
Rebirth Bound to the Cold-Blooded CEO

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Reborn with memories of her past life, Emma Roberts is determined to rewrite her fate and seek revenge on those who betrayed her. Entangled with the ruthless and enigmatic CEO Logan Black, Emma navigates a world filled with intense passion, dark secrets, and strategic power plays. As she transforms from a weak pawn to a powerful and independent woman, Emma and Logan's relationship evolves into a potent alliance, making them an unstoppable force. Together, they face their enemies head-on, driven by love, desire, and a shared thirst for justice. This is a tale of rebirth, revenge, and a powerful couple defying the odds to claim their destiny.

Joel_Blyden · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 2: Bitter Irony

Chapter 2: Bitter Irony

Emma Roberts let out a bitter laugh. But how was she going to change things?

Logan Black could crush her as easily as an insect. Whatever he wanted, he got.

Emma took a deep breath, forcing down the bone-deep fear she had for this man.

There had to be a way!

At least she was no longer the naive girl who could be manipulated seven years ago.

"Oh my God! Emma..." Suddenly, an excited voice rang in her ears.

Hearing that familiar voice, Emma's spine stiffened, her icy gaze moving straight to the door.

There, she saw the face she would never forget, the face that was charming and deceptively innocent.

Her best friend from her past life—Samantha Green!

"Emma, how could Logan do this to you!" Samantha rushed over, grabbing Emma's hand, her eyes falling on the disheveled bed and Emma's bruised body with shock.

Emma quietly watched the girl opposite her, seemingly full of concern. This time, she didn't miss the flash of jealousy and schadenfreude in Samantha's eyes.

"Emma, what's wrong? Are you okay? Emma, don't scare me!" Samantha saw her strange expression, thinking she was in shock, and asked anxiously.

Emma calmly withdrew her hand, shaking her head, "I'm fine."

Back then, the reason she suffered so much under Logan's torment was largely thanks to Samantha.

When she was at her lowest, Samantha never left her side, even staying back a grade with her. Emma always thought Samantha genuinely cared for her and even believed she might be her future sister-in-law. Little did she know, Samantha's real purpose for staying close was Logan.

She trusted Samantha as her most reliable friend, telling her everything about her awful experiences with Logan, something she wouldn't share with anyone else.

But while Samantha pretended to help her, she was actually using every piece of information to get closer to Logan, constantly sowing discord between Emma and Logan, making him torment her even more brutally each time.

And Emma, oblivious, even felt grateful to Samantha for her "advice."

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Emma couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Actually, Samantha's suggestion for her to "ugly herself up" made sense.

No matter what others thought of her, as long as it made Logan loathe her, it was worth it.

But she never expected that even with this hideous appearance, Logan would still find her appealing.

"How can you say you're fine! Emma, don't worry, I'll help you!" Samantha said, full of deep affection.

Emma's heart filled with a cold laugh, oh, so here it comes.

In her past life, Samantha also showed such righteousness, offering to help her escape Logan and even sought the help of Ethan Walker.

The result was, Samantha had already sold her out, informing Logan of her plan to "elope" with Ethan.

This completely exacerbated the conflict between her and Logan, making him more volatile and possessive...

With her current abilities, going head-to-head with Logan was a death wish.

In her past life, she was stubborn to the point of absurdity, following Samantha's words blindly, getting hurt repeatedly.

The great vendetta against her family remained unavenged, her parents were waiting for her to come home, and she had to pull her brother back from the wrong path. She had too many things to do.

She needed to stabilize Logan, avoiding anything that might provoke him and create such a terrifying enemy.

"Emma, wait for me!" Samantha continued with a slew of insincere promises before hastily leaving.

After Samantha left, the helpless and fragile expression on Emma's face turned into one of cold indifference and numbness.

Time and again, Samantha incited her to ruin herself. It seemed she wouldn't rest until she was dead.

Emma moved to the window and looked out at the sprawling estate below. Her mind was racing with plans, each one more desperate than the last. She knew Logan's schedule, his habits, his weaknesses. If she was careful, if she played her cards right, she might just have a chance at freedom.

She started to strategize. She needed allies, people who were either neutral or opposed to Logan. She recalled a few distant acquaintances and former friends who might be willing to help her. But trust was a fragile thing, and she had to tread carefully.

Just then, a soft knock on the door startled her. Emma turned to see one of the household staff, a young maid named Clara, enter the room.

"Miss Roberts, can I get you anything?" Clara asked softly, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

Emma hesitated for a moment before responding. "Clara, do you... do you think you could help me with something?"

Clara nodded eagerly. "Of course, Miss Roberts. Anything you need."

Taking a deep breath, Emma seized this small opportunity. "I need you to keep an ear out, listen to the conversations around the house, especially about Mr. Black's plans. Can you do that for me?"

Clara looked nervous but agreed. "I will do my best, Miss Roberts. But please be careful."

Emma gave a fleeting smile. "Thank you, Clara. Your help means more to me than you know."

As Clara left the room, Emma felt a flicker of hope. It was a precarious situation, but maybe, just maybe, she could gather enough information to craft a proper escape plan.

Days went by with Emma treading carefully, keeping a low profile, and discreetly gathering intel. She discovered that Logan had a business trip planned soon, which could provide her with a narrow window of time to make her move.

In the meantime, she continued to play the role Logan expected, enduring his attention and placating his unpredictable temper. It was exhausting, but Emma knew it was necessary to buy herself time.

Finally, the day of Logan's departure arrived. Emma watched from the window as he got into the car and left the estate. She had precious little time to act.

She hurried to her secret stash where she had hidden some money and a few essentials. Clara had provided her with the information she needed, and now it was time to take the leap.

Emma slipped out of the estate under the cover of darkness, her heart pounding with fear and hope. She knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but she was determined to rewrite her fate.

As she made her way through the shadows, Emma couldn't help but think of Samantha's betrayal and the irony of the situation. This time, she would be the one to outsmart them all, and nothing would stop her from gaining the freedom she so desperately craved.

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