
Rebirth as a Vampire

Bullied for his whole life, Rin, a Japanese high schooler dies saving the girl he likes. Due to his selflessness, God pitties him and gives him another chance at life... As a reincarnated vampire in a fantasy world Rin decides to become strong so he doesn't die again. Follow Rin on his journeys and struggles through his new life. *Author note* Having fun while writting this one so give it a chance and maybe you might like it too. *Cover art is not mine. Full credit to the creator*

dipforthechips · Fantasy
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9 Chs

8 Does She Like Me or Something? pt2

It was a long night. When we had finished eating dinner, talked for a while and then everyone had gone to bed. I had too and just as I entered my room my mana had been completely emptied after using it to hide my fangs. James told me during dinner that the trader would be coming through the village about an hour after sunrise. Therefore I should get some sleep before then.

The morning came quickly, my dreams of back home in Japan, with mum and dad. I was beginning to miss them, though I knew they would be safe.

When I opened my eyes the sun was just rising. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. Stretching, I began thinking about today. Would there be many people? I wondered if I would be able to feed there too. Hopefully, I could suck somebodies blood without killing them. Azure had told me some vampires did so, so I assumed I would be able to as well.

I changed out of the clothes which James had given me and put on the armour, clothes and robes from the dungeon. In addition, I put on my mask.

Once I was prepared, I opened the door to my room and walked out into the main living space. When I did, I noticed Janet too was awake. She was already awake and in the kitchen cooking.

"Excuse me, Janet, I'll be heading out for a while. But I will be back before the trader arrives to say goodbye," I said while walking to the door.

"You don't want breakfast?" she asked in confusion.

In reply, I shook my head and said, "no thanks." After all, I couldn't really eat it anyway.

I left the house and was greeted by a beautiful view of a sunrise over the village. The last time I had seen one was back on earth so I took it all in and enjoyed it.

This morning I would be testing something. I wanted to see if animal blood could be consumed instead of humans. I really doubted it but I still didn't know for sure. It wouldn't make sense that the good vampires wouldn't just do that.

I continued through the village, eventually reaching the crop fields. The wheat was golden and ready for harvest, shimmering in the sun. Soon I would reach the edge of the village and enter the plains.

I passed a few villagers who were up early. "They must be getting an early start. Or maybe this is just normal?" I wondered in admiration. That was dedication either way.

I kept walking for a while longer before coming to the edge of the village. Stepping out I entered into plains. I would now look for some animals to kill and drink blood from.

This needed to be done before the trader arrived in the village so I began running away from the road.

I ran for about ten minutes before I saw something other than green grass. A little further was a small forest. Well small for a forest that is.

I continued running in the direction of the Forrest eventually making it to the border. I looked around and saw only trees and birds at first. But then I saw it. A deer.

Crouching, I slowly moved towards it. I watched every step with great attention, making sure not to step on a twig and scare the deer off.

Once I was a little closer I decided it was time to shoot a spell at it to kill it. It was now or never and so I brought my hand up and cast, "freezing lance."

A spiked lance of ice formed from my hand and shot off at the deer. The deer was pierced right through the body. It tried to run but couldn't get anywhere because of the slowing effect this third tier spell had. Blood spurted out from the wound.

I stood up and ran towards the deer. By the time I arrived, it was dead, however. This had all gone down in less than 2 seconds after I had cast the spell.

"Shit, so that's the power of third tier," I thought. Although the enemy was only a weak deer it had still died so easily.

I kneeled down beside the corpse of the animal and raised its neck to my mouth. I didn't give it a second thought and sank my teeth into the deer's neck.

As the blood flowed down my throat I felt nothing, I could taste nothing. I drank every drop that I could, but still nothing.

"Fuck... I guess that answers my question" I said to myself. It meant I could probably only survive on human blood or at least humanoids.

My reason for coming out here had been completed and thus I decided to head back to the village. I had about 30 minutes to get back so I wasn't too worried.

I stood up and began walking back. If needed I could run, but as of now, it wasn't necessary.


I walked back through the same wheat fields. The sun was now in the sky and I could hear the voices of the Farmers in their fields.

I could see tracks for a horse and carriage, evidence of what I assumed could be the trader.

Soon enough I was back in the inner village and could see the trader unloading a small number of goods to the old man's shop. Talking to the trader was James.

The trader was a fat old man with short white hair and a big beard. He was dressed in nice red clothing which made him look rich.

As I approached the trader, James saw me and called out, "quickly over here master Rin."

Hearing his voice I fastened my pace. Maybe I was a little late.

Arriving next to James he began to introduce me, "Mr Lotus, this is the man I spoke to you about earlier."

"Pleased to meet you," Mr Lotus greeted with an outstretched hand.

He wanted to shake my hand and so I did, "Good to meet you too Mr Lotus."

James stood back into the conversation, "as you know, you still owe me a favour. Please take Master Rin to Calistone. You should be on your way there after here right?"

Me Lotus took a moment to think about the favour before answering, "alight I can do that for you. Get ready Master Rin, we will be leaving any minute now."

I nodded in understanding before replying, "Understood sir. I'll be back before you leave."

I then headed back to the house. It was not very far since the village was rather small and people lived close together.

Once I arrived there I saw Janet and Azure standing out front of the house.

"I will be leaving now. I want to say thank you for your hospitality and kindness," I said, praising the two.

"It's quite alright Master Rin, it's the least we could in return for taking out the bandits."

Azure ran to me from her front door. Once she reached me she came closer to me. She then whispered in my ear, "come back soon to see me, ok?"

I looked at her pink face and simply responded with "I will" before bowing to both of them.

They looked at me a little funny, but in the end, returned the bow.

I thought about what Azure had said while I turned around and began walking back to the trader, "did she like me?"

She was a cute girl and all... But what about her? Could I really just forget about the girl I died for? I felt stupid for these feelings. "It's pathetic, I won't die for anyone ever again," I thought to myself.

My last life was shit. I wouldn't let it repeat itself.


"Let's get a move on now Master Rin," said the trader while patting me on the back. We both sat at the front of the carriage led by two large horses. The seat was wood and quite uncomfortable. Luckily this wouldn't be too long of a trip. If all things went right, I should arrive in town by the afternoon.