
Rebirth Bound to the Cold-Blooded CEO

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Reborn with memories of her past life, Emma Roberts is determined to rewrite her fate and seek revenge on those who betrayed her. Entangled with the ruthless and enigmatic CEO Logan Black, Emma navigates a world filled with intense passion, dark secrets, and strategic power plays. As she transforms from a weak pawn to a powerful and independent woman, Emma and Logan's relationship evolves into a potent alliance, making them an unstoppable force. Together, they face their enemies head-on, driven by love, desire, and a shared thirst for justice. This is a tale of rebirth, revenge, and a powerful couple defying the odds to claim their destiny.

Joel_Blyden · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 8: The Garden Makeover

Chapter 8: The Garden Makeover

As Emma Roberts soaked in the hot water, she felt the temporary tattoos slowly dissolve from her skin. After some time, the water turned dark and murky. Her true skin was revealed, smooth and unblemished, with the exception of a small crescent-shaped birthmark on her chest. Emma marveled at the sight, realizing that her complexion was far better than she remembered.

Now twenty years old, she was in the prime of her youth, with her skin glowing like jade. She dried off and examined herself in the mirror, her long, waist-length hair cascading down her back like a silken waterfall. She sighed, feeling a sense of relief at having her natural appearance restored.

Her heavy metal wardrobe no longer suited her; she wanted to dress in a way that made her feel comfortable and beautiful. She headed to the walk-in closet on the third floor, filled with clothes Logan Black had prepared for her. Although she had never touched these items in seven years, the closet was always stocked with the latest collections.

Downstairs, Logan Black sat at the dining table, sipping his coffee leisurely. His normally dark-circled eyes were brighter, and his handsome face seemed even more striking than usual. Ryan Lin, his friend, stared in amazement, accidentally burning himself with hot coffee.

"Logan, you've got to tell me, what did you do last night? Steal some yin energy?" Ryan joked, still shocked by Logan's unusually radiant appearance.

Logan glanced lazily at his friend, clearly amused but not offended. Ryan shook his head, "With your looks, status, and body, you could have any woman you want. Why degrade yourself like this?"

Emma, coming down the stairs, overheard Ryan's words. She paused, feeling a mix of emotions. Ryan's reaction seemed more appropriate for someone seeing her transformation for the first time. Logan, however, acted as if nothing had changed.

Ryan continued, "If you were just curious about trying something different, I could understand. But it's been two years! As your friend, I can't stand it anymore!"

Logan's gaze shifted to Emma, who was now at the bottom of the stairs. Ryan followed his friend's gaze and his eyes widened in surprise. Emma was wearing a simple, pure white dress, her long hair and natural beauty making her look ethereal. She sat down next to Logan, who watched her intently, a slight flicker of emotion in his eyes.

Emma began eating silently, aware of Logan's penetrating gaze. She wondered if he noticed her change. After a moment, Logan reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. Emma's heart raced, unsure of his intentions.

Logan's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes scanning her every feature with a hint of warmth. Ryan, still in shock, whispered, "Logan, you finally made a good choice. This girl is beautiful and gentle, the kind of woman you should cherish."

Emma felt a pang of discomfort at being discussed as if she weren't there. Ryan's words, while complimentary, made her feel like an object. She looked at Logan, who seemed to be pondering something deeply.

Logan added another shrimp dumpling to her plate. "Eat more," he said softly.

Emma hesitated, then asked, "Logan, don't you think I look different today?"

Logan raised an eyebrow, "Different how?"

Emma stared at him, frustrated. "My appearance!"

Logan shrugged, "You look just as appetizing as always."

Emma was speechless. Did he truly find her previous ghastly look appealing? She sighed inwardly, realizing that Logan's perception of beauty was as mysterious as he was.

Deciding to change the subject, Emma mustered her courage and said, "Logan, it's almost time for exams. I need to study. Can I go back to school?"

The air in the room seemed to chill instantly. Logan's expression turned cold, and Emma's heart sank. She had anticipated his reaction but hoped for a different outcome. Seeing her disappointment, Logan's face softened slightly.

He studied her for a long moment, then said, "Fine. But don't think about running away."

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. She had expected outright refusal. "Thank you," she whispered, her heart swelling with a mixture of hope and determination.

Logan's gaze lingered on her, a silent warning in his eyes. Emma knew she had to be careful, but she was determined to make the most of this second chance. She would find a way to balance her studies and her complicated relationship with Logan. She had a lot to learn and even more to prove, but for the first time, she felt a spark of hope.

As the day progressed, Emma found herself working with the gardeners and servants to transform the garden. She had asked Logan for permission to make some changes, and surprisingly, he had agreed. She replaced the expensive, delicate plants with sunflowers and vegetables, creating a practical and beautiful space.

Watching the garden take shape, Emma felt a sense of accomplishment. She was reclaiming her life, one small step at a time. The road ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but she was ready to face them.

As night fell, Emma stood by the window, looking out at the garden. She knew her journey was just beginning, but with determination and a bit of luck, she believed she could change her destiny.

Logan joined her, his presence both comforting and intimidating. "You've made a lot of changes today," he remarked, his voice low and steady.

Emma nodded. "I want to make this place feel like home."

Logan's gaze softened, and for a moment, Emma saw a flicker of warmth in his eyes. "Just remember, Emma. You're mine. Don't ever forget that."

Emma looked at him, meeting his gaze with newfound strength. "I won't forget, Logan. But I'm also my own person. Don't ever forget that."

Logan's lips curled into a slight smile. "I look forward to seeing what you do next."

Emma smiled back, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie with the man who had once been her captor. She didn't know what the future held, but she was ready to face it head-on, with Logan by her side or against him. Either way, she would find her own path.