
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

Clintfree · Urban
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41 Chs

I'm going to see Mai again, piak, piak, piak. (A suspenseful moment)

In the following chapters, I introduce Lara's new universe, so the little Goblin will be less present.

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As of Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 08h26am to the announcement of the participation of a little goblin to a special talk show mini-format of 15 minutes in access prime-time of The Late Show, which will be broadcast this Tuesday at 06h00pm, the hunt for (The angel of social networks) stopped immediately.

The TV channel, in its commercial, implied in a very unclear way that eventually, the little girl could appear before that date, without offering any guarantee to these words.

The greedy hunters, for the most part, said goodbye to the so-called scoop of the year and went home with low morale, exhausted by this search that this time, dif this hunt cost them time, it did not credit their bank account.

CBS, as if to taunt its competitors, proposed a new photo of the little girl in each advertisement to promote their new mini-format which they qualified without modesty, as an exceptional show.

At the same time, CBS was also enraging mothers and exploding the keyboards of teenage girls, who on social networks, did not hold back their anger.

The reason for this collective hysteria almost exclusively female had been meticulously studied and as the communication professionals had predicted, this method worked wonderfully.

CBS, apart from the photos, had not disclosed anything about the little darling of women. A little bit cruelly, the television channel wishing to arouse the hunger of these ladies, had fun to make them languish.

The TV channel had employed a private company in order to provide itself with an additional telephone switchboard that could answer the cries generated by their vicious strategy.

The Machiavellian bosses were happy to spread the news via the press, radio and internet without counting the cost and with the help of carefully selected advertisers, they quickly saw this simple marketing strategy bring them the expected profits.

Their market share climbed, depending on the program, from 0.6% to 3.1% as of 5:00 pm on the day they started this strategy, then stabilized the next day at 2.9%, all programs combined.

A presenter from a competing channel made a joke about this. Smiling at the camera, he confidently testified that some women must have been foolish enough to leave their TVs on in case the little girl, whose name was still unknown, would appear before their overly curious eyes sooner than expected.


Sunday, April 23rd

10:05am Los Angels - Beverly Hills

In a room that the suits rented only for me, I sing and dance by moving my small buttocks under the nose of Mister who stinks who, since we arrived here, does not stop grumbling.

"I'm going to see Maï again, piak piak, piak.

Last night I ate mashed potatoes and spit it on the Potato man's shirt, piak, piak, piak.

I'm going to see Mai again, piak, piak, piak.

Later on, I will go in my green house and I will drool on elder sister Maï's cheek, piak, piak, piak."


04h40pm South Los Angeles

A young girl yawns and drops her keys on an on a shabby old mattress. Rubing her pretty eyes, the young brunette girl who has just come home exhausted after 11 hours of work in a neighborhood supermarket where she works as a cashier, stretches her aching back.

Hungry, she moves towards a pizza box placed on the ground when suddenly, her eyes contract.

Suspecting a future problem when she notices that her normally noisy street has suddenly become far too quiet, she opens the window, leans out and closes it again immediately after seeing a black and burgundy Rolls-Royce Phantom limousine, surrounded by eight German sedans.

The young girl, conscious that here, danger is omnipresent, feels her throat tightening when she sees this procession parked in front of her building. Immediately, she thinks of the cartel and to reassure herself, she tells herself that it has nothing to do with her but, according to her knowledge about this world of bandits, she knows that avoiding these men is just as good for her safety.

"Bam, bam, bam, bam."

When soon after, four violent knocks come from her front door which vibrates so much that, the young girl fears that it gives way under the force used by this person.

Distraught, looking for a place to hide, the girl sweats profusely. Again, she reassures herself that she has the gun that belonged to her ex-boyfriend, but her expression darkens when she remembers that she only had one bullet and that she used it some time ago to help a little girl who was being chased by thugs.

What a ridiculous idea. Even if she had more bullets, she knows perfectly well that she would not be able to shoot a man.

"Bam, bam, bam"

Tucked away in the corner of her room/kitchen, the girl hides her head between her knees. Her body trembling with anxiety, she is now on the verge of crying as the pressure and fear she feels, has become uncontrollable.

"Miss Mai, our young miss, wishes to meet you. We saw you at your window and therefore we know you are home. It would be improper of you to keep our young miss waiting any longer as she is so impatient to see you."

This woman's voice is calm, young and it reassures a little the young girl who anyway, she knows, will have to follow them, if they demand it.

The girl whose muscles are contracted, gets up. Her legs a little trembling, she goes awkwardly to her door that she opens while praying internally.

In front of her, three giants dressed in black surround a very pretty young brown woman with a severe aspect who looks her straight in the eyes as if she was evaluating her.

The young brunette woman looks at her for a moment longer, then after a simple "Nice to meet you, you can address me as Sally. Let's go, our young Miss waiting for you", she drags the young girl in the Rolls-Royce without waiting for any answer from her.

As she approaches the road that leads to the beautiful districts, often, she wishes to ask questions in order to know more, however, to break the ambient silence imposed by the young woman, it's above her forces.

Her fists clenched, resigned, she keeps silent until the cars enter Beverly Hills.

Seeing the beautiful sign that lines the road, her mind takes her back to a not so distant past.

("Okay, but first, give a kiss to the buttocks to Mister who stinks, huhuhu.")

Her fists unclench by themselves when she thinks back to that, cute and mischievous little girl, from New York, who had the funny idea to adopt her. Amused by this lovely memory, she laughs softly when she sees again the tease look of this agitated little goblin.