agreement with Byte Jump. This means that the top ten Internet companies in the country already have their own payment licenses, directly or indirectly.""Although Beichen Technology has been established for a short time, and its current profit points mainly come from the operating system business, we also have a search engine business, so competition with Qiandu is inevitable, and Beichen Technology is also an Internet company, and has rapidly It is only a matter of time before it rises and ranks among the top ten domestic Internet companies.""So it doesn't matter to us whether Weixin and Payment Package reduce the handling fees, because mobile payment is where Beichen Technology has to get involved."Luo Yang smiled. Lin Ya had been with him since graduating from school and grew up very fast."Yes, as you said, mobile payment is something we must get involved in. Microsoft is a step late in this regard. Although there were rumors a few years ago that Microsoft was going to develop its own mobile payment. But there has been no movement for several years.""Are there any suitable acquisition targets?""There are a total of 11 companies that are most suitable, but apart from platform thunderstorms and bad business, only five are the most suitable."Lin Ya immediately handed over several documents and introduced them one by one."First of all, Beichen Technology will definitely become a giant in the future, and it will be the world's top giant. Then our vision cannot be too narrow. A payment license with too single business is not suitable for us in the long run. My opinion is to get it right in one step. Obtain a comprehensive business license.""Although the price is a bit expensive, it is still worth the money as long as the official is not planning to continue to issue new licenses."Luo Yang took the document and looked at the information carefully.The five companies were all involved in mobile payments earlier and were among the first to obtain licenses. Their businesses vary. However, only two of them have comprehensive business licenses, and their business scope is very large, basically covering the business scope of Weixin and Payment Package.If Beichen Technology wants to achieve success in one step, it can only choose one of these two companies, and of course the price is not low.The first company has no other valuable assets. The only valuable thing is this payment license. The price is quoted at 3 billion yuan, but it does not accept shares and will only be packaged and sold.The second company has more assets. It has also opened an overseas payment business, and is involved in ticket purchase, hotel and other businesses. The business is relatively complicated, with a comprehensive quotation of 3.5 billion yuan. It currently only accepts shares.What's more important is that the second company has an official investment background. Once you take a stake, you are likely to get involved in some unnecessary trouble.Luo Yang has a headache.The cripples who choose generals are talking about the current situation.Of course, there is also a second option, which is to only obtain licenses with online payment services. The price is cheap, and the cheapest one can be obtained for more than 100 million.But in this way, if the mobile payment business expands in the future and wants to expand its business scope, it will need to re-acquire a company with a richer license business.Judging from the current situation of saving huge handling fees, the second method is more suitable for the newly emerging Beichen Technology.