
Rebirth Begin Again Chapter 8

Transportation complete. Now arriving in room 117. "it's late night, no one should be here." I walked over to Sophia's desk the slide a letter as a guard walked in I vanished before he could see. Sophia's POV. I walked into the car as mom and dad was busy with work so they had my sibling drive me. "so what's gotten into you lately, you haven't smiled not once for months?" my big brother Keith said as he stopped at a red light. " We're here, try to have a good day" my broth said as I left the car into the school and walked into the classroom. "Did he show up yet?" I asked the teacher. "His sentence did end yesterday so I thought he maybe would come back." the teacher replied as a went to my seat. A little letter dropped from my desk. It was yellow with a darkened tint to it. "Dear Sophia. I want you to be happier than now I know it from gathering intel that you wont smile after that unfortunate day so I chose the go far far away for now in hopes you get better. forget me forget school you have to attend a very important event the Blader games is very difficult you need to get stronger and dont worry I'll atend to it aswell as my final time going to this school I hope you prepair alot you friend - C" End POV. The day of the Blader games start I walked into the school wearing my mask. The other night I went on a shopping spree for the perfect runes. 'That Night' "hmmm I need runes and a weapon of some sort, maybe a hammer or knife." I said as I walked throught the store, I noticed a pair of swords they had a golden handle and a black dragon outline on the blade it was extremely sharp. "hmmm after this my avabile money I have I can buy up to 10 tune stones."

I went to the counter with the pair of w

swords after I left I went down the road to the rune store. i walked in with my swords in a case in a large bag i had to hand it to the guards so I can enter without trouble. the store was bug as each row had pictures of different rune stones and what they were and is they have any left. "hmmm elemental defences seems to be top." As I went through the store I picked out multiple stones. "hi sir I'd like to purchase these following rune stones, elemental defense, Master of the duo blade, quick landing, advanced hearing and lastly masked strength." I said to the cashier as I paid for them all he handed me all the rune stones but before I left I asked "do you have a rune stone of an analyst skill?" "yea that will be bla bla bla" he said as I paid for one and handed me a darkish blue rune stone after I left the store I got my swords from the guard and went straight home I crushed every rune stone and got there skills with analyst I was able to check my current status " Sp 346, Ap 324, Ep 356, Mp 3716/5000 *I lost some through golden dust*." "right time for the moment I've been waiting for my types of magic I have a affinity for." I let out a loud cry of joy as I read myself to have all magic affinities.