
Rebirth: Clinging to a Wealthy Bigshot

Lin Zhaoqing was a single woman who never married, and she unexpectedly got into a car accident, returning to the time when she was five. Starting her life anew, she wanted to live a good life, make up for past regrets, and bring happiness to her whole family. But couldn't a certain someone just be a reliable supporter and innocent childhood friend? "Why won't you marry me?" "I'm afraid I won't get along with your mother when we're in-laws..." "My mom watched you grow up since you were little. You're like her own daughter." "Well, I'm afraid I won't get along well with your sister when we're in-laws..." "You're her savior. She sees you as a hero and even said she would marry you when she was little." "I'm afraid I won't get along with... my future husband... domestic violence... or mistresses..." A certain someone threw up his hands in frustration as his face was filled with disbelief. He carried her and headed straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau. He really spoiled her too much. It was time to set the standards for their future marriage now.

Green Sprout & Red Beans · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 2 Go To the Hospital_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Aria thought for a long time but still could not think of who the person with this name was. She could only look at Lucia blankly. 

"He came from your village. Don't you remember?" Lucia said, "But he left the Lewis Village when he was seven or eight years old."

"Emm, our village..." Aria was stunned. 

If that was the case, she did seem to have some impression of it. When she was young, a family used to live behind her house. The reason why she had an impression of it was that most of the houses in the Lewis Village were mud houses at that time, but there was a brand-new two-story building behind her house. 

"I remember now." Aria nodded and said, "I heard that their family seems to live a good life now." 

Her mother mentioned that family some time ago. Moreover, his family seemed to have left the Lewis Village because of Steven's sister...

"It's not just good. They have a real estate company now," Lucia said. "Steven Lewis was overseas before and just returned recently. He might be taking over their company. He was the one who suggested this gathering. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people." 

Although many people were living well now, there were still very few people who could book such a large private room in this hotel, because it would probably cost at least 10,000 dollars. 

"What a tycoon..." Aria could not help but sigh. 

"By the way, don't you want to buy a house in the county? The Lewis Family has a property for sale here. No matter what, you're classmates and villagers. You can talk to him and get a discount." Lucia said. 

Aria pursed her lips. She had been working for several years and had some savings in her hands. She did not know where her future was, so it was good that she could buy a house and settle down. She couldn't afford a house in Singnuary, but it was enough for her to buy a small apartment in their county. 

A house in the county town usually costs about 3,000 dollars per square meter. If she bought a small house with one bedroom and one living room, it would cost more than 200,000 dollars. Adding on some miscellaneous expenses, the down payment of 30% would cost nearly 100,000 dollars. She only had 70,000 to 80,000 dollars in her hands now, so it would be good if she could get a discount or something. She could buy a house earlier so that she wouldn't have to go to her mother and brother's place during the new year. That way, she wouldn't have to bear her sister-in-law's temper.

Hearing this, she was really tempted, but... 

"Forget it. I'm not familiar with him. How can I beg him..." Aria shook her head. She was not familiar with Steven, so she did not want to trouble him. 

Lucia looked at Aria and sighed helplessly. She knew that Aria was a person who didn't want others to help her too much. She had already told her that she could lend her the money for the down payment on the house, but she didn't want it.

Seriously, sometimes, she felt that Aria's life was not good... 

However, she could ask her husband to secretly talk to Steven later. After that, Aria would not object.

As Aria and Lucia were talking, some female classmates came over to chat. However, many people asked if Aria was married and where she worked, making her feel awkward. 

"No, Aria would rather have quality than quantity. If anyone has a good candidate, please introduce to her! "Lucia smiled and said, "She is a senior programmer and a technical guru!" 

"What guru?" Aria looked at Lucia helplessly. 

However, when they heard about Aria's work, the others felt that it was amazing. A girl could be a programmer. It was really amazing! 

Some of these classmates were not married, but many of them were average-looking or did not have high academic qualifications or good jobs. Compared to Aria, there was still a gap. After all, Aria went to school early and was younger than them. Although she often stayed up late to work and had faint dark circles, her skin was very good. Although her facial features were not too exquisite, she gave people a very comfortable feeling after looking at her for a long time. 

Therefore, she should be a pretty good girl. 

"My husband's cousin is twenty-seven and he's the assistant manager of a financial company..." 

"My university classmate. He's nearly 6 feet tall and very handsome. He's now an attending doctor at a hospital..." 

"And mine..." 

Many people wanted to introduce their acquaintance to Aria. 

Aria was not good at dealing with this kind of thing. She was so embarrassed that she did not know how to reply. 

However, at this moment, they heard a commotion at the door. 

"It's Steven Lewis! He's so handsome!" 

"The clothes he wears are all branded!" 

"He's so amazing. He looks so young!" 

The female present, whether married or not, could not resist the admiration of handsome men. 

Aria also looked at the door. When she met that person's gaze, she could not help but be stunned. 

It was the person she had bumped into at the door just now...

He was Steven Lewis. 

"He's really handsome. He's even more handsome than my Henry!" Lucia could not help but be smitten. 

Aria also nodded in her heart. Indeed, he was more handsome than Lucia's husband. He seemed to have his own aura just by standing there. 

Steven's appearance naturally became the core of the entire gathering, especially those males who wanted to curry favor with Steven and buy a house developed by the Lewis Family. There were also some unmarried female classmates. It was as if they had seen a tempting and delicious big cake. 

Therefore, this class reunion had some value. 

However, Aria did not go over because she felt dizzy. She had felt cold and had signs of catching a cold before, but now it seemed to be a little serious. 

"Aria, what's the matter?" Lucia noticed that Aria's face was slightly red. 

Aria opened her eyes and forced a smile at Lucia. "It's fine... I have a cold and don't have much strength..." 

However, Lucia looked at Aria's face and didn't think she was fine. She quickly called two female classmates to help Aria up. 

"I'll take you to the hospital," Lucia said.

Aria wanted to say that she didn't need to go to the hospital and that she would be fine if she went home to rest, but before she could say anything, she heard a male voice. 

"Leave it to me if she's not feeling well. I'll take her to the hospital." 

It was Steven's voice. 

Aria thought about it in a daze. Then, she heard a few people talking. She felt herself being carried up and pressed against a warm chest.